Seems like most Killers replaced Ruin with...



  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    So you admit that BT isn't being used as an anti-camp perk and is instead being used to cover up saves that should otherwise result in two hooks for the killer.

  • Snitz
    Snitz Member Posts: 97

    "Just don't go after the hooked person".

    Yeah, sure buddy we all know DS is only active if the killer is playing like an ######### right?

    I mean getting DS'd by a healed player, completely fine.

    Getting DS'd after you hooked someone else? , just stop being such a bad guy.

    Slugged everyone after questionable unhooks?, nope toxic tunneler, now waste 1 minute.

    Oh and a person gets unhooked in the endgame? Now they are invincible for a minute, pray they can't crawl to the door.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    If somebody does a stupid rescue right under my nose and I can remove the person from the game - the intelligent call is indeed to risk the DS.

    That doesn't make me a jerk, that just makes me somebody who plays to win.

    Game doesn't care if you play nice - it only cares about your win conditions. Play to your win conditions and stop bitching about those who play to their win conditions.


    Frankly, those who do ######### rescues then whine about tunnelers are the real jerks.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Monstrous Shrine New Mera

  • DalauanDivine
    DalauanDivine Member Posts: 126

    You aren't grasping why it was used all the time it's nothing to do with it being good, it made games last longer than 5 seconds that's the only reason it was used

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    By that logic self care and sprint are due for nerfs. Hopefully they make those perks totally useless like new ruin. I'd rather leave a perk slot empty than run that garbage.

  • Hatty
    Hatty Member Posts: 121

    you have plenty of options tbh

    Huntress Lullaby: Even better than ruin if you manage to end chases fast. Helps so much in late game, and everyone usually does not care until they fail 9 hundred skillchecks in a row. If you miss ruin's effect, you could try this!

    NOED: If gens keeps popping so fast, why don't you use Noed? It punishes survivors for genrushing

    SURGE: Kicking off gens is a bad idea if you don't have fire up or brutal strenght. Surge literally makes it so you get a better chance to make chases and slow down gens

    CORRUPTED INTERVENTION: It's ruin, but way better, specially on smaller maps, you have less to patrol

    SLOPPY BUTCHER: Sloppy adds some seconds to the healing, which makes survivors who wants to heal, lose more time on it. Any killer and perk that prevents them from doing gens, is good.

    REMEMBER ME: Not really a gen slowdown, but if you manage to do a lots of hits, you can just focus on chases, as exit gates will take YEARS to open. That with noed could case some fun scenarios

    Useful Combos: Lullaby + Overcharge + Surge?. Not really sure if overcharge stacks with surge, but if it does it would be the best

    Discordance 1 + Surge on Oni, so you can prevent gen-rushing and end it quickly because prove thyself gamers for some reason stay on the same loop over and over

    Nemesis + Dying Light: Purely passive genrush slowdown.

    Perks you should NOT use: Thanatophobia (It never works as good as you think, it is barely noticeably, only change is that the bar becomes red. Healing takes as much as finishing most of the gen so, why bother?

    Dying Light: Same case with tanatophobia, unless you have a perk like Nemesis, which lets you change your obession.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    I would say specific survivor perks are used even more... but you know, survivors are the main focus of this game because they are whales.

    Killers can fo and sit in a corner, be a good bot and enjoy the participation trophy.

  • Yixuan
    Yixuan Member Posts: 19

    The problem is, bt is actually buffed to hell, adrenaline is so much more powerful than what it use to be, impossible to not get use out of it, and ds and dh just stayed.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    i went with the easier option of replacing killer with survivor. Then couldn't find a game so replaced survivor with a new game.

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    Cant wait to see the sprint burst nerf...

  • raulblideran
    raulblideran Member Posts: 225

    I am sorry that I am "low effort" to not be able to physically reach from one point to another on the map while 2 gens are done, I am sorry that not everybody is a flying blanket with a sock on their head or a blue crazy hoover that can have mobility, in fact most killers lack the mobility and some require setup, hag and trapper, by the time they set up on big maps, gens are done, yeah, "low effort", "easy option".

    I hope that you are enjoying us doing the killer's objective after all, killing all the survivors as soon as possible whether that is being done through camping or tunelling

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I swapped it out for a good new build on Shocky Boi.

    I'm unhappy with the Ruin nerf, but the silver lining is, now I can experiment with new builds.

    Idk, I usually try to look on the bright side of life.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Corrupt Intervention?

    It’s great on Hag. I haven’t tried it myself on Trapper yet but a lot of people report it as great on him too.

    It shrinks the map for you early game stopping survivors from having a head start and makes it easier to have built up a bit of pressure by the time its worn off.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Most people ignore Surveillance for a while now, they finally will realize how good it is on Oni and Wraith :D

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    DS, DH, BT, Adre...

    Yeah, killers are the ones who like any ideas.

    Couldn't expect any less from someone who invokes made up survivors rule n1: killers shall not camp.

    Don't forget to call them out for not chasing you into every single God loop, for not braking every pallet, for not standing in a corner after a hook.

    People are breaking our made up rules, pls do something devs.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    To summarize multiple people in this thread:

    "A survivor used a perk against me and I don't want to play around it. Please nerf."

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    "Impossible." I've played several games the last two days. Gens were only completed once. And one person got to get up when I closed the hatch in their face... Only to go down several seconds later. They all get *so* much use out of it.

    These whole forums seem to heavily be a L2P issue.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428
    edited January 2020

    I did the opposite. Killer is far more fun than survivor right now. I find it easier than survivor now, you get more BP, and you have basically no queue time. Win, win, win.

    Wonder if it's because there are so many bad killers that swapped to being bad survivors.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    Just put on some Noed and hope they gen rush.

    Jk. Actually haven't played since the update came out yet. Darn work.

    I'll still keep Ruin on, but I wanna pair it with Surge and Thrilling Tremors. Double regression for 16 seconds if it actually does work.

    But my choice in replacing Ruin is probably gonna be corrupt. Unless the survivors just sit hiding for the first 2 minutes (and lets be honest, they have before) it works somewhat well to give a jumpstart on pressuring the map.