Waiting as a survivor is too long, it scares people

Hello ! :)

Personnally, i play rank 1 survivor alone, i rarely play in survive with friends. Actually, i wait between 5 and 10 minutes to find a game that, in the worst situation, doesn't work, because somebody got a blocked screen in the loading screen, or somebody voluntary left the loading screen, or even somebody leave during the game. And generally i had with me rank 10 to 20.

I prefer waiting only 2 seconds and play with rank 16 instead of waiting 10 minutes and playing with rank 16. I can understand that it's difficult to find an equivalent level for everybody, but the awaiting in the lobby as survivor is too long, it scares a lot of players. There are too much factors that make a game very short and very boring and waiting 10 minutes to get a game of 2 minutes or even no game because of the loading screen bugs, it's the hell :(

I understand that there are too much survivors and not enough killers, that's why i think we will never get a correct and fair matchmaking with a low awaiting time, that's why i think it's better to lower the waiting time instead of trying to get all the players of the same rank in the same game.

What's your feeling ? You prefer : 1, waiting a very short time and play with all rank ; or 2, waiting a very long time and play with same ranks as you ? Remember that the second option doesn't work actually. Actually we are on the third one : waiting a lot of time to get different ranks than ours. Oh and : as killer, i'm rank 1 and i just have to click on "ready" that i already find a game.

Thx for reading and hope to play together on the game :)


  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    The actual problem is that ranking is trash right now. As survivor they have made it to easy to pip and with the rank reset changes more survivors than ever are at rank 1.

    This makes it so hard to find appropriate killers and why a bunch of red rank survivor games have green rank killers. The changes to ruin didn't help because quite a few killers dont want to play stressful 4 minute games so you are right in there being less killers because it is the more stressful role.

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48

    since more than one month i have that feeling to wait too much, yes the update from 2 days ago worsen the situation but i know it

    but it's not normal to have to wait that much long if you're not even sure to play a game. There is surely a way to allow a survivor to find a game faster. I would like so much that there is a way to make that possible. My friends that play survivors all stopped to play because of the waiting time. Playing alone in 2016,2017 and begin of 2018 was awesome ! But since october 2018, playing alone as survivor is very very boring and tiresome

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48

    LUL dude you made me laugh so hard, thanks for that haha, you're not wrong, but technically a game where 35 000 players everyday play at the same time, there shouldn't be a 10 minutes await time between every game, so the matching between players has a problem at his origin.

    Change again the gameplay of the killer would ask so much time i nmy opinion, if we have to wait this kind of change we are not ready to get a fast game"

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48

    Yes is true, i press ready on killer and instanly find a game with "lottery" rank survivor

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48

    Personnally, playing killer is not a problem for me, because i don't try to play all killers i don't manage very well, i play only freddy and on 10 games generrally 8 games are pefect and 2 games, 3 or 4 survivors get out and its fine ! So i can't complain when i play killer ^^' but i can understand it's very frustrating to play wraith for exemple and you can't do anything to have fun.

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48

    understand what you mean and i agree, but during a time, we found game very fast as survivor, it's not as if we always had time to get games as survivors, but there was a time it was very fast and it was awesome ! So, if they were able to up the speed of the match of the survivors one time in the past, i think they could do it again

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48

    Yes i know, but, as i said earlier, the waiting time is very long as survivor since a long time, since some month it's long and yes it's getting even worst because, playing killer actually looks for a lot of us, very boring and frustrating and uninteresting, i understand that. But i'm very sure that a more efficient matching can be done and then of course gives more fun for the killer.

  • Salarekt
    Salarekt Member Posts: 1

    Hey, as a beginner i don't like playing killer cuz there are a lot of things to learn, all the perks how to counter the loops, as survivor too you have to learn things but atleast you can be helped by your team, while as killer you have to learn all alone, so a beginner killer it's hard for him i think if the survivors are playing in team ^^ that's maybe why more people play survivors but at least i'm new so i don't know if i say true things, just giving my advice

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48

    i'm never toxic in the chat after the game, whatever happened in the game i say "gg wp" every time, my stream can show that. I understand that the waiting time as survivor is because there are not a lot of killers. But i ha ve the right to think it is possible to make a better matchmaking to make faster the search time, i remind that at a moment in the story of the game they tried to do that, there was a fair waiting time, that made that everybody was ready to wait the same time, and since that moment it's the hell. There should be a way to better the matching, and maybe we can know on a day how many killers played and how many survivors played ? since this we could get a good conclusion.

  • Infckingcredible
    Infckingcredible Member Posts: 145

    It was just a general note (it just adds up to an even worse experience for the killer, doesn't matter if he got 0k or 4k), not specifically about you.

    Only "fair" matchmaking regarding the time would be if everyone just goes into a queue for survivor/killer and picks first in queue. And to get instant queues as survivor the ratio must be like 5:1 (since 4 surv on 1 killer and if a survivor dies he queues again while killer is still playing). But since that's a pretty bad idea due location and ranks, it won,t happen. I can't tell how the current matchmaking exactly works but if BHVR was able to speed queues up it's probably barely noticeable, it'd just be a few seconds i guess.

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48

    Yes i understand you did a general message, you're right there should be less salt in the chat after the game :)

    I hope that BHVR can do something to make a better search time, that would bring more players to the game, because a video game is made to be played, not to wait :(

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Killers get nerfed heavily then survivors complain about queues times. I mean you've searched for it plus the new rank reset make the situation even worse.

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2020

    Sauf que moi je ne fais pas partit des gens qui se plaignent que les tueurs sont trop fort ou pas assez fort, je dis juste que d'attendre 78 ans en survivant c'est vraiment chiant. Alors ne me met pas dans le même panier que les survivants qui se plaignent des tueurs ! Je n'y suis pour RIEN si ruine à été nerf, moi il ne me dérangeait pas comme il était avant. Stop tout le temps faire des généralités

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Je te cibler pas, je dis juste que les survivants pleure parce que ruine est OP lol, Je joue les deux cotes j'ai des matchmaking en mousse de 10min et pire la soiree. Que-ce que tu veut que je te dise je dis des faits ? les survivants ont que ce qu'il merite.

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2020

    D'accord je comprend oui :) désolé, je pensais que tu me ciblait. Pas tous les survivants non plus. Les joueurs expérimentais sans fiché du ruine, bon c'est sûr quand tu affronte une spirit avec ruine avant le patch c'était pas super mais des spirit on en voit pas beaucoup en red rank. Je déplore le fait que jouer seul en survivant à ce jeu est devenu très très frustrant, et comme le côté tueur à l'air de plaire à pas grand monde, finalement être seul sur ce jeu est synonyme de quitter ce jeu. J'en suis pas encore là et heureusement, car malgré tout, je l'aime ce jeu. Mais j'en peux plus de l'attente lobby :'( mdr

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Moi aussi j'adore ce jeu je suis devouer enormement, C'est juste que ca deviens du grand n'importe quoi au moins badham et lery sont bien c'est deja ca.

    Solo survivor est frustrant quand tu vois la qualiter des joueurs en rang rouge c'est hilarant.

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48

    Oui c'est clair ! et puis même on attend 10 minutes pour ce retrouver avec n'importe qui, on n'est même pas assuré d'être au moins avec des joueurs qui connaissent les bases du jeu mdr

  • SawPalin
    SawPalin Member Posts: 48

    That's not that easy, cuz if it was like this we would find faster, there is probably a bigger difference

  • TheObamacare
    TheObamacare Member Posts: 29

    As a split player with 850 hours in the game (I know not a crazy amount) I literally quit. Now I just watch the forums burn. Its a shame they let a game die like this.

  • KWarner
    KWarner Member Posts: 1

    My killer wait time is taking far too long so I just play survivor and get placed with 3 rank 16 and a rank 3 killer