How would you feel about this Distorsion rework

Artick Member Posts: 623
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'll start with the changes and then explain the reasoning behind them:

1.Distorsion is disabled when entering the trial. Survivors have to press a button to activate the perk. After it is activated it works as it does right now. To be clear: this is not like "decide which aura readings to block", but it's "from now one block 3 aura readings".

2.Distorsion gets a new passive: every time your aura is revealed to the killer, the perk icon lights up regardless of the activation state of the perk/the number of tokens.

But why?

1.Distorsion has a very small amount of tokens and there are too many killer perks that reveal auras. BBQ is enough to burn thru distorsion tokens in a hearbeat. One possible solution could be to add a way to regain tokens, but I opted for something more skillful: people get to decide when distorsion is activated.

With this change, I could save my 3 tokens for the late game when an aura read is much more critical than early game. For example I could activate distorsion when the game reaches a 2v1 stage to shield myself from bbq and nurses so I can heal and move around the map without having the killer rush towards my location right after hooking the other survivor.

2.Even with the first change distorsion would work a small amount of time. The change brings distorsion in line with perks like spine chill. Spine chill tells you when the killer is looking into your direction and distorsion tells you if the killer is currently seeing your aura. Spine chill has a second effect(increases action speed) and so does distorsion(the 3 blocked aura readings).

Moreover, there's no risk of a crazy synergy between the 2 and it gives people a choice between spine chill and distorsion based on their skill level and which information they value more.

@Peanits, @Almo any thoughts, please?

Post edited by Artick on


  • SquidFacedMan
    SquidFacedMan Member Posts: 148

    I regularly run Distortion when I'm playing with my friends. It does burn out quickly but it usually guarantees that I can get a bit of early game breathing room.

    It'd be interesting if you could earn tokens back from doing something. I'm not convinced about player activation personally. I like the perk the way it is.

  • SquidFacedMan
    SquidFacedMan Member Posts: 148

    Personally what I'd like to see from Distortion is that it is able to cover the person you are healing from Nurses, not just shielding yourself.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited January 2020

    But if it is activable then you get to decide when it starts working. In your case, you would turn it on immediately and it would work the same way as it works now. Other people could save it for late-game. The change just gives people a choice.