Ruin change is finally moving the trash killers into the ranks they should be

I don't like the ruin change, it's a blatant nerf to the hex that will render it mostly useless like all other hexes beyond the insta down hexes. Thankfully, I am not a trash killer and don't use it anyway.
However, it's been great hearing about the killers dropping ranks because they can't keep up with the pace of the game at red ranks. It's about time they dropped into the ranks they deserve to play in.
Hopefully now, when I load into a trial as survivor, I get a killer that can actually play, rather than lazily rely on a totem to do all the hard work for them.
Also, I am going to love it as killer, as I will be completely unaffected by the change, like I was with every other change to nurf killers, why? Because killers are overpowered. The only chance survivors have, is with 4man swf, and even then, they get squished most the time. If you're not capable of that as killer, then enjoy the purple/green ranks or even playing some other game 👍
no its not. ranking is so easy its insane. its not a measure of skill.. its a measure of how much youve played that month. i vs rank 1's that play like rank 10's.
i can tell you havent got a lot of time in dbd, huh
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Now we just need something that's going to do the samw with "trash" survivors.
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Meanwhile I get to rank 1 as survivor, even when I get downed 20 seconds into my chases. Yeah, I am definetely a pro-survivor now. I am the kind of potato that misses the DS skillcheck too. Yet, the game thinks I am a god.
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Lol it doesn’t really matter when a group of red ranks will still get matched up with a green rank killer. Ive been constantly getting rank 10-12 killers in my matches even after the update.
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Man, the one-sided survivor main comments in this thread. Delicious, lol
Yes, cause it's totally possible for a killer without mobility to apply gen pressure on a map like Mother's Dwelling, where 2 gens can get done before you walk, in a straight line, to the other side of the map at the beginning of a game.
JuSt ApPlY gEn PrEsSuRe
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Then why do they still go against red rank 1s at rank 15? How on earth is that fair?
We have killers losing like 20 games in a row, as in 1 or 0 kills, meanwhile they can swap over to survivor with literally no survivor experience and survive at least 1 in every 5 games or more.
The entitlement has gotten so out of hand, I don't see this game staying afloat much longer if it keeps going down this path.
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Show us some of your compelling gameplay, good sir.
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You only see part of picture.
If worse killers are deranking hard this mean super bad survivors are ranking up (those who didn't understand game basics). This means medium killers reaching red ranks very easly. In 1 week we go back to place when r1-3 means literally nothing.
So many people believe making anything survivors have to do beeing based on actual skill is bad. Sad. Flashlight/pallet save patch beeing second best example of this.
Ruin was crap perk (but at least it made difference between bad survivor and decent survivor) but now it is almost useless (from killers pov). It only helps killers with good pressure and map control, those who already don't need help. Slow killers were the ones needing ruin and it is useless for them now.
@LordCyphre You kinda have medium vaults doing this.
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You can't completely disregard matches that ARE impossible to win. They exist and there's plenty of proof. Even the God Killers that people love to mention like Otz, Tru3, or whoever, have stated this. Anyways, survivor ranks mean nothing and everyone is well aware of the number of bad survivors in the game. So is killing bad survivors even worth anything? A 4 man SWF is the only way you can stand a chance and they get squished most of time? LOL Nice bait.
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I'm not going to be like others to say you're wrong and whatnot but I generally do want to have a discussion with you.
First of all, not using ruin has actually opened my eyes and made me realize I don't need it to win. Although keep in mind that I've only played Doctor, Freddy and Plague without it so I cannot comment on how I will win with killers like Clown. Now there is a downside to that being I need to slug and sometimes tunnel depending on the current state of the game. I personally don't like slugging but I find it as one of the ways to pressure survivors and give me the upper hand.
So regarding your point, no it is not impossible for killers to apply pressure but it's too difficult for killers with no mobility. I've said this a few times but Hag in my opinion is one of the only killers who can be in multiple places at once and can actively pressure 4 survivors if they have a good web setup. Dropping the chase sometimes works but you can't always use that argument to apply pressure because you can only chase 1 survivor at a time, dropping the chase means that 2 survivors will be off generators, one being the person you dropped chase on and the other being the on you're chasing meaning 2 survivors are still on gens. On the rare occurrence that multiple survivors are on a gen then all of them will run away but once you commit to a survivor the others will just hop back on it.
Even after you drop the chase, the survivor who you dropped chase on could already be working on a generator making it pointless and you still have to walk over to a generator, hoping a survivor is working on it, and then engage in a chase against them still using up a lot of time.
Don't get me wrong, this is not in every game but if survivors split up on gens it's pretty hard to keep up pressure. If survivors grouped up on gens like 2 on each gen it would be much easier to apply pressure because you've just gotten 2 survivors off gens instead of the one. It would also make perks like Discordance more useful and some killers like Legion.
If they made it so if 2 survivors are on gens it progresses at the current rate for 1 and if 1 is on a gen the progression is less then it would be much better. Right now the most optimal way to play is by all splitting up on generators and pumping them out because the killer literally has no way to pressure that and control it. Dropping the chase only allows the survivor to hop back onto a gen and another to get off, it's essentially a cat and mouse game.
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Ranks on both sides just = how much you play during the month. I never had difficulty hitting red if I played long enough each month.
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thinks killers are overpowered? check
says he is a red rank killer without ruin without showing proof? check
thinks the only way for survivors to win is SWF? check
the board is green, yellow rank survivor detected who likes to lie
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Yeah that 100% works when survivors heal but unfortunately some survivors do the "No heal meta" if that's what is is called so they rush gens and just rely on Adrenaline at the end game. If survivors don't heal what else is there to do apart from gens? Totems are a thing but most say it's a waste of time because "It's not their primary objective".
Yes I try and injure multiple survivors but being injured isn't as threatening as some people think. Why do you think mediocre players don't cleanse against Plague or even heal against a Legion and still win?
Legion showed people that being injured and rushing gens with Adrenaline is far more rewarding because you get to focus on gens without needing to find a team mate to heal you.
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I honestly don't see how people are having a hard time now. I played 5 killer games last night, 2-4 red rank survivors each game, and. One was a full red SWF. I only had 4 escapes the entire night. One hatch, three on Badham.
First game was Legion on the swamp, 4k.
Next was Wraith without add-ons on the chapel map. 4k.
Then three games as Doc, the first one I used NOED and that was the game with 3 escapes and the only game with more than 3 gens being completed.
The other two were horrible 4k slaughters using the ruin/surveillance combo on the Game and Ironworks. The one on the Game map was the SWF and ended with 4 Iris and a perfect score.
Double pipped from rank 7 up to 5 with a black pip on the one I 'lost'. I played super nice every game. No camping, no tunneling. I expect to soar through red ranks next time I play.
I don't see why everyone is complaining. None of the games had a high mobility killer and I didn't sweat my ass off either. I don't even consider myself a great killer. If you can't do the same, you aren't as good as you think. I'm happy having switched to main killer in this patch, Doc in particular.
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Thana does slow down the game but it only adds an additional 16 (?) seconds onto the gen with all 4 injured. Being injured is an advantage as long as the map doesn't have any god loops or structures and it definitely helps out stealth killers.
I agree with some of your points and you do make good points but unfortunately the one thing that makes me disagree or be in the middle are the maps. Gen times are fine but the biggest issues are the maps 110%.
If maps wasn't the size of Jupiter (exaggeration I know) then it would be much much easier to apply pressure. Of course this will make some killers like Billy too strong (which I will probably get hate for saying this) but it will also allow the developers to remove Bloodlust too.
If I'm on a map like Wretched Shop then I couldn't care less about being injured because I have a structure that I can waste the killer's time on for such as long time. Even if he drops chase on me, the other survivors can just run straight to it with no problems. Now if the map was Hawkings then I would definitely be healing because we all know how that map is for survivors.
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"change" aka delete dead hard and DS ought to do it.. crutch perks that every survivor uses.. since that is the standard we are using now
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But people will say "DH is trash due to dedicated servers!" so it's not even strong. Yes they are right, DH is trash for avoiding hits but do you know what makes DH really strong? Use it for distance because there is NOTHING a killer can do to counter that. The only time DH can be countered is if the survivors are in a deadzone or if they use DH for avoiding hits which is really easy to bait out.
The only change needed to DS are these things:
- Working on a generator deactivates DS
- Performing an unhook deactivates DS
- Oh and if it had proper deactivation cooldowns I wouldn't mind buffing the time it's active for
My reasoning for the change is because if you work on a generator and make yourself visible then you have no reason whatsoever to complain about being tunneled. The second change again if you are unhooking someone, a risky action if the killer is nearby, then survivors have no rights to complain about being tunneled.
Oh and DS doesn't need to deactivate when another survivor is hooked because nothing is stopping the killer from slugging the tunneled survivor, downing another survivor and once hooking them returning to the slugged survivor. If these changes go through then the killer will have no reason to complain about being hit by DS unless they actually tunneled.
Even though DS can be annoying we really do need an anti-tunnel perk.
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Less "undo-mistake-by-the-press-of-a-button" - perks could do the trick, yeah.
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Meanwhile I get team mates at r1 who most likely cant even tie their shoe laces based on how they play, but sure thats fine I quess.
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Yeah sure. except that the number of killers leaving has made the rank disparity even worse. Which puts green and yellow rank killers up against red rank survivors anyway. which leads more killers to play something else, which increases the rank disparity more, leading more killers to leave, and so on.
And that's why survivor queue times are now regularly 10-15 minutes or more, for games that last around 5 minutes due to easy gen rush.
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ok since there will be less bad killers in red ranks we need:
a) harder pipping for survs
b) avg/decent killers to make bad survs depip
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What rank will these trash killers stop facing red rank survivors? Rank 30?
I'm fine with new ruin personally but your point would make more sense if killers of every rank weren't being put with red ranks.
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If you think you only have chance when in SWF, then you're also not as good as you think.
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that last part of your post, btw. oof. spoken like a true rank 15 with less than 100 hrs in game.
i bet you play a lot of survivor, dont you?
you get dbd for christmas?
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That’s what Corrupt Intervention is for ;)
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1/10 for the attempt
Obvious troll is obvious
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I agree. It’s interesting to see the good players are doing just fine and the ones that sit around the hook waiting for the tunnel and eating through DS are getting genrushed into oblivion. Coincidentally these are the ones that all switched to NOED.
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With all of these trash killers running about I have to ask, how exactly does one kill trash? I just throw mine away or recycle as appropriate.
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corrupt isnt as good as you make it sound , 2/3 of the games I play with it the survivors just hide and cleanse totems.
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Ruin was a bandaid for issues for killers, like how quickly gens could be completed. They have not adressed these issues, so killers that aren't god tier now suffer.
Now there are builds one can make without ruin, but they are more of a gamble than anything else.
Killers don't have the power role at the moment. The killers are always on a time crunch since the survivors dictate the game, not the killers. Look at the difference between survivor play and killer play by red rank survivors (like Otz, Monto, True, Scott, etc.), with survivors, many of them can listen to music and afford to be more relaxed. Killer play has to be completely focused, as a single mistake can often be the difference between a 4k and a 0k.
Killer also has a much higher skill ceiling than survivor.
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Well, it depends. What were your builds for them? How did they pressure survivors? How is your own skill? What addons did you use (because default legion is worst legion)? What maps did you have? Were you on PC or Console? Are you sure they were/weren't SWF?
There are so many factors in this that your statement doesn't really prove a point without the necessary data.
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>They have not adressed these issues, so killers that aren't god tier now suffer.
yeah it especially sucks because i'm trying to learn killer and try out new killers and level them and i'm not high ranked but keep getting put up against red rank survivors that know every single perfect loop spot and have memorized the maps inside and out and know how to perfectly counter every killer etc.
for all i hear about BHVR catering exclusively to new players and dumping on newbies they really don't do anyone learning killers any favors.
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Can't we all just get along??
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Weird flex at the end, but sure.
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Their username is "gamerscrybecauseofme", what do you expect.
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It's not just that. They also couldn't find a work around. Don't want to know, how to find totems, don't want to know, how to gen tap. Survivors shell not be arsed about inconveniences.
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It’s not about how well you do in chases too much. And hey, sometimes it happens.
Sometimes I can loop and juke the killer for 5 gens+ but other times I get downed RIGHT after the first hit. I guess it all depends on what your mood is.
People miss their DS, but it’s not often, as it’s easier to hit now. Though, again, it could be on what mood you’re in. Or if you forget you have DS. Stupid me :(
Ranking up as survivor isn’t hard, but killers can make it so that you de rank (or pip) SO fast, by simply tunneling you to death. By not letting you do any generators, unhooks, or that other thing. (I don’t know what it’s called) All you can do is get a SEMI good chaser emblem and THAT’S the problem with the emblem system.
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You know that goes both ways right?
Survivors that couldn't work through Ruin are now being boosted to ranks they shouldn't be in.
I don't think this perk nerf solves anything with rank, it just switched the tides.
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Wut? I can go from depip one game in red ranks to double pip the next game. Rank doesnt mean anything in this game.
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I'm a survivor main, ruin was annoying, but it didn't need a nerf, it added some challenge. I can see why everyone is mad about it getting nerfed though, its like what I felt with decisive strike.
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Strong bait this one.
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Well like I've stated before having varying opinions is a good thing and makes us humans and not boring robots. I'd like to personally thank you for doing a proper discussion and not going off-topic or throwing a tantrum.
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If you don't pip, you don't rank up!
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Yes! It's far easier for survivors to pip. Then again, because they're weaker, they're not expected to win trials, so piping would be easier for them.
Post edited by gamerscrybecauseofme on0 -
Don't worry, us killers know you're a potato
Post edited by gamerscrybecauseofme on0 -
They really need to fix that. It's not right that matchmaking is so #########
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I finish games in 5mins with the pre nerf ruin. Spoken again like a true rank 15.
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Yes, it's totally possible. How do all the trappers, clowns and other "slow killers" last in red ranks?
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I agree that killer mains are as entitled as survivor mains and cried too much about ruin and should be able to play without it but
Clown exists, Bubba exists, Wraith exists, Trapper exists. Those killers who cant do a good job at pressuring the map are in a bad position, and it's not necessarily the fault of the players here.
Plus, half the maps are still extremely bad for all the non-high mobility killers.
And finally, matchmaking doesnt help, but that's not really linked to Ruin there.
So, even if I hate how everyone just cried and cried and cried about Ruin's rework, I cant agree with that post.