This game is garbage now. Boring and toxic as killer or as survivor.

First afternoon/night with this patch at red ranks:
-Killers get gen rushed as hell (don't give me that crap that gen rush is not a thing, it is).
-When they don't get gen rushed, it's because they have to tunnel and/or camp to get a few kills (unless it's a god tier HB, nurse or spirit or your team are potatoes) which feels cheap, it doesn't feel like he's a god-tier wraith, he just tunnels or camps or uses a memento or NOED to "save" a bad match. You feel disgusted after every match because you died for getting tunneled, or because the killer used some cheap trick, not because he outplayed you.
-Ruin is useless, unless it's at a hidden spot and the killer is legion or something, getting people off gens constantly. If you're not legion (or maybe freddy?), ruin is useless. It's even more useless against SWF, telling each other which gen they're working on. And of course, they can still find it 10 seconds after the match starts.
-As killer, even garbage survivor can gen rush and escape, they don't need to outplay you, just hide, do gens, loop an infinite and that's it.
-This is how games are now, a killer frustrated because he only did 3-5 hooks the entire match. As a survivor, after every match you'll feel disgusted because the killer used some cheap strategy to kill you or you'll feel bored as hell because you won only by holding M1 and escaping.
Oh, also:
I spend like 10-15 minutes as survivor to get a match, and it's generally against a tryhard tunneler red rank or against a n00by rank 10 who gets genrushed because we're all red-purple rank.
I've seen AFK people because they just click "ready" and go do something else. 3 AFK in one afternoon, only one came back and started playing, the other ones died on the hook.
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And then the Devs wonder why people DC
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This isn’t how my games are for me.
I won’t speak for anybody else, but I would never generalize and say this is how every match is.
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Yesterday i was watching good killers on twitch and oh god they did whatever they could to stop genrush. Slugging is a must now
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Pretty much.
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I had ONE good match. ONE.
A not so skilled huntress (though she wasn't bad, she was good enough). You know what we did? we all stopped doing gens. All of us, the last gen was being repaired by nobody, not because she was protecting it, but because we were all juking, trying to get a flashlight save, picking other people up the ground while she was trying to slug/snowball, unhooking... literally she lost the game like 10 minutes ago and we were all having fun, not caring about escaping or even if we die, it would have been better than the rest of the match I've escaped by holding M1.
It's really sad to see how the devs destroyed their own game and made it a boring and frustrating waste of time.
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So basically the 6th circle of DBD hell
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This is the only way to have fun games right now: Doing the gens intentionally slow. Hoping the killer notices the slow gen speed and then decides to play soft instead of camping/tunneling/whatever.
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Basically all the problems that have plagued DbD have all come to a head and are starting to effect the whole game. It was like BHVR trying to band aid fix a dam and the whole thing is starting to break apart.
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DBD is terminally ill its issues are far too deep in its core for anything to be done without entirely reworking the entire game. And Bhvr isn't competent enough for that
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Also, if a guy runs shack perfectly and a couple of loops, that's it, you lost 3 gens, and eventually the game. Since they had time to do 3/5 objectives while, if you down him, you only did 1/12 objectives.
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This made me itch. Dbd just isn’t the same anymore :/
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>literally she lost the game like 10 minutes ago and we were all having fun, not caring about escaping or even if we die, it would have been better than the rest of the match I've escaped by holding M1.
honestly escape/4k needs to be greatly de-emphasized and made more like the equivalent of someone playing League getting a Pentakill or something - it happens occasionally but it's not the GOAL of the game. because as it stands, the game basically revolves around two sides being as toxic as hell as possible to each other and doing everything in their power to make the game as unenjoyable as possible because that's how you win.
imagine if Counter Strike was won by flashing the enemy team as much as possible. because that's essentially what DBD is at this point.
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The game would be better off if survivors cared for escaping and maybe gens werent braindead essy/rewarding to do.
Survivors can "win"/pip by doing everything exvept reaching their goal. Which is to escape btw.
But with the removal of ruin the devs have shown that skillchecks cant be punishing if failed or made harder than they currently are.
Imagine sirvivors had to pay attentiob to gen theyre interacting with.
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This game is a shadow of its former self. The devs are incompetent 80% of the time, bugs and balance problems can take months to get addressed and it feels like they care more about people’s wallets than the actual health of the game.
Until the devs get their act together I won’t be spending any more money on this game. I am quite tough on the devs but that’s only because I want the game to grow and become better.
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Last night I had as survivor:
-4 games I got tunneled to death (I don't use DS)
-2 games other guy got tunneled to death.
-1 game I got tunneled and moried by a Ghostface, I was the 1st hook of the match and the guy came back and chased me instead of the guy that unhooked me.
-I genrushed the rest of the killers, even made one ragequit.
-Only 1 enjoyable match against the huntress I talked about in a previous comment, the rest of the matches I felt disgusted by the cheap and sh*tty strategy the killer used, or bored by the match being an easy gen rush.
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funny i haven't noticed anything. had decent matches as both killer and survivor
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OMG I think I faced a team like this earlier today. They just kept failing skill checks for some reason, and I was like "######### are these potatos that ranked to red? I best go easy on them". Then we had a fun match, I got 2 kills, they got 2 escapes. I black pip'd the escapee's double pip'd, and the 2 that died pip'd. Everyone said gg, and had a laugh in end game chat. It was a good time.
That's fracking nuts.
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I again gen rushed a couple of guys, just got tunneled by a Legion and lost against a Doctor that had to tunnel 2 guys to death in order to win (1 gen left, I got hooked once and the other guy never got hooked).
There are no nice games anymore, no "I two-hooked everyone, I let you unhook and heal and I still won". No, that doesn't exist, it's gen rush or tunnel to win.
Aaaaaaand, now another tunneling Doctor that made the tunneled guy ragequit.
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i'd love to be able to have games like that, i try to show leniency where possible but here lately since i constantly get put up against red rank survivors if i give even an inch they go a mile. if i'm lucky i get 2 hooks.
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Survivors actually do that? Had a Demo game a while back where I purposefully went after the rescuer, used Shred first in chases etc. and just generally played in a "non toxic" way... and the gens miraculously stood at 4 for a good while. BUT it seems like the moment I tunnelled somebody, 2 gens went off simultaneously and the rush was on... Message received.
It's just funny how, at a whim, a well coordinated team like this can have a Killer by the balls.
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When it starts feeling this way for me, toxic I mean, then a break usually works. I go play something else for a couple days and then come back and all is good for a while. Of course, due to other players (not the game itself) it always becomes toxic again so I have to do this... over and over again. =) But at least I stay sane and not in need of anger management.
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Yep, this is red rank now. Well done BHVR. We did 5 gens in like... 4 minutes.
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Most of the time, the power role is survivor. Which is insane.
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Thanks BHVR, 5 gens in 5 minutes, only 2 hooks. (First hook 3 gens down).
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All I'm seeing in this thread is you venting about your frustrations and others perpetuating the negative circle-jerk without actually giving any constructive criticism so the devs can fix the problems you have.
Yes, extremely efficient survivors can overpower an extremely good killer. No, this doesn't happen every match. This thread isn't contributing to balancing game issues, it's just your personal vent thread.
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I've proposed many solutions to this problem many times. Never got an answer. Now the answer was "Ruin is used in 80%+ of the games so... we're nerfing it because it's hard for survivors to find a totem or do red skillchecks"
1) There has to be an early game mechanic, for instance going across the map (like freddy's clocks) and they have to look for a highlighted toolkit or something to prevent them from sitting on a gen on the first 3 seconds of the match, and making them waste maybe 30 or more, like looking for the old ruin, also giving the killer more chance to find someone crossing the map.
2) balance mechanic between killers. The pig has a mechanic to slow survivors down, the Doc also has snap out (slows down a little). You could say legion does too (mending), but wraith, clown, etc... don't have one. What if, for instance, when a clown downs you while intoxicated you have to go to a health box (like pig's) and remove the toxins. Not going aroung the map, just the first one you find, like plague's fountains.
Many things have been proposed throughout the years, many known youtubers and streamers have, but the devs don't really listen, the core game is broken, it's not balanced at all and they're never fixing it, they just tweak a couple of perks and addons here and there and that's it. I've lost faith in the devs already so I have nothing left but to vent.
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god damn the amount of NOED killers use only to face camp you the whole game is infuriating. Especially if you've cleansed all but one totems and can't find that last one and then it spawns
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I don't blame them and I don't get mad at them when I get camped when the gates are opened. It's not their fault, it's the devs fault for failing to create a fun experience and making it a frustrating experience for everyone.
Post edited by Coder on1 -
Granted I'm a low rank killer but I'm having fun with the game...just dreading ranking up:(
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Nothing new. People attribute old """issues""" in the game that have been present for a lot of time now to a nerf to their favorite perk.
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I was in your position just a month ago. I was so scared to even go past Rank 10 for fear of the Red rank loop gods. But, then the Matchmaking broke down, and now I haven't even got a choice. I despise the game as a high-rank, both Survivor or Killer. The higher you go, the more tryhard the other side seems to become. It's tiresome, and a game is supposed to be fun, not frustrating.
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Exactly, just hoping it gets fixed soon. I might avoid playing killer untill then. Or I'll tough it out, granted I'll get bullied but facing better players is the best way to learn right? Regardless I hope you find some fun in this game again
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You'd think so, but I just get so bulldozed to the ground it's becoming a joke in itself. I'm not amazing by any standards, but I wouldn't say I'm bad either. I also just go into matches for fun, not the aim of 4 kills, and double pip, but lately, the teams of survivors I seem to get matched to are so win hungry it's not even fun. I don't mind when they win, heck, I'm happy for them, but I can't even have a chance to get points most games because within 3 minutes, all gens seem to just boom from nowhere. I used to love playing this game, but each patch seems to kill any fun I had. I'm praying that things change soon and the game can just be fun for both sides again
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Sorry to hear that. Personally bud I'd reckon you should take a break from the game. It's clearly taking a toll, and there's tons of fun other games out there. Now I don't know for sure if the game will get fixed, hell nobody does. But don't give up hope🤙
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Oh I totally agree. I really need to take a good break from it, but I keep being drawn back to it weirdly. I guess I'm just a sucker for punishment 😂
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i got a swf doing that to me when i started playing killer. Taught me what toxic means, and that most swf deserve to be tunneled, camped and mori´ed.
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It's nothing new, everyone knew the core game is broken at red ranks with low tier killers. THAT's the reason why 80% of red ranks had ruin, it bought you time most of the matches, so you can play a nice game, not camping, not tunneling, not being sweaty. Now every clown, wraith, pig, etc... will have to be very sweaty at red ranks to even stay there. And it's not a matter of being a good killer, I know good rank 1 nurses or hillbillys that are garbage with other killers, but they have the map and time pressure that other killers don't, so most of the time it's an easier game for them.
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its 2022 and this still holds up
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No need to necro 2 year old threads. You're free to start a fresh new discussion though.
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I mean I never thought that I would like playing as Bubba... but I absolutely love it! Insidious Bubba = Pissed off SWF's and toxic survivors. Insidious Basement Bubba is extremely satisfying! Watching everyone swarm the basement.... never to leave again. Cue the nasty aftergame messages!
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Well im not godtier killer but I consistently get 8-10 hooks in a matches without tunneling and I don't play agains't potatoes but rather average sfw:s or soloQ squads most of the time. I think like 1/4 in matches survivors can pull of that gen rush then I tunnel and camp. But usually im able to quard gens. I play strong killers spirit and oni usually which helps thought. I play kind of fairly 50% of my matches and other 50% I do something dirty at least as killer. Well I would want to be fairly every match but I want to win more