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ignorance is power

foxreinherz Member Posts: 5


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  • foxreinherz
    foxreinherz Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020


    Post edited by foxreinherz on
  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Noed is a perk to take out solo players because they can't track the number of totems cleansed. It's easy for SWF players to deal with. That's the part I don't like.

    With Ruin nerfed, survivors will not be going out of their way to look for totems so that will boost Noed's effectiveness.

  • foxreinherz
    foxreinherz Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020


    Post edited by foxreinherz on
  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Taking an extra 70 seconds to do side objectives is worth taking out a killer perk. Do all the totems if you see too much noed.

  • foxreinherz
    foxreinherz Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020


    Post edited by foxreinherz on
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    We just need a totem counter so that solo survivors aren't hurt by the perk more than swf survivors. But with Ruin nerfed now, it would be foolish of the devs to nerf the next strong killer perk as well. First get more killers to be viable, by buffing them and/or reworking maps, and then sometime during that they may be able to look at NOED as well.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Game can literally be over in sub 4 minutes (without toolboxes0 so long as survivors aren't afraid of generators, what do you mean you don't have enough time to cleanse totems? You have all the time in the world.

  • foxreinherz
    foxreinherz Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020


    Post edited by foxreinherz on
  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    If we be talking about optimum events for one side, I'll gladly remind you that it would take even less time to down 4 survivors, but in an actual game, that doesn't work this way.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Are talking about slugging 4 survs, cause that would take longer and there's direct counters to it both in the form of perks and just in picking people up. If we're talking about 3 hooking all 4 survivors, there's no way to accomplish that in sub 4 minutes, even doing the equivalent of 2 kills (6 hooks) would take longer with 30s chases, which is the chase timer killers should be aiming for.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited January 2020

    Yeah yeah, Ruin nerf patch is not relased more then 1 hour and we have here crying baby whining for another killer nerfs. How typical. What about remove all perks for killers? Or remove M1 attack? What about take away all powers? Will this satisfy you? If you want comfortable games without challenge, go play The Sims or whatever....

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    Yes let's nerf killers even more. Let's just remove perks for killers at this point, what's the point of even having them if the Devs are just gonna nerf them because of the entitled attitude of survivors? If the Devs see this request of a 'rework' there's an 80% chance they'll take it seriously and put it into effect. Can people stop demanding killer nerfs ffs?

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    Ofc they cannot, survivors are bunch of crying kids that want game as easy as possible, without stress, annoying killers and frustrating perks....

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    A totem counter will be probably be all that's needed and it would affect only solos, as swf don't need it.

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103
    edited January 2020

    Just slugging, as doing gens is also only one part ( eventhough it's the biggest one ) of survivors' objective. 3 hooking everyone is just one painful ( for the killer ) way to do things, you clearly have other options. And as there are perks to counter slugging, there are perks to counter genrush.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Well not really there aren't. There used to be, Ruin, but that's gone now so rip.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Do bones

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    Mh. Corrupt Intervention, PGTW for the best ones, but you still have Thanatophobia and Dying Light.

    Also Unbreakable is a one time use, so while it's a counter if you get slugged one time, once it's used, it's basically nonexistent.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Corrupt: Doesn't actually slow anything, just restricts the play area.

    PGTW: Reliant on getting a hook, reliant on getting to a gen before it finishes. It's the best slowdown perk but does nothing sometimes, and is only against one gen when 3+ could be active on the map.

    Thana: meme, requires all 4 to be injured to even be felt.

    DL: Before 4 stacks is really ineffective and by the time you have that, most gens are gonna be done.

    If gens weren't done in 4 minutes you might have a point, but right now the game just has the inherent flaw on being over way too fast.

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103
    edited January 2020

    Corrupt : Restricting the playfield is actually underrated, it kind of fixes the issues about maps being too big for killers that doesn't have mobility and usually automatically pre-setup a 3gen situation.

    PGTW : If you're unable to get a hook and make use of the perk in a 60 second window, I'm sorry man but that's on you. I remember a game as survivor where I got my gen popped 5 times in a row before I simply left the game ( Shame on me but I couldn't handle seeing my team do nothing productive at red ranks and litteraly let the killer do that )

    Thana : I kinda share your opinion on this one, as a single perk, it's kinda meh. But it has a lot of synergy with other perks and also slow down every actions wich isn't that bad.

    DL : Kinda like new Ruin, to make proper use of it, you need to juggle your survivors effectively.

    I do agree that gens are messed up in the end, they really need some tweaks about the time it takes for survivors to complete them, and for base regression rate, small tweaks from here and there would make it feel more balanced on the long run.

    But if you know how and when to snowball as a killer, choose your hooks more carefully, they are still long enough for you to get a 4K nonetheless, so doing bones in the meantime isn't as easy as you might think it is.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    I have to admit I sometimes use NOED on Leatherface, with my reasoning is that he's one of the weakest killers in the game and I rarely use addons (I'm a hoarder). However, I do believe NOED needs to be nerfed.

    How I think NOED could be nerfed is either that you can only use one insta down, after you downed your first survivor the other remaining survivors are no longer exposed but you keep your speed boost.


    NOED could become a token perk, where you gain tokens from how many hooks you have made throughout the game. The amount of tokens you have is how often you can insta down survivors.

    It might just be me but I find winning the game due to NOED isn't satisfying. It's different if I use NOED to down the remaining survivor after I closed the hatch.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Thats the risk.

    Either waste time cleansing or get rekt by NOED

    Well its a garbage perk anyway, Devour is 10x better

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    ######### are you talking about.

    Corrupt doesnt buy you time, only space, can easily backfire.

    PGTW is strong but nothing OP, doesnt work early game, works only on 1 gen at a time.

    Dying Light is garbage, doesnt work early or even mid game.

    Thanatofobia doesnt do ######### compared to Ruin, doesnt work early game, needs certain killer powers/perks to make it even usable

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    Okay bud. Breath in ... Now breath out.

    I've already been explaining what I meant with those perks, and my true inside thinking about the generators. My original post was already me being sarcastic, because a 4' match doesn't really happen in real life while on paper it looks possible.

    As for Corrupt, I've been using it for the past 6 month, it only "backfired" maybe 7 or 8 times on more than 300 killer games, ######### spawns happen but they look rather uncommon to say the least from my personal experience.

  • Alaskandaredevil
    Alaskandaredevil Member Posts: 6

    I agree that no-ed could use some rework. Could have it to where if you hook a survivor twice there exposed on death hook. But then again you have killers who camp the hook and ruin the game then. Honestly it would make sense to have it as an offering but rare. That way the killer can win still with no-ed since it's no longer a totem and takes effect when gens are done. Make it fair though by making it rare and hard to get so survivors aren't seeing it every match.

  • kandalph
    kandalph Member Posts: 45

    People talking about "countering totems" ever heard of detectives hunch for example, or maybe memorizing the totem spawn spots?

  • Evra
    Evra Member Posts: 12

    If NoEd gets removed, Adrenaline needs to get removed as well. They both have the same activation condition. The differences being: NoEd can be permanently cleansed. NoED can be cleansed before it ever activates, making it a useless perk slot. Adrenaline activates under the same conditions as NoED, but still activates even if already exhausted. Heals survivors a full health state, wakes them up if asleep, boosts speed greatly. Cannot be cleansed by destroying a totem.

    If you see the killer has NoED, go break the totem. If you suspect the killer is running NoED, break all the totems on the map. He loses a perk for the rest of the game.

    With all the second chance perks survivors have, I don't understand why you are complaining about NoED. Adrenaline, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, the list goes on.

  • Macmillan
    Macmillan Member Posts: 100

    NOED = punição para GEN RUSH, parem de chorar baby survivors

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Don't forget it's also a deliverence without the need to unhook someone, and that doesn't leave you broken.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Run detectives hunch, boom solo counter, you can easily find all dull totems and hex totems. Only exception is if you are being chased when it goes off.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Doesn't help too much with keeping track of how many totems there still are though, and you shouldn't have to use a perk to get information swf survivors get without a perk. The main problem of the balance gap between solo and swf survivors.

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    First of all, noone talked about removing NOED and BHVR won't even consider this as a possibility.

    Then, you only see the things that goes around your vision of the perks. While Adrenaline just helps you insure a win, it doesn't in any shape or form help you snowball the game nor does it help you working toward you primary objective other than escaping alive.

    On the other end, NOED rewards you with an instadown and a neverending boost of speed, unless/until the totem get cleansed. It renders you at a speed that completely denies the most common loops.

    While they activate at the same, that's the only similarity they share, NOED counters Adrenaline, it also makes you stronger when you are already about to lose the game, and can turn a game by itself. Adrenaline only allows you to play agressive toward the end of the game, or function as a trump card if you are currently in a chase.

    NOED is one of those inconstitent perks, with obvious weaknesses, but at the same time that can solocarry a game. That's the problem people have with this perk.

    Don't forget it's also a deliverence without the need to unhook someone, and that doesn't leave you broken.

    You w0t?

  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451

    You do have time cause if collapse is happening with multiple people alive then you already have a gate open or if one isn't, then collapse isn't active so you can look.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    It still helps, there are perks that are ment to help solo survivors, example being Kindered, detectives hunch, bond, empathy, etc. perks great for solo, not super useful in a group, and detectives hunch covers a very large area around you so you can usually find the totems, plus if you have a map, the totems get added to the map.

  • Evra
    Evra Member Posts: 12

    Changing NoED so it doesn't do what it currently does is essentially removing the perk. There would still be a perk called "NoED" but it wouldn't do the same thing. We're talking about the same thing here. Semantics.

    Secondly, if you don't believe Adrenaline can help you snowball, you must not be playing the same game I am. It's a free escape from the killer in 90% of situations. If you're slugged, you get up and run faster. If you're unhooked, you're healed and you run faster. The perk cannot be cleansed. NoED can be cleansed extremely easily.

    If you feel you're having a hard time with NoED in a lot of your games, start making a point of destroying totems early game. Run an Inner Strength build. The perk is easily counterable.

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103
    edited January 2020

    I saw someone proposing that the amount of hooks you got troughout the game actually defines how many instadowns you would be able to pull off. That would be less of a noobyfriendly perk, I actually like this idea.

    And no, truly not. Snowballing as a survivor is essentially winning chases, buying time for your teammates to work towards their objectieves, or pressure zones where the killer isn't, eventough it can pick you up from the ground, that's not snowballing. The only really strong part about it is getting unhooked into healthy state, that's all.

    Don't try to convince me either, I know how weak the perk can be, but the risk and reward system of the perk is more rewarding than risky. You can win a game out of a gambling. I despise this perk even when I play killers that synergyze with it.

    Post edited by Sinner5Gonn4Sin on
  • Airchtit
    Airchtit Member Posts: 13
    edited January 2020

    You know that there's a totem counter already right? Nobody takes it but it's very awesome. I can't remember the name of it but it's icon is that a someone running over a trap.

    If you have issues with noed, just take it and remove all totems. It makes points and your mates will thank you for it.

    As a tip: Try to count the killer's perks. If you're missing one, expect it to be noed and do totems before the final gen.

  • Evra
    Evra Member Posts: 12

    That may be your definition of snowballing as survivor, but there are numerous other ways to snowball. For example, being in a guaranteed death state and escaping. If you have been hooked twice already and the killer slugs you to go after someone working on the last gen, and they pop it, you get up and get away from the killer. He just lost a hook and a sacrifice, you get healed and most likely get out now. And that's if just one survivor has Adrenaline. If more than one has Adrenaline, all of them get away from the killer.

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    That's why slugging is risky to begin with. That's a good way to apply map pressure and/or snowball but it can backfire, you can punish it as a survivor. If it had no counterplay whatsoever, Survivors would simply DC and couldn't blame them.

    From the other perspective that's basically being hindered, left with no other option than holding M1 to fullfil a bar for 30 seconds or move at a speed reduced by 82.5%.

    You have two perks ( not taking No Mither into account because it's to obvious to make use of it ) that can prevent that, you can also get picked back up by a teammate. If you decided to slug for whatever reason that's on you, you could have secured a kill but you decided no to.

    I can agree that for a M1 killer it's pretty painful to see everyone injured and once the last gen pops everyone is back to Healthy State, that's litteraly one of the worst feeling, but survivor meta offers even less viable perks than the killer one. I can't blame it on them, you have 8 perks that reign really far above the others, and two of them are Exhaustion perks that counteract each other.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262