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Could I receive my money back?


Good afternoon, I'm looking this morning my game is not the one i bought some months ago, actually Freddy and the Doctor are really different about what you offered me at the beginning when you sold me this game. I am also looking there is a perk that i was using (Hex: Ruin) its not the same one when i payed you the game and basically I gave you my money due to i like all those products. Is there a way to receive all my money back due to what I bought is not on the game any longer?

It is legal to remove things that final costumer got by paying real money.

Please advise.

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  • Member Posts: 7,669

    it is legal, since you agreed to the ToS (Termss of Service).

    these state that the devs are allowed to change whatever you currently see in the game in the future.

    so i highly doubt you'll get your money back.

  • Member Posts: 318

    hella bait btw

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    they probably got something in terms and conditions, to which you agree by playing the game. Imagine how many people would be getting their money back right now, including myself.

  • Member Posts: 3,755
  • Member Posts: 1,632

    Could you imagine how much money I could get back from something like League of Legends.

    OH DAMN.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    You did not actually pay for the game, the game is still owned by the devs

    You just payed for the rights to play it. What bassicly means that the devs can change whatever they want

    The only way to get a refund with steam is if you played the game for less then 2 hours IIRC

    If you bought the game months ago you already got your money's worth tbh

  • Member Posts: 839

    Looks like a bait post.


  • Member Posts: 5

    Mmmhh , I think then it's ok by reading your answers but, now i'm looking this game is only focused on survivors only and trying to make all survivors escape as much as possible. .. When i saw the "End Game" mode i though i already saw enough but now, i'm looking devs could surprise me even more. .... LOL ...

  • Member Posts: 5


    Good afternoon, I'm looking my game and is not the one i bought some months ago, actually Freddy and the Doctor are really different about what you offered me at the beginning when you sold me this game. I am also looking there is a perk that i was using (Hex: Ruin) its not the same one when i payed you the game and basically I gave you my money due to i like all those products. Is there a way to receive all my money back due to what I bought is not on the game any longer?

    It is legal to remove things that final costumer got by paying real money. 

    I'm also looking all people is angry due to RUIN perk and they are right, survivors are doing engines in 30 seconds. Please let me know how to open a case to receive all my money back or receive an update with all perks and characters i payed.

    Please advise. 

  • Member Posts: 58

    Unfortunately this isn’t possible. I wish it was but it’s not.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Shoot, if he gets his money back for these changes, I'm hitting up Blizzard for the same reason! Get all my money back for World of Warcrap and all of its crappy expansions!

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    If you have less than two hours played on steam, valve will give you a refund on the product iirc. Not sure how it works on other ports and consoles.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    The fact that people are so up in arms about Ruin speaks volumes.

    I used it on a number of killers but I’m not gutted that it got changed. Given how angry people are about the change it really does seem that it was acting as a “crutch” for a number of people. I don’t mind for that to sound like I’m making fun of anyone it just comes across that people were putting too much value on this one perk to let them win games.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    It made the game pay to win (sure you could grind, but you can also grind in other pay 2 win games).

    Just make another perk that tilts the game in the killers favor and makes skill checks red for 20 bucks and they'll calm down.

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited January 2020

    You don't own the game, but the license to play it. The game is owned by BHVR and they can do whatever they want with it, and you accepted it when you started the game and you clicked on "I accept the terms and conditions" without reading.

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