I miss going against nurse

She is by far the funniest killer to go against. Chases are more dynamic and fun with her, always has been. You need to figure out her playstyle and blink ability - and then adjust your juking. Sadly, she is a very rare sight on PC nowadays. I hope they readjust her so that she feels better to play.
It was a nice change of pace having to use juking skills.
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I like the tense chases with her. You have to constantly thinking on your feet where to go, where to hide, how to juke, line of sight, pallet? Window? Jungle gym? The feeling getting chase by nurse is vastly different compared to other killer and I like it because of that.
I can't remember how long I last meet a nurse, but I do remember the last time I meet a nurse, I forget how to juke her anymore due to not playing against her for so long.
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Same, they're so rare.
Even at red ranks, they're still rare and most times we see one, they are just yellow/greens trying out new killers, which makes for a stomp match.
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I kinda miss it too. I haven't seen the red dress Nurse that haunts the Red Ranks on Xbox in a long time.
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Same but happy at the same time. I am sad that she is boring as ######### to play now. I am not having fun at all and I always replace my dailys for her, I would rather go play leatherface honestly.
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That’s because she got NERFED to the ground, not only did they change her bass kit, they also changed her add-ons. Now unless you are playing in PC, she is a mid tier killer at best even with add-ons and a good player.
they should increase her base speed, or give her back her base kit blinks and leave the add-ons as they are.
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I want to learn her, but i don't want to torture myself, especially with the current matchmaking that matches me (green rank) with red rank survivors
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Just LUL.
Crying for years to nerf her or get rid of good ol´Sally, survivor-streamers most times dc´ed and acted like lil crybaby´s, and now u r missing her....
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Remember when everyone was complaining about going against Nurse every single game?
How times change.
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Nice bait.
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Whenever I verse a nurse, I run for her like she's a goddamn unicorn. The chase is mine and mine only! :)
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Also, trying to imprint a pathing pattern only to break it at the last moment. Mixing up stealth plays and general juking is what I live for in the game. Nurse really brings out the best kind of gameplay IMO.
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Actually, I did a poll on this once and the responses indicate something else. Many ranked her as fun. The poll was not a big one, but it does not align with your statement. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/90013/which-killer-provides-most-and-least-fun-as-survivor/p1
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Nurse is plagued by not only a cool down and mostly garbage add-ons but with dead zones that have not been fixed on many maps.
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She'll be a little more frequent as her bug fixes roll out. She's a bug-ridden mess right now. No joke, you won't get through a single game without encountering a bug that costs you a hit or two at minimum. I turned into a one blink Nurse halfway through a game the other night.
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Where´s the bait? Explain me.
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Yeah I do too, but just because most of them were terrible.
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Sure can do! You talk about me (not to me) as if I'm a survivor main who has joined a crybaby-nerf-Sally-movement but who are now experiencing buyer's remorse --> bait.
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@edgarpoop I sure hope you are right on this one
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Yeah it used to be every few games, and 50/50 of "really good nurse", or "garbage nurse".
Now I rarely see them and theyre... mediocre? Decent killers, just nothing that nurse could do better than another killer.
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i didn't go against nurse much even before her rework as i play on console. but when there is a nurse, the game is usually fun unless she is a god nurse using the best add ons and the game is over with 5 gens left
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She's always been very rare on console, but I agree chases with her are different from any other killer and always fun.
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I used to play her a lot, she was challenging and different but not anymore after what they did. They literally made her the queen of turtles.
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Imo, I have gone against many good nurses. Nurse will always be the most fun to go against even if she is good. Her chase was always fun.
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@GHERBEARRULES Totally agree. A good nurse is even better.
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She needs either her base kit back (no c/d between blinks) or her base speed increased. She needed a nerf but the fact is she is now broken in the opposite direction and has the lowest kill rate of any killer (at least on switch).
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I wish I had a one blink game once. Whenever that bug occurs, I can't even blink the first time. The developers have no idea how painful it is to be 96% movement speed with no ability, otherwise they would get their ######### together and finally fix that bullshit.
The worst thing, survivors finally start to realise that bug, and abuse it to their full potential when they see it.
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She needs either her base kit back (no c/d between blinks) or her base speed increased. She needed a nerf but the fact is she is now broken in the opposite direction and has the lowest kill rate of any killer (at least on switch).
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Still dont get it, but if u feel, my message mentioned you, and wasnt a general statement, ok. Or is it u, Pug?
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I still play her a lot on PS4. Lery's is now hell for her literally but her add-ons is good in my opinion except a few that need tweaks.
The cooldown make her unfun and nerf her quite a lot of Red Forest / crotus prenn / coldwind farm.
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the only nurses left are people who where gods with her and are still good with her after he major nerf to her basekit, everyone else dropped off of her because of the nerf, for good reason
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I agree with you on some parts. People have stopped playing her (me included). I wasn’t strong with her but played her for shits and giggles. After the nerf she felt very clunky and frustrating to play so I stopped using her altogether. Anyways, I guess plenty of other people disregard her seeing as there are few nurses out there. I don’t miss her as killer, but as survivor I do.