Please, let’s make changes before this game goes downhill

What you are about to read are problems with Dead By Daylight and how to fix them or just what is is wrong with the game. The following topics will be mentioned in the following order:

  • Long Queue times 
  • Ruin
  • New(Hex:Ruin)
  • Gen Speed
  • Moris 
  • Keys 
  • Pallets and Vaults 
  • Survive with Friends (SWF)
  • Ranks and Rewards
  • The Nurse,The Ghost Face and The Nightmare
  • Hitboxes 
  • Chapters and Events 
  • Optimization
  • The Community
  • Question

Please fully read throughout them before leaving negative comments, if I have left any other issue/topic with the game please feel free to let me know down below.

Enjoy :)

Long Queue times: How to fix you might ask? Make the game cross platform. I would say fix matchmaking too but it has been good on Xbox ever since the recent update. However, I have heard ps4 and Nintendo Switch players having issues, so please take another look at matchmaking. Not sure how PC peeps are doing.

Ruin: The Ruin change has been by far the most controversial topic throughout the DBD community and honestly it needed a change but this change was not it. The following is a ruin change/balance. Since the devs want killers to “earn” their perks so here is one for you. I want everyone to know that the Game requires someone to play the role of killer, No Ruin=No Killer, No Killer=No Games,No Games=Longer Queues,so here is my Ruin change.

(New)Hex: Ruin- A Hex that affects survivors that have been hooked at least once by the killer up to a maximum of 2/3/4 survivors

affects survivors skills at repairing Generators 

Any survivor that has been hooked once is affected by ruin, which causes the following:

  • Good Skill checks result in a 5% Regression penalty on the Generator  
  • Great Skill Checks grant 0% Bonus Progression on the Generator

As long as the Hex Totem is still standing Any Generator that is not being worked on, it regresses at 2 times the normal regression rate 

No hooked survivors needed for this benefit

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing 

“A curse is upon you. It will cause your ruin.”

Gen Speed: Maps are too big for the Majority of killers. This affects the following killers: The Shape, The Pig, The Trapper, The Doctor, The Cannibal, The Ghostface, The Huntress, The Clown, and The Plague. 9 killers that have to walk the normal killer speed or less to get around the map to check on gens, 9 KILLERS! The other killers have at least someway of getting around faster (Wraith is a weird one).

Toolboxes can make a gen pop very fast without the old ruin (There is absolutely no way to counter this, Franklins Demise but not really) Also Killers lack in variety of perks or do not have very useful ones, The Demogorgon’ perks have so much potential and Trilling Tremors too but are just not good enough these should definitely have another look at.


Moris: Ebony Mori: I have heard probably the best idea for this change, I don’t remember where so (Shoutout/Credit for the person who came up with this idea) The killer is able to mori survivors after each survivor has been hooked once. As for the other Moris, leave Cypress mori as is (for 1v1 on KYF and last survivor) and Ivory Mori, maybe leave as is or if you have a suggestion feel free to leave down below.

Keys: I saw someone mention to make a purple key to allow one survivor escape from hatch as for Pink Key: I’m not sure .-. (leave suggestion if you have one) Green key could use a buff or just take them out of the chests that spawn in game, they are absolutely useless in game. I do think the hatch should only spawn if all gens are done or one survivor is left.

Pallets and Vaults: This goes with maps. Maps can bless a survivor and mess up a Killer or mess up a survivor and bless the killer. Maps have a weird pallet RNG, sometimes they spawn really close to each other with a massive amount of pallets or they spawn with literally no pallets at all (feels like 5 pallets at times). The Game and Blood Lodge are probably the maps that I’ve seen suffer this the most. I taught they fixed this but apparently they didn’t, so please Devs, take another look at this. I’ve seen the community ask for a haddonfield rework but I haven’t had a problem with the map or heard about it anymore, balanced landing was probably the problem but who knows, and please be straight up with us, is it possible to rework Haddonfield? I’ve seen people mention things that you guys can’t because of licensing and whatnot but do tell us. Badham Preschool and Grim Pantry have very strong vaults. I have made the killer waste so much time on me on some of these pretty strong vaults, this needs to be changed. Vaults, should they be removed from the game? No. Should they waste the killers time? Yes. Should the same one be used repeatedly? No. To fix this, FIX MAPS! 

Survive with friends(SWF): The Killer has a massive disadvantage. Not only that what if I told you it was a survivor problem too. A few times have I seen a 3 SWF team leave me to die on the hook, teabag me while I’m on hook, team up with killer, farm me while I’m on hook, body block me and drop pallets when the Killer is right behind me. How frustrating right? It is also something the killer can’t do anything about, killers like The Hag, The Trapper and The Ghost face really struggle since their power can easily be unusable since they can disable it very easily with communication. I would suggest to make this a different game mode for extra bloodpoints, and make survivors only able to use 3 perks or something like that. SWF shouldn’t be part of a ranking match. Ranking should be how far one gets alone.

Ranks and Rewards: Make a players rank X the number of bloodpoints. 


Rank 20-17(X1 Bloodpoints) 

Rank 16-13(X1.5 Bloodpoints)

Rank 12-9(X2 Bloodpoints)

Rank 8-5(X2.5 Bloodpoints) 

Rank 4-1(X3 Bloodpoints) 

This will finally make your rank worth being at.

As for Devotion, I’m not too sure but I would suggest add-ons and Offerings for killers and for Survivors, Items, add-ons and offerings (I’m not too sure how that would work). When reaching Devotion 100 you should get something like 2,500 shards to buy a perk in the shrine/ save up for an outfit since it is a massive grind for an outfit or obtain a previous event item that the devs did not want to release, this way the player will be able to unlock it with play time. I want players to rank up in devotion and rank and be rewarded for it, NOT RANK UP FOR LITERALLY NOTHING. The Devotion system is literally pointless.

The Nurse, The Ghost Face and The Nightmare:

The Nurse-Let’s be real, the nurse’s base kit was an unnecessary nerf. Her add ons were the only thing that needed a change, her base kit did not. This really impacted her in a terrible way and now below The spirit and The Hillbilly I can’t speak much since I play on console, PC peeps are pretty common to use her so, PC players should nurse get her previous base kit back? 

The Ghost face-When using shroud, survivors would be straight up looking at me or even next to me, does not kick me out of my power. When I am looking directly at ghostface when he is in shroud, I kid you not, it would not kick him out (and no he did not have any add ons that made it difficult to kick him out). 

The Nightmare- His dream snares are  spam able during chases, literally takes no skill to get a down. Do you know how many times I have gotten easy downs because of this, this would explain the high kill rate Freddy has. The Hag and Trapper have to be smart about their traps and conserve them, Freddy’s dream snares do not.

Hitboxes: How could I forget hitboxes, I know the devs have mentioned that hitboxes would be looked at but we haven’t heard anything ever since. I’m not sure if every killer has the same lunge because it really doesn’t fit them with their weapon at times. How does Freddy’s glove have the same lunge as Michael’s big knife. Freddy’s Lunge, do we even have to talk about it and don’t get me started on The Huntresses Hatchets, every time I play her I hit a survivor close to them but not touching them and hits them! Then there is times where it doesn’t hit but should’ve. From what I have heard and seen dedicated servers aren’t helping. So devs update us on those hitboxes please.

Chapters/Events/Rift: Devs, you don’t have to keep releasing chapters every 3 months. I know you guys love chapters and we do too. Events need to come back so why not give us an event 3 months after a chapter with bugs fixes and the rift (so like a pattern Chapter,Event/Rift,Chapter,Event/Rift) I am not one to speak for everyone so I would like to hear the community’s opinions on this. I really do feel like releasing chapters every 3 months can be hard work but please focus on the games health too. The game can become very stale at times and we could use something different. Can you guys just be straight up with us and tells us an update if new game modes will be coming up, we would really appreciate it :). The reason we love events it because it is the closest we got to a different game mode (and the cool cosmetics).

Optimization: This will go back to cross platform because we need killer to run at 60fps. Playing Killer will drop down to 30 fps or even unplayable. We would really appreciate an update as we were told it would be done by the end of 2018 early 2019. Little did you know it’s 2020 so please give us an update. We sometimes feel like the devs don’t really care about console peeps. 

The Community: Spred some love guys. I know it can be very irritating to see someone being toxic or even getting pm’s but we as a community should treat each other fairly and should respect one another. Ignore the ignorant, the more attention you give them the more ignorant they will be. Those,” GG EZ” messages are full of ######### and if you are one of those players, keep it to yourself, don’t go and ruin someone’s day and if you don’t got nothing nice to say, don’t say it, kindly keep it to yourself :). Every time I hear someone talk about this game they start by saying, “Oh that game, is full of a ToXiC players.”  Yeah it can have toxic players just like any other game but I know that the majority are chill players, I have met some really amazing players and I am truly grateful for meeting you :) 

I want to end this with a fun question: 

Who is your favorite Killer to go against and why? 

My Answer: Michael Myers, he is honestly the reason I got the game. I have always dreamt of playing the shape and against him, this is the closest I have gotten to and he is so scary to play against. The Demogorgon is a close second.


  • shanks3042
    shanks3042 Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2020

    I think you forgot fix game crashes and other bugs.