Playing Scummy Won't Fix Ruin.

Even days before ruin was changed, I've already seen people saying they'll "Facecamp" "Tunnel" "Mori off hook" In all their killer matches. You'd be hurting more than half of the playerbase. If you killers truly don't want ruin the way it is now then go on a strike for it.
It's not a matter of trying to fix ruin, it's killers just doing whatever they can to actually get some kills in a match. They are just desperate.
Survivors use literally every possible thing at their disposal, I don't see survivors going "Oh I won't take that purple toolbox with the new part, or "Oh we shouldn't try and hook tech this noobie killer they said that was a bug they are trying to fix" no they will use LITERALLY. EVERYTHING. and then harass the killer post game regardless.
I see zero reason killers should not do the same. It's not "Scummy" it's them finally going "We can't afford to be nice and play by the survivor rules anymore, because it's cost is too heavy on us".
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were not trying to fix ruin. we are fighting fire with fire
dont like a hex totem that only requires a great check? wanna nerf it? wanna cry about it?
okay, cry about me tunneling you into a depip. hoped you liked being in a queue for 15 mins just to get 9k bp.
survs went from the frying pan to the fire on this one. ruin let us play nice. now all bets are off ;)
its one of those "I'll give you something to cry about" situations.
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Not scummy. For both survivors and killers. It's like the dumb "honor" rules players made up in For Honor. Imagine honor in call of duty.
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Don't worry, they will nerf moris sooner or later ;)
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Agreed. It's honestly just so cringey.
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I just take it to the chin and move onto my next game. Killers aren't doing anything out of the ordinary, they've always played like this.
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Agree 1,100%. Killers are told to just shut up and take all the abuse thrown our way and if we speak up about it we're just "bad, u need crutch perk lol" when most survivors use the same half dozen op extra life perks. I saw this meme on reddit and it perfectly describes what's really happening here, and why I've somewhat stopped caring about giving fun and fair matches too
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well facecamping is surprisingly effective XD.
I played around 20 matches (killer) today. Most of them i won. But not because i was good but because even rank 1s are potatoes (even survivor mains wouldnt disagree i think). Today i tried playing doc but after the 5th match in a row were gens were done in 4 minutes even though i got downs left and right i got enough and played nurse for the rest. the matches were ok (im a rly good nurse) most of the time i won like 4k or 3k. but i didnt enjoy the matches at all since i needed to play scumy as hell to not lose gens. like everybody uses toolboxes since the nerf and gens fly left and right.
Yesterday i decided to facecamp with leatherface with insidous (a friend did that simultaneously and it was hella fun).
The point is i played 8 matches like that (after that i got bored) and evey one of them was a 4k since surprisingly they didnt rush gens but tried to rescue teir mate .....which basicaly killed em. Even more surprising i got a pip in most of the matches.
The point im trying to make is that the ruin nerf will cause even more scumy tactics that are neither enjoyable for killers nor for survivors.
(also another point. without ruin low tier killers are impossible to win with since gens pop left and right and u got not enough mobility or mortality to down survivors or pressure gens fast enough)
playing swf with some friends for the last 1.5 hours and we didnt even die once. funny as hell .......for us. its not like we even try. my friends are acutaly rly bad and 2 of them got the game new but they know how to hold m1 and thats enough to win lol.
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survivors: *toolbox, bnp, resilience, prove thyself, unbreakable, ds, dead hard, bt, etc*
killers: *silence*
killers: *noed*
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So it seems as if you don't like the recent ruin change. If that's the case then take my word for it
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So, ruin is gone. Ruin actually bought killers the extra time we felt comfortable with to "play nice".
Without it, we can still win, but we care a lot less about how much fun you're having, because we don't have time for it anymore. It's not scummy just because you don't like it.
If all those things are scummy, by that logic, so are safe pallets, god windows, flashlight blinds and body blocks.
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of course i dont like it. i havent used ruin in a min, but i liked having the option to use a decent slowdown perk if and when i felt like it.
i still cut down cry baby survs at rank 1 with no problem. just have to play a little more like a killer. make my own fun. care less about theirs. just another day in the fog for me, chief.
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It's all childish to begin with. Very vocal minority on both sides in these forums. I really hope the devs take all the whining with a grain of salt.
Ruin was pointless to begin with. I stopped using it regularly a long time ago. It gets destroyed too fast, leaving me with only 3 perks. Add in the skill of red and most purple rank players and ruin did pretty much nothing.
If the ruin changes are crippling your killer game, you depend on crappy survivors too much.
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"We'll give you something to cry about " pretty much sums up my feelings
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I'm talking about killers that are upset that ruin is nerfed and are threatening people having nothing to do with it by ruining their experience. I'm fine without ruin.
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Yes camping and tunneling totally wouldn't make killer queues skyrocket...
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Hit the nail on the head, Behavior isn't killing their game, people's crappy attitudes are. I've never seen so many people think that the better option to a change is to whine and cry and throw temper tantrums, rather than just saying "well that sucks, but I'll just have to learn to do better." It's super cringey.
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Killers aren't the ones suffering from 15min+ wait times atm. :) So even if a bunch of survivors quit because of camping and tunneling, I bet killer queues would still be instant.
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Except "doing better" is securing hook states, proxy camping, tunneling when you can and slugging.
I mean sure if you play Billy, nurse, spirit, Freddy there's no excuse, but play any other killer and toolboxes are going to lose you the game.
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Not really. I play Legion in red/purple ranks and don't even have Ruin as a perk. I don't camp, slug, or tunnel unless a survivor teabags me and I do just fine. You just have to keep the pressure on and learn how to keep up with mind games to end chases quickly.
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If killers have the same population as survivors, killers have quadruple the queue times as survivors. What's quadruple 15 min?
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Why does every killer main think survivors run crutch perks. In fact, none of those are part of my common loadout and probably won't be. Why are you so sad ruin got changed. Not nerfed. Changed. It got destroyed in half a second and sucked anyway.
Not funny. Didn't laugh. Who cares about your memes that stereotype the other half of your community. The fact that you are willing to ruin your communities' experience because a useless perk got nerfed. If all of you are so upset about the thing that slowed gens down just a little bit, play Pig, she'll be a brand new top tier killer, just wait.
We are not soulless husks to ruin your experience in the game. We are a fellow players. Stop the stereotypes
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That's how survivors got all these killer nerfs in the first place, it's heavily encouraged because they listen to it
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I include both survivors and killers in my statement. Everyone should learn how to be decent without crutch perks, survivors should learn to do other things such as cleanse totems rather than holding M1 on gens the whole game, and killers should learn how to apply pressure without having to camp/tunnel/slug.
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They claim the Devs, the stats, and the Survivors are all cheating and sabotaging them at every corner and it's all a bunch of lies of bullying. I've never seen such a victim complex in a player base besides maybe the Mercy mains in Overwatch. Everything is some massive offensive gesture towards them and they will throw a tantrum (Battle Mercy, Facemping/Mori, Strikes, etc.) to try to get Daddy to cave and give them what they want.
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Intensely OP perks that give straight invincibility or extend chases several minutes at minimum are "fine and fair", of course, why not. Everything's fair game for survivors but it's necessary to shame and attack killers when ever possible for any reason
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They have it coming, no sympathy whatsoever since they hate killers so much and celebrate the imbalance
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Ignoring that most killer powers are too weak on most maps for that to be possible
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Tbh i'm disgusted by the ruin change, for those accustomed to hitting great skill checks, this only shorten the gen completion time, atleast remove great skill checks when ruin is active
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Oh no, they were not desperate. The Threads before the Ruin-Change clearly had the intention to make Survivors feel miserable (for a change they did not ask for).
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No, killers should always play nice. Survivors are supposed to abuse the living ######### out of infinite’s, blind at every pallet because the game allows flashlights, teabag at the exit gate and be too wimpy to take a hit. Killers should never tunnel, never proxy camp, never facecamp, never use NOED, and always give the last survivor the hatch. I recommend every killer study the list of unauthorized perks if they don’t want to be shamed in chat. Lastly, why should the killer give the last survivor the hatch? That means three people died. Can’t we decrease gen times to like 3 secs, eliminate skill checks, and put like 4 pallets around the gen? Killers are way too OP. I died in a match like a week ago. That guy was a jerk.
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When did i say that? I said not the entire survivor community uses the crutch perks like adrenaline. When did I say they were fair?
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whats wrong? have i slugged you somewhere before?
sorry, you sound so much like all the other people that complain when i ruin their fun after NOT caring about MY fun.
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also, when something gets changed into something that is less effective and not as impactful as the original is kinda like... a... nerf... huh. weird.
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the victim complex is insanely strong here... meanwhile it's the same killer whining and crying about how their game experience is going that are turning around and intentionally ruining the experience of others.
many of which likely don't set foot on these forums and have no idea why the hell every killer is using scummy tactics and curbstomping them. (then those same killers who are slaughtering survivors left and right come here to complain about HoW hArD tHe GaMe Is NoW.)
it's pretty sad, really, but not much we can do except wait out the storm and, for those of us who don't play like tryhards, to go in on killer and try to balance out some of the negativity.
Friendly-pig to the rescue, giving everyone a party hat, a slap on the butt, and sending them on their way. (well, 1 or 2 of them anyway)
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Oh I'm sorry, did I pull the offense toxin on the clown that was stereotyping all survivors? The entire post was that every killer main and their mom says "...ruin nerf mad emoji... BT ADR DH DS they don't think are overpowered... Laugh with tears emoji."
But I believe you have shaken your bottle on top of me before ;)