Potentially the patch that will make the game oof

Well expect a decrease in killer players as well enjoy the long queue times survivors, even if the devs disable matchmaking (A rank 20 killer going against 4 man swf red ranks) It'll only encourage new players to not play the game in the first place. When we all thought that this game was "actually" going to get better. DBD has committed oof.
Yeah it’s brutal. The whole atmosphere of game is not great. Toxicity on both sides and it’s just not fun. I’m thinking of taking a break.
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I’m on Xbox so maybe it’s different on other system, but I’m actually finding matches much, much quicker today. I’m rank 2, teammate is 4 and we’re getting only red killers. So far it’s been the same level of fun so I’m not understanding all the hate. I guess we’ll see how the next couple of days go.
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must say, even if I have been a lot critic about the bew ruin, that yes, match making is going better on ps4 tonight.
dont know about pc but here all good so far, even toxicity is not as high as I expected.
rework on doc and map is awesome, just two games are not enough to judge the doctor but he seems stronger, playing against.
Still keep my opinion on ruin,tho...it's so weak you can't even notice,not even need to waste time looking for the totem. Basically a wasted slot, a totally ridicolous perk
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Getting a little more tunneling than normal but yeah hasn’t been too bad. Still feel like I’m escaping and dying the same amount.
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For the first time I've had to wait 7 minutes for a survivor game today, never before have I had to wait that long meanwhile I got an 11 second queue for killer.
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7 minutes is really nothing these days, last days i had a record of 29 minutes, and never less than 12...today it seems a bit better
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As a rank 9 survivor I'm being matched with red ranks survivors most matches always vs killers between rank 12-20. I feel sorry for new/low rank killers.
The only positive for the killers are that a lot of red rank survivors are really bad.
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I guess it depends on platform and region but 7 minutes is the longest I've had to wait for a match. Every survivor I've been against have complained about long queue times and I've asked them all a simple question "Have they increased since this patch" and all of them apart from 1 said yes.
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I've been telling every new killer player to just quit now, the problems they're having will literally only get worse
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I mean let people have fun if they’re having fun and just you quit?
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Haha and as a survivor I do not like it. It is a challenge for us, but still fun.
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They're NOT having fun and ask if it ever gets better; it doesn't
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Thats why I always say, a unranked mode would solve soo many problems.
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I went up against some poor Doctor today who only got one down (me, because rather than running during a chase I wanted to throw down a pallet and then lift it back up... hey, I was amused), and then I was rescued by another survivor blinding him with firecrackers.
I felt so bad that he never even hooked anyone, I gave myself up after the exits were opened and let him kill me. I just couldn't imagine he'd had a fun match.
That was my one and only survivor game, because survivor queues are long and killer queues are instant.
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Ooof today's games. Slug and camp fiesta. Super fun as a survivor...
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I just got b***hed at by a four man because I mad their match 'boring.' Was on Rotten Fields as Trapper. Two gens popped in under two minutes, hadn't even been able to place four traps, as they were so spread out. Managed three hooks, one kill only because they weren't saved till second stage. Apparently I didn't chase them enough to make their streamers worth it. Wish I could, I simply did not have enough time to do anything else.
It's been like this for the last week, since I removed Ruin from all my killers. I just don't have enough time to give everybody some love, sadly.
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second day after the patch and today I'm finding lots of camping and tunneling...bad bad atmosphere here, I really think devs should do something quick for the good of the game!
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And with new tome coming out that has overwhelming amount of survivor only challenges compared to killers not gonna improve the situation.