The devs have completely ruined their game.

I don’t wanna hear anything from survivors unless you have something positive to say. If you think this ruin change is positive to the game then I don’t respect your opinion because you’re smoking something. It’s useless now. The perk is absolutely useless. So much weaker than what it was. And even worse, I can’t use pop goes the weasel with it. Because once they get off the gens, it’s damaged. So then right when I leave, they can get right back on. I can’t use the perk til they get rid of ruin. Going against survive with friends who are ranks 1-4 is impossible. Especially on maps like autohaven and Macmillan. The amount of killers playing is about to drop baddd. My ruin is op but i get smacked in the face with borrowed, ds, etc. The only hope of winning is using a top tier killer w noed. And you can’t say “well just apply pressure”. It’s nearly impossible to apply pressure all over the map to all 4 survivors. This is insane.
I don't want to hear anything unless it's positive
Proceeds to be negative.
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Positive as agreeing with me.
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Well then what was the point of posting an opinion on an online forum if people aren't allowed to disagree with you?
You can live perfectly fine in an echo chamber by keeping your thoughts to yourself, no?
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... Was the thread title a pun? 😉
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I don't respect your opinion either and neither do many other players. I've seen no issue with good killers getting 4ks and average killers are still somehow pulling them out after multiple mistakes. I've come to the realization if you're not running a SWF sweat group you just lose to any actual rank 1 killer. I'm not talking about babies who cry about Ruin level skill killers, im talking about people who actually deserve rank 1.
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Well, i play killer as well but mainly i play survivor and i kind of agree with his opinion. Instead of nerfing SWF (there are many solution that could be applied to solve the problem), they nerfed the only one perk who was really helpful for some low map-pressure killers. But i might add that good killers in DbD, never used ruin even before the nerf.
I played some games yersterday, mostly of them the killer was running Corrupt Intervention with no ruin at all, and blasted the entire squad anyway. Apply pressure doesn't mean you have to be anywere on the map at the same time. Some very good Billy for example, apply the strategy of protecting the generators in one side of the map, and it works. But i agree that against SWF is really frustrating and there is so less you can do, except mori'em or patrolling the hooks etc.
One rapid solution to SWF is when you're in lobby and see they have more than one flashlight or more than one toolbox, then leave the lobby straight away. Many red rank killers do like that.
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They don't deserve to be in red ranks then.
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oof that was a huge hit to him.... mental recover .... 6 months
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... so you're specifically asking for a straight up echo chamber thread?
Regardless of someone's opinion on Ruin or anything else that's just... lol 😂
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Because i truly don’t understand how anyone can use any other killers besides top tiers. Killers other than top tier were already disadvantaged, including hag, doctor, leatherface, etc. I just don’t see how you think this ruin change is good.
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So you truly believe this ruin change was good?? It’s not an echo chamber. When the facts are a survivor only has to occupy a killer for 40 seconds-a minute while the other three get three gens done, then you aren’t looking at facts. Other opinions are allowed, they’re just ridiculous in my opinion.
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Thank you. I agree with what you say. I would say though that I run into very few killers that don’t run ruin. That’s why the killers who run ruin is somewhere around 80%. Billy can move around the map quicker than any other killer. I think he is a special circumstance. I also agree with the SWF point. SWF is the issue. If i go against people who aren’t playing in a party it’s not as bad. It’s doable. But rank 1 SWF, i don’t think a killer can win unless he camps, tunnels, or slugs. Which may be legitimate strategies I may take up now.
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While I agree that now was a bad time to change ruin, seeing as there are still killers without much mobility/unbalanced maps, I do not agree that the devs have ruined their game at all.
I'm a rank 7 killer on PS4, and I played about 20 games today as Doctor, most of them ended with 3ks or 4ks, a couple 2ks and one or two 0ks. I didn't need ruin at all, I used PGTW, Distressing, Overcharged/BBQ and Brutal Strength.
People always make a big stink about how unbalanced the game is, when it's really improving at a faster rate than ever before, the devs have been pouring so much flavor and atmosphere into the game with the rift lore, Lery's redesign and killer themes. Anyone who says the game is ruined is overreacting.
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You don’t have to respect my opinion. Most people think the ruin change is bad. And i predict the amount of killers playing will noticeably drop. I do agree though with SWF. And that is what my post was directed at. I could have made that more specific I’ll admit. But you can’t leave SWF overpowered, and then nerf killers. They need to figure out a way to make solo queues and SWF as equal as possible, and then balance.
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I’ve always had trouble wiping a SWF. Depending on the map. Macmillan and Autohaven have always been tough. The amount of time it takes to finish a gen in comparison to game time is absurd. I think most people can realize that. 44 seconds for one gen? A SWF can have 3 gens done in no time. I could be wrong but I think SWF easily sweeps most killers unless we tunnel or camp. Neither I want to do.
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Maybe ruining the game was an exaggeration. But with maps like macmillan and autohaven, god loops, etc., I don’t see how you can’t use top tier killers. 44 seconds to do a gen. All a survivor has to do is last 30ish seconds. That’s enough time to get picked up and hooked to get 3 gens done. They need to increase the time it takes to do gens at the very least. And I’ve always agreed solo queues aren’t a problem. It’s the SWF i go against that are overpowered.
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Thank you. I thought I’m going crazy. 44 seconds to do a gen. All a survivor has to do is last 30ish seconds on maps with god loops. Not all maps have god loops but you get my point. More time to pick up and hook. That can potentially get 3 gens done. I’m feeling like I’m crazy because people are saying I’m overreacting. But I’m a rank 1-4 killer who tries to not tunnel or camp. This is near impossible now in my opinion because of how fast gens are done.
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Agreed that the new ruin is basically a joke.
It is so weak that I can't imagine devs didn't noticed that,unless they made it try only to casual or very new players.
When 2 people are on a gen and killer arrives, it's enough that one of them hides for a sec then goes back to the gen and it's completed before any killer can do smt about it
Only thing I really disagree is that you actually mentioned two of the easiest maps for killers.
in autohaven or mcmillian is actually where killers still stand a chance.
Try to play this new ruin with a trapper on red forest or'll have gens done before you even spawn in the game :)
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Are there really that many more SWF groups on PC? Only like super efficient people do stuff like that and I don't run into those very often at all. I get red ranks a lot because matchmaking, but very rarely is it a group who are extremely coordinated.
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I think the problem isn't so much the ruin change but more the poor map design. On smaller maps it's easier to apply pressure and means that ruin isn't necessary. So if the devs make the maps smaller it would fix a lot of the problems people have. If the problem persisted then tweaking gen times would help fix things as well. Idk that's just my opinion
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All I know is if I was in charge of a video game and for some wierd reason I wanted to piss off my player base, the thing I would do is look at what the most popular thing on the game is and nerf it. And that's exactly what the devs did. Lol.
Instead of nerfing the things that are popular, they should buff the things that aren't. There was nothing OP about ruin, it was just a good perk in a sea full of trashy perks. Sorry if I run Ruin and not Monsterous Shrine.
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I don't really mind about Hex: Ruin change, as I am a Killer main and never thought about Hex: Ruin as a MUST HAVE as Killer. I can still get 2 or 3 kills every game, sometimes get 4K in 1 out of 5 games.
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I'll just leave this here... These guys played really well. I was still able to kill them with 2 gens left. Ruin isn't as bad as people say. You just got to apply pressure and keep them off of the gens. I've also been doing well with Clown, lol. It is more stressful to play killer, but you can still do pretty good even without old Ruin.
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When i play survivor (solo queue) i never get looping gods teammates who can run the killer for at least 2 generators, only potatoes who go down in 8 seconds. When i play killer i always find a squad of Satan's spawn on Earth, armed with ultra blind flashlights and toolboxes so overpowered that can make a gen in 30 seconds. SWF usually move in this way: 1 looping god who makes you mad the whole time, 1 following you with a flashlight, in case you down his friend and the other 2 are on a genrush. Gens are done so quick you don't even realize how many minutes passed since the start of the game. And this was happening before the ruin nerf. Think about it now. Only when i use Billy or Freddy, with the right build, i have some good chances to get at least 2/3k. SWF is a real issue for killers. Ok i'm not a red rank killer, i get 5 or 6 usually, but i'm not even that bad compared to many others. With solo queue surv i have almost no problem at all, but with SWF the only thing i can do is mori the first survivor before the third gen pops up. Then i have some chances.
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I just find it hard to agree with game ruined because I learned awhile ago ruin is a wasted perk slot due it to being broke quick, I adapted without it, I'm a rank 12 who plays against red ranks 90%, of my matches, some matches are bad and some are good, nothing I can do about that, just have to get on with it
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Yeah that's another serious problem: matchmaking. When i play killer i end up with rank from 3 to 1 survivors. When i play survivor (i'm rank 2 at the moment) i end up with rank 10/9/8. I mean it's really impossibile with this game to predict how things will end up. I just depip for many reasons that sometimes doesn't directly depend on my own errors.
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Yeah not every red rank survivor has got to red ranks because they are actually good lol so I know I wont always have a crappy time 😂
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Not to be rude or anything, but maybe just don't run one or the other. If you know they won't work together, don't put them together. Either that, or just use Pop as a backup for when Ruin goes.. Better yet, what I do is just get rid of Ruin altogether and put Surveillance on, keeping Pop.
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It's funny that you're so bad you have to have crutch: ruin. I still 4k red rank just practice and you'll get back into the groove :)
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the ruin change is indeed healthy for the game - hear me out - in the long run.
currently however, due to survivor objective times being as short as they are, the ruin change was unhealthy.
old ruin needed to go at some point, but that should have been when they fixed objective times for survivors. as long as they do that next, i can live with it.
you are right though, at this point in time changing ruin was not the right decision.
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"I keep getting slapped in the face by DS and BT" stop camping son 😂 😂 😂 can't say you're not camping if you're getting hit with literally both anti camp perks. One requires you to still be by hook. Sounds like perks are working the way they we're designed and it's time you learn to play around them 😂 😂 😂 😂
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This! If you keep getting hit with those two perks then you are doing something wrong, lol.
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Mostly agree with OP, all the survivor replies are really whipping me into a violent frenzy so I'm trying to stay clearer of the topic for now
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Literally laughing out loud. Laughing out loud in SURVIVOR, whose opinion you don't respect. Lots of perks in the game are useless. If Ruin is now weak and useless, why are you using it? Use another perk that requires you to have some skill in the game. Pop and Corrupt are better anyway. I almost always cleansed Ruin in the first minute anyway.
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So I'm a rank 3 killer and a rank 2 survivor and here's the problem. For a killer it feels good getting 3 or 4 hooks before the survivors have done any gens but if you look at it from the survivor perspective it's really frustrating, just as it is for killers to get gen rushed. Let me explain, for me hex skill checks are really easy to hit but for some other people they're not and for solo players like me having teammates that can't hit the damn hex skill checks is literally a death sentence, and when I find the totem there's probably one person on their last hook already. Now, as a killer I hate getting gen rushed by swf teams and yes it is really hard to beat them but not impossible, not if you apply pressure by literally keeping everyone injured and if they end up winning and you get 1 or 2 kills it's ok I mean you can't always win, same thing for survivors and that's what people need to understand this game wasn't made so that you win every match, you win and you lose period. And even though I think ruin is useless now, it did need to get nerfed. They definitely nerfed it way too much in my opinion but ruin did need a nerf let's face it
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Agreed, and I will be doing that. I just don't see how it's possible to put enough pressure on a SWF with maps like Macmillan and Autohaven, where chases are usually long, without Ruin and Pop together. I am talking about red ranks as well, where survivors are usually very coordinated.
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"Satan's spawn" lmaooo. That is where this post is directed at mostly. I could've made it clearer. SWF is a huge problem. The only way I see this working out is by the devs balancing SWF after this ruin change. We shall see.
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That's why you get wrecked buddy, because you commit to the chases. You should chase a survivor for one or two pallets and then leave them alone so that you can apply pressure on the others, that way you start getting rid of pallets little by little and stop them from doing gens as well
There's no such thing as "losing because of a long chase" only dumb killers that commit to them.
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I 100% agree. With the maps the way they are, I am sweating the controller out of my hand to apply pressure.
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Most people would disagree with you. When the amount of killers playing drops like a rock, we'll see if anyone will be "getting back in the groove".
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I actually agree completely. I am hoping this ruin change is followed by more balances. Such as balancing SWF. We will see though.
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Yes, I should've made it clearer that I am mostly targeting SWF.
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I play both and I think people are making this update seem way worse than it actually is. Yes, the game needs some tweaking after the nerf, but it's not as bad people are making it out to be. Just my thoughts.
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He didn't say anything about whether or not people could disagree with him. It's clear to me that he was looking for constructive responses rather than people simply nitpicking things and being negative in general, like what you're doing.
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"I don’t wanna hear anything from survivors unless you have something positive to say. If you think this ruin change is positive to the game then I don’t respect your opinion because you’re smoking something."
Mmm yes of course. He totally was looking for constructive responses.
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If you take balance seriously, and really consider the issues involved, you should be able to see how Ruin was covering up an underlying issue with the balancing in the game. Now that it's gone, the problem is pervasive, and someone unwilling to acknowledge that isn't being reasonable. Meaning that, any responses that suggest the Ruin change is great is denying that there are imbalance issues, which is not constructive. This IS just a video game, but this kind of reasoning is essentially what motivates corruption. "It's ok to overlook issues that harm a community when the law or authorities say its ok, and it's totally constructive for me to agree with that, even if it's impact is mostly negative, overall."
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Good analogy, totally agree
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I'm a survivor main but I'll be positive for you. I am positively thrilled they changed Ruin.