Can’t play

Playing on ps4 and keep getting error code 8018 connection issue . They keep needing killer and with this patch they nerfed being able to play the game ...good job devs ...


  • nos4a2
    nos4a2 Member Posts: 64

    Nerfing not needing . Sorry autocorrect is a beautiful thing lol

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited January 2020

    I'm on PS4 and this has only happened to me once since the patch. It's something thats been happening since before this patch too so please stop with this. We get Ruin was one of your favorite perks but that being nerfed had nothing to do with the connection issues. Drama Queens everywhere.

    Edit: Typo.

  • nos4a2
    nos4a2 Member Posts: 64

    i don’t play killer .