I've had it with ghostface

It's such BS.
The point of his marking is SUPPOSED TO BE that he stalks you. You don't know he's there.
So how is it you can run from him for 3 minutes, drop a pallet on him and while you're staring him in the face he marks you?
I have tried EVERYTHING to break the mark. Looking at him with his face center screen. A little up to the left, a little up to the right, down, side to side. HOW THE HELL DO YOU BREAK HIS MARK?
I have stared at ghostface for MINUTES and nothing happens.
And he marks you WAY too fast and WAY too easily.
9/10 times a ghostface marks me is when I drop a pallet and we look at eachother waiting to see if he's gonna break it or run around.
Takes him about 3 seconds to mark me. And HE SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO MARK YOU ONCE CHASE HAS BEGUN. That is a total violation of the purpose of marking.
Basically ghostface is a free one hit down every time just like leatherface.
It used to be the chainsaw could only go in the direction you swing it in.
Now, in one swing of the saw, he can chase you down a wall, around the corner, and back in the other direction and still down you.
I have not seen a leatherface use his sledgehammer in months. Every single hit is a one hit down.
No cool down. No wait.
And as long as he's within ten feet of you, he's automatically going to get you no matter what you do.
You SHOULD be able to duck a chainsaw swing. You can't outrun it and now that he can change directions mid swing (which is a total violation of the law of physics)
there is simply NO WAY to evade a chainsaw swing.
It's reminiscent of the trappers traps.
13 tries and I couldn't break free. When I stepped in the trap, the trapper was hooking someone. After that, he chased someone else, hit them, chased them more, hit them again, picked them up, carried them to a hook, hooked them, and walked all the way across the map to me and I STILL HADNT BROKEN FREE.
The traps should be an advantage, not a guaranteed hook. It tells him where you are AND injures you so you're a one hit down. THAT IS ENOUGH. Holding you there that long is absurd.
Even with add-ons, 5 tries should be the max it EVER takes to free yourself. 1-2 normally and 3-5 with add-ons.
I am a killer main and I'm DISGUSTED by how OP the killers are. I don't play survivor as much but when I do, I'm also disgusted by how dirty they play. Camping, tunneling, resorting to exploits.
It's shameful. As a killer main, there IS a code of ethics. It's basic sportsmanship.
And it's easy to remember.
What is the goal of the game?
If you answered winning, you're a dbag. The goal of the game is fun.
Dbd is 5 people working together to have fun. If you put your selfish need to win ahead of the prime directive, you suck all the fun out of the game and ruin everyone's game.
Stop being a dbag.
Play to maximize fun.
That way no one cares if they win or lose because they had fun.
That's why I get thank you notes from people I've killed. Because I give them a good time.
I don't have a wounded ego and a chip on my shoulder that makes me want to ruin other people's fun.
And I still get 4k.
I just do it while upholding the basic tenants of sportsmanship.
And since I USUALLY get about 100,000BP per match. I'm obviously doing something right.
You should try it sometime.
Just reveal him. It's very precise and fragile but I hear it's possible under a blue moon.
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Just rush gens
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Practice to counter all killers and get better. Try to play as Ghostface yourself and see if you think he's so great then, because he is not. Good killer but not great.
I felt the same about Spirit and then I started playing as Spirit. Now I understand how to play against her.
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I mean it kinda goes both ways.
The amount of times you get broken out when you're completely behind an object because of server ping is surprisingly high.
It's also quite frequent that you can't see enough of a survivor through holes in a building to stalk but it's enough for them to break you out.
For all the times I get stalked before breaking him out in the situations you describe I have just as many times I get revealed when it seemed like I shouldn't have.
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I doubt that you usually get 100,000 bp every game. It's literally impossible unless a survivor has party streamers.
How does changing the direction your moving while swinging a chainsaw defy the laws of physics.
You would blow my mind if you genuinely think this way.
Overall, 6/10.
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Ghostface is BS on both Sides. You sometimes cannot break him out or break him out without seeing him. Just wait for BHVR to fix him, he is basically not ready to release - despite released for a long time already...
But yeah, have to agree, it is bullshit to call it "Stalking" when he just walks behind you, completely visible.
Maybe they should change it that you reveal him by pointing at him.
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Sounds like the OP just has a hard time playing against this killer.
Does the OP know he can swivel his camera?
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Try opening your eyes. Look behind you. Use spine chill. The issue isn't Ghostface. The issue is you.
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This is one of the funniest b8 posts I've ever read, dude.
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Are you OK?
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That would be funny.
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It is bs, i think what makes it so unreliable to reveal him is add ons can alter the chemistry of it completely.
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Ghost Face is a odd boy. Sometimes I get broke out in seconds without even knowing why. Sometimes I see the Survivor is staring at me and I still get the charge up.
And then sometimes as Survivor (I test how dumb it is/like GF in general and don't mind getting owned by one)I run up to him with him in the middle of the screen and stare into his face. Then he pops it and OHKO's me.
I don't want it easy to break by any means, but it does seem like a random event than anything else.
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See, I remember on reddit all the “killer mains” at the time complaining that BHVR never listens to them and giving all these ideas for a buff and what they want.
BHVR listened and they listened well.
Then we ended up with Ghostface, a tie for Legion for the least fun killer in the game.
This is why the devs never normally listen to “mains”. You end up with things like this.
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learn how to break him out of stealth properly.
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He’s annoying for sure. I get irritated if I get too many matches against him in one sitting as playing against him is so boring. Mark, chase, hook, repeat. Yawn.
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Maybe I'm wrong, but even with party streamers and BBQ how do you get 100k bp? I'm not smelling what you're stepping in bud
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"That is a total violation of the purpose of marking."
"It's shameful. As a killer main, there IS a code of ethics. It's basic sportsmanship."
It sounds like you would like to speak to Ghostface's manager.
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OP be like
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Ghostface is anything but OP. The reveal mechanic is broken in general and I can only pryt dedicated servers will fix it. Also Hooked and Dying survivors can still break ghostface out of stealth for some reason the reveal mechanic is so bad to the point where it feels like I'm FORCED to only use the add ons that make revealing him harder when I want to start using the tons of other addons I have. Plus lots of ghostface's will use night shroud for mindgames since he can get rid of his terror Radius at will. Also Leatherface is easily counterable. Get him to run into a wall which will get him stuck in a tantrum for a few seconds which is more then enough time to break line of sight. Running straight forward is the dumbest thing you can do against Bubba and Billy. I've been playing LF for the last few weeks and I find myself using my sledge more them the chainsaw because the map design is so bad if survivors make it to a spot like a jungle gym it's near impossible to get a hit. These killers arent op. You just need to counter
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I agree with most things you said. Like the trappers stupid rng mechanic and ghostface's reveal bugs. But leatherface is not op and is far from it. It does suck when you get chainsawed by him but there are plenty of counters to prevent that from happening. Like looping efficiently forcing a normal hit or being stealthy and prevent being caught. play leatherface and you will know what i mean.
Edit: Also there is no way you get 100k blood points in every round especially as survivor.
Post edited by danielbird11 on0 -
Your entire post reveals how little of survivor you have played. The more you play the more counters you will find. You can’t play a few games and expect to have the knowledge to loop any killer for days. That’s not how it works, that’s not how anything works. My advice is to keep playing, practicing, and learning. Eventually you will realize you and your team have the power role against a killer as long as you are a decent player and play effectively. I mean decent by the slightest possible way. It doesn’t take too much skill unless you play against the stronger killers with smart players behind them and even then you don’t have to be a profession to vault some windows and loop a safe pallet.
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Last week, the killer I encountered the most, by far, was Ghost Face, to the point I was thinking how he got so popular. His power seems to be very unstable to deal with. I had times I revealed him easily and others where I just stared at him and the reveal sound didn't even begin. Same thing for when you are hiding. Sometimes just looking at him makes the reveal process start and of course the killer gets a notification and other times nothing happens when I'm crouching behind a rock, but looking at him.
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I agree with the OP regarding his reveal mechanic. It is so broken.
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As someone who has gotten to red rank as both survivor and most killers, I think this post is complete bs.
At the moment Ghostface is strong in the lower ranks, however in the higher ranks I usually see a ghostface get about 1-2 kills per game. One of the best ghostface add-ons make it so it's harder to put him out of his night shroud, but even then it's not to hard as long as he's centering screen and not 90% behind an object. Finally, a tactic I do on my ghost face is rather than chasing them once they revealed me, I'll stay behind them ik until Night shroud recovers and then expose them.
Next of all, bubba. Bubba (leatherface) is one of the few killers I havent got to red rank yet because he is fairly difficult to win with. Quite frankly you're the first person I've ever seen on this forum complain about this killer, especially considering he is one of the weakest killers in the game. People use his chainsaw same way people use Myers stalk instead of attacking sometimes. Because it's his power.
Finally, Trapper. Another killer who usually is a free escape for everyone unless the killer is very good. This killer has to take alot of consideration into placing his traps baced on his and survivor playstyle. I believe the current escape chance is 25%, so you got unlucky, and yet again, you're complaining about the core power of a killer.
Or I could've just said 2/10 bait wouldnt use again.
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Who dares to complain about my boi Trapper.
You have problems with 13 tries and not able to escape without add-on, I do have problem with Survivors with 1 try and escape with Green stone.
His power is too much RNG. I may tell without add-on Survivor should escape with a small RNG as 3 and 4 tries (9-12sec), with Green stone as 5-6 tries (15-18sec)
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Lol because hes 99% stalked you. One tap = 100% = exposed.
Quick maths!
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Okay I agree to an extent but lets get one thing clear Legion is not the "least fun killer" in the game a bit of practice with them and you will probably consistently crush survivors especially gen rushers they dont stand a chance if you learn how to use the frenzy ability PROPERLY keep that part in mind and there is a perk i cant for the life of me remember the name of so thats my bad but i digress the perks abillity grants you an outline of any gen with more than one survivor working on it , for 10 secs before the outline disappears that perk can allow a legion to not only crush a team of g rushers but do it in a manner thats still fun as having a killer that isnt completely halted by pallets for a******s
to t bag you over 24/7 really messes them up and the delicious salt flows instantly oh the sweet vengeance on those kinds of survivors makes him so damn fun but yeah after saying all that i wanted too i cincerely hope you or at least someone in the community actually gives legion a chance you wont regret it honestly
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That's what it feels like to us killers with survivors just saying lol
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Lol just use spinechill and expose him while hes in his shroud before he can stalk you periodt
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The most I've ever gotten was like 80k with a bunch of bloody party streamers
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I meant Legion is the least fun killer to play against. Survivors hold M1 to do gens all game, with Legion its just hold M1 to heal on top.
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Man, lets kill every strong killer so survivors have it easy
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Would much rather go against a Legion than a clown, Spirit or a Huntress or Myers in this current patch (because getting hit by Huntress' throwable pick-up trucks and getting stalked through walls by Myers is a lot worse than playing against a basic killer who's power is literally incapable of downing me)
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This is bait
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Honestly the best way to play Ghostface against SWF teams is to NOT stalk as stalking takes way too much time against survivors who know what they're doing. The Ghostface's you're playing are doing you a favor lol.
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On the flip side of that, I was using Up The Ante T3 plus Vigo's Jar of Salty Lips and failed 12 tries to get out of a trap. I was in tears laughing by the time Trapper got me and hung me up down in the basement. Not only should I have paid more attention at the killer shack (of all places) but holy cow, whatever kind of "luck" that was, I don't want it anymore!
As for Ghostface, I find his reveal to be dodgy. Sometimes I don't even realize he's on the screen and I start revealing the poor dude, or I start a reveal and spin the camera away and it finishes revealing anyway, or I get him right in my metaphorical crosshairs and no reveal happens. Most of the time, I feel bad for revealing him because I didn't mean to. Dude's just trying to get an expose & down -- just let the man do his work, Game.
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Just hide in a corner of the map and let the others do everything. Be immersed.
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I mean, it's consistent with Meyer's "Stalking" to be fair
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There are so many things to call you either bad or dumb about.....but i think the biggest thing is 100,000 bps a game? LOL
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And that people are actually responding to it seriously? Absolutely wild.
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I responded because it gave me a laugh.
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No u absolutely should not b able to duck Leatherface's chainsaw that is just crazy, his chainsaw is very situational if anything he needs a buff because leatherface is not good. I do agree with u partially about ghostface except it's like that 4 both sides.
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You can get 96,000 with a survivor pudding, the BBQ perk, and a perfect game. And that's usually enough points to be chaining puddings together.
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So what your saying is you don't like moving your camera to reveal a ghostface put of his stealth ability? Neat.
It isn't that hard, after a few reveals you get the hang of it. And this is coming from someone who isn't a full on survivor main.
But fine. Think what you will, would you prefer the first iteration of ghostface from the PTB? Litteraly making his power useless. Is that fun for you?
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Theres no need for hyperbole.
Pretty much everyone has commented on how broken the Ghostface reveal is. Even killer mains, even some people that play GF can admit it. It comes up everytime someone mentions Ghostface. There tons of video evidence out there.
Theres no point trying to downplay it just because you’re afraid a killer may be made weaker by being fixed and working correctly.
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You have a point with that statement you've just made.
And I agree. There's no need for hyperbole to make it seem like ghostfaces reveal mechanic never works at all, furthermore what if the ghostface runs either the drivers licence or the victims detailed routine? There is a set distance you have to be in to reveal the teababby boi.
Theres also no need to suggest that this one killers wonky mechanic makes up for :
Most killers feeling helpless
Killers onyl being able to apply pressure only if a survivor makes a mistake
Surivors dictating how fast the game goes
The constant sound bugs
The ability for one survivor to run around a killer for the whole game. In a 4v1 asymmetrical game.
The list goes on.
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None of that is true aside from sound bugs.
Also the last one I guess but if one survivor runs you around the whole game then you obviously need to improve. I dont want to turn this into “git gud” but if any survivor runs you around anywhere close to that you should be watching some pros play and seeing what they do. It helped me a lot when I first started.
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None of those are true are they? Let's just apply logic to that.
Most killers feeling helpless - this in part is due to how much of an effect a survivor can have on their power. For set up killers it's disarming their traps, for legion it's simply just running in a straight line, for oni it's playing stealthily, for wraith/ghostface/pig it's survivors using their eyes, Freddy it's survivors waking up. For huntress it's using loops that you know she won't be able to throw hatchets at. Like the coal tower. For the shape it's stealth yet again as is the case with nurse.
Killers onyl being able to apply pressure only if a survivor makes a mistake - if a killer spawns at one end of the map and survivors spawn at the other end next to a generator. What can that killer do exept hope that a skill check is missed? Or hope that the survivor isn't a strong looper.
Surivors dictating how fast the game goes - its able to have all the generators done and be out the gates in 3 mintures flat. Whole one is being chased 3 others can get 3 gens done
The constant sound bugs
The ability for one survivor to run around a killer for the whole game. In a 4v1 asymmetrical game - let's see here.... Exhaustion perks to create distance, the abundance of strong loops spawning close to each other, the existance of God Windows - the fact that if the killer stops chasing They have to waste more time trying to find another survivor which if the other 3 are on gens isnt something they have the ability to do
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Ghostface is balanced. Yiu clowns can break him out. I do it all the time.
The range was even nerfed too.