Doctor's shock question - technical explanation needed (Devs?)

So basically, when I hit the survivor with the shock, JUST before they vault, half of the time they STILL can vault.
I once heard that the reason is apparently when they already pressed the button, the vault does override the shock. Is that correct?
Because if that is true, why is it, that the other half of the times the survivor is in the MIDDLE of the vaulting animation, the shock hits, and THEN they suddenly get pushed back, like vaulting in the same place as if there was a wall in front of them, and not getting the vault. Dedicated servers are enabled right? (PC, I play the killer, so every thing said below is from the view of the killer, which is not the server)
So when I (the killer) see the survivor vaulting, the server already acknowledged that, or not? Else I would NOT see it? Am I understanding that correctly? (This is the first question, please answer) And then suddenly, the shock hits and the already acknowledged vault FROM THE SERVER gets aborted/overridden? This ENTIRELY counters the first argument...
So how is it really? (second question) Please explain so I can correctly time the shock... Because as I said, half of the time the survivor vaults DO get interrupted.
The shock delay is 1 second, you need to time your shock just precisely in order to cut that annoying loop
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yea you just have to get the timing down to stop them from vaulting, if the shock could stop vaulting even after they started vaulting every time it would be broken.
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You basically said nothing what can help me whatsoever.. "precisely" ? What do you mean?? Half of the time, they get the vault although shocking just before it, and the other half they vault and get set back! How do I know what the timing is then??
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It does half of the time for me.. so what are you saying is the servers function incorrect?
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Doc has always had this far as I can tell the stopped vault instances just mean you hit them at the last possible moment
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That is exactly my question no one can answer....
What is the "last possible moment"?? As I explained above, sometimes it's way before the vault, and sometimes it's when they already nearly finished vaulting? Please explain
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Ok so..its also possible it's slightly buggy..but I would assume theres a grace period where doc cant prevent the vault during the sometimes when you hit just before the grace period they do that odd animation while normally they just cant vault
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Correct me if i'm wrong, you need to shock them before they press Space (or whatever the button is on console) to stop their action. If the survivor has already pressed the button to vault a window or drop/vault a pallet, even if you hit your shock 0.0000001s later, they'll still complete their action.
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Ok thanks so it IS possible to briefly interrupt the vaulting in this "grace period" DURING the vault, despite some other arguments in the community? I think it is clearer for me now.
But would also like a Mod or Dev to confirm something :)
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Ok so this statement then counters the one from @immortalls96 :(
I don't know what to believe anymore...
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I could be wrong but i'm pretty sure this is how it works, also remember that with our super reliable dedicated servers everything could go either way.
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Its just latency and dedicated servers screwing things up. You need to shock the survivors a bit ahead of the vault and hope the server goes your way, basicly.
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Would still be good if a dev could answer my more technical questions 😅
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Not during, just before it..but it mostly depends on the animation phase..then again to this day survivors can still sometimes vault entity blocked windows so take that as you will