I think I'm done playing dbd.

This actually hurts to say this, but I'm done. Completely.
I played this game relentlessly at one point because it helped me out of a dark spot in my life. It sounds dumb, I know, I'm sorry. I defended it when they did things, but after a few updates, posts, even their Behaviour it made hit my limit. This game went from being my all time favorite game that all my friends and I enjoyed, to.. something I can't even bare to play for five minutes. I'm sorry, but I can't deal with it any longer. I asked a question on their Q&A and it got deleted. That annoyed me. Someone made a post about a hacker, a moderator told him to not use this feed and closed the discussion. I get why. But that was just cruel. I highly doubt they did anything either. So, again. I think I'm done, I won't be surprised if this post gets deleted, closed, or moved.
Behaviour, I am going to miss the fun I had, but now it just... feels awful..
What was your deleted question?
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Honestly i can’t say i disagree with you.Ive reached a breaking point too.
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Same. For me I just hadn't been having fun. In fact DBD was just a substitute for F13. But the biggest issue was the amount of time I spent playing DBD. If you're playing a game for long periods of time and not having fun...that's not a positive thing.
Don't listen to the 'See you next week!' comedians.
Hope you find a new game or something else to fill the hole.
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I feel you man . I've been spending most of my time playing rainbow six siege again and a little bit of call of duty.
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I haven't played in over a month, don't miss DBD or the toxic community at all.
I don't have an urge to go back either. Tome grind burned me out along with killers getting nerfed constantly. Only regret is wasting money on cosmetics but I did at least have fun with the game.
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anything but this game.If nobody plays,maybe they’ll balance it.Who am i kidding,that won’t happen.
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Our only hope is the new Predator and Resident Evil asymmetrical games. It will be the first time BHVR has been challenged by a real studio of the AAA variety. Perhaps it will make them pull their heads out of their asses.
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No, you are not and why all know why.
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you know it won’t.
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Resident evil is making an asymmetrical game? Whats the name, I wanna look it up.
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it's called something resistance pretty sure you get it with resident evil 3
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Resident Evil: Resistance
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Try Friday the 13th, they just dropped a big patch that fixed a ton of bugs, there’s also last year. But I like Friday better
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The game is called Resistance, it's free and part of the new Resident Evil 3 remake.
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Same honestly, I uninstalled today. The Doctor change is actually pretty good, meanwhile I don't think we needed yet another dark map. The ruin change though, even though I did well today when I played, I just don't like the flow of the game anymore.
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Imagine Qutting because one Perk was changed. But talking about Crutch Perks on the Survivor Side.
Yeah, goodbye, but dont forget to change your names ingame, otherwise people might see that you did not quit at all.
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The game does seriously feel different. It's weird. I'm not a fan either.
Edit: Though I will say the new map looks beautiful even if the layout is ridiculous and stupid. I never saw anyone complain about its shape or size aside from exit gate placement but the kill rate remained crazy high despite that.
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Control is a great game.
Ill always play dbd casually. I just dobt care as much anymore.
The power role has little power
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Ranked means little. No ranked rewards. Not even a rank 1 trophy on consoles. Just silly
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(Spoiler: Ruin wasn't mentioned in the OP)
Oh, you mean you didn't read the OP? shocker
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The problem with your statement is the fact dbd is getting more and more money and players. How could that be a sign they're addressing the game's problems improperly?
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I don't actually think you know what berating or belittling people is. I merely pointed out a fact. Someone came in, judged the thread title, didn't actually read the thread, and made a completely unfounded comment.
Apparently telling someone they are wrong and why is "berating" and "belittling".
The dictionary must be mistaken. Damn you to hell, Merriam Webster!
15 -
The problem with your statement is it's only half true. The playerbase has been literally stagnant since about 5 months into it's life cycle. It's not gaining new players if people are also leaving. That's not "gaining" anything.
Two separate sources^^
You of all people should know better than to interject your single-line, baseless comments when replying to me. Show substance and base, cause I will shut that stuff down every single time.
Post edited by ReallyBigShoe on7 -
Honestly, I was mainly replying to the guy above me, but also indicating that OP might also stop because of the Ruin-Change. Should have tagged the guy above me tho.
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Fair enough.
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I just wanted say something quick, before I turn off notifications. It wasn't the Ruin change
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look into the Resident Evil : Resistance game... there's GTFO, and I'm still having a lot of fun with world war Z...
there are plenty of good games out there.
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I feel u
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You could maybe give Mario Kart 8 Deluxe a shot.
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Video games are supposed to be fun. If you don't enjoy a game, a community anymore, find a new game that brings you fun.
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Few people are still enjoying playing killer. I also stopped playing a couple of weeks ago because it's mostly a stressful experience that feels more like work than having a fun free time activity. (I've always been a survivor main, but I also played some killer on the side.)
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Have a good one! Just know there’s always a spot for you at the campfire.
It’s perfectly normal to be done with a game, move on if you need to.
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This is only on steam pal, you aren't counting consoles.
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I think what has put me on the line so far, was during this whole Hex:Ruin debacle. The community in general became immensely worse, and more toxic. During this time I put my trust in the Dev's to continue to have passion for the game, wanting to make it fun for both sides. At the same time I figured I would follow some of the streamers they've mentioned in threads during the recent changes. Yesterday I watched OhTofu for the first time, and he was in the midst of mocking the entire portion of the community that was against ruin changes. Then his point that Ruin isn't needed was running Hillbilly VS a team of potato's and stomping them. Then asked his viewers to pay 100 subs to play a Killer they've asked for. Like I've adapted to the ruin changes, and that's not the part I care about, but I do care about the poor ranking system not rewarding players for playing well. I care about how toxic the community is compared to how I thought when I watched streamers like Cahla and smaller streamers where the game was having fun. I also care about that in high ranks there are clear issues that are directly being ignored ruining the fun for the part of the community that are competitive.
The dev's giving so much support to a streamer that straight up openly mocks even a small group of the games community - for any reason, looks really bad for me, but this was my first encounter with the streamer, and I see other people talk highly of him, so I might give them all another chance in the future, but if that's the message the dev's are trying to convey. I'm on a thin line of leaving too.
Gonna check out this Resident Evil game though, loved that series for years.
Post edited by NullEXE on4 -
I hear you I'm holding out till April myself like others have said waiting to try RE3
The one game that's going to drag me way from DBD definitely is
Can't wait🤗
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Honestly It hurts me to say this but my patience too is fading even though I played this game since it first came out in 2017 for console.
I decided I will still come back and check on things but I wanted to make my own game, And have fun on my own terms.
I will always be around this game I don’t hate it just burned me out.
I’m tired of doing the same song and dance and being frustrated and angry all the time.
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ok drama queen
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Not everything has to be an argument or a rant. They were just saying they were quiting and why. That's it.
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Do what I do. Face camp with bubba and lol at all the toxic messages. I often get "I just reported you for camping." It's a great deal of fun.
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Im close 95% of not playing anymore. You say ruin wasnt the problem, so what is it? I played a few games n gens are just way to fast. I mean tunneling n slugging isnt so fun but it seems like thats going to be the way to win in low ranks. I played survivor and oh man gens are alot easier. But againg thats just my opinion.
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You needed labor of love award, but what were you doing.
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Usually I would be excited for new content and the pass. But not anymore.
Long lobby queues...bad matchmaking...attempting to complete silly challenges...in a game filled with toxicity and unbalanced play...for re-coloured cosmetics?
Nah. I'd rather have a beer and watch a horror film.
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Hi done playing dbd, I'm dad
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I imagine console stats are even lower, and dropping. I've never experienced queue times like this in the years I've played.
Also, the fact they saw barely a blip in new players with the Stranger Things release is a really bad omen for the game. A game like this can't survive with out new players, and there simply aren't enough masochists out there to get past the terrible first games they're going to have to get that dopamine rush.
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perhaps just git gu- i mean do whatever you want ;)
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Consoles? Where there's even less people and even longer queue times?
I used Steam as an example because it's the only semi-consistent one, and DBD's main platform..
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Reminds me of ZombiU's multiplayer mode.