All hex perk except NOED should be a non-hex per change my mind.

All hex perks are weak and should make them be a non-hex perk but with a small change.


  • Goat_Worship
    Goat_Worship Member Posts: 73

    Haunted grounds can be game ending, if people pop it at the wrong time.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    It got me on at first so: 8/10 Bait. Really good bait comparing to some others

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    Right now the 200 % from the ruin is 0,6 g/s.

    Devour Hope they can just add 2 more hook for the insta down and the mori and everthing will be ok

  • PerskuleBenener
    PerskuleBenener Member Posts: 43

    You realise the third seal exists, its probably the worst hex perk at the moment, but that definitely shouldn't be made into a non hex version, since it would basically make all of the aura reading perks on survivors useless. This teribble idea could probably only work on huntress lullaby, since haunted grounds is made to be cleansed and thrill would be useless if there were no other hex perks than noed. I shouldn't even need to explain devour hope

  • Xx_Daniel_xX69
    Xx_Daniel_xX69 Member Posts: 214
    edited January 2020

    If Devour had a high enough trade I think it could work as a no hex perk. an example could be it needs 5 to 6 survivors hooked for the haste effect, 7 to 8 for the insta and 9 or 10 for the Kill as those survivors would be on death hook anyway. I'm not great with assigning values and all that but I think this would be a fair endgame perk.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    This would just make the perk unusuable. Based on those numbers, you'd be relying on survivors to never hit struggle and ensure all 4 survivors each get hooked for each stage. And even if you did, by the time you even hit the insta-down numbers, all survivors would be dead anyway.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Only Lullaby and the new Ruin shouldn't be hex perks.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Disagree. Devour, Thrill of the hunt and haunted should all stay hexes. Devour is a perfect example of what hex’s should be like because it provides an extremely beneficial reward at the cost of running the risk it will be destroyed. Haunted and thrill just have to stay hex’s because of their design. Huntress’s lullaby and third seal could maybe be changed to a non hex however a small buff to them each would make them a better hex. For huntress’s lullaby don’t show the indicator that the hex exists until a certain amount of stacks have been reached like devour. Third seal is probably a harder one to buff. Only perk that truly shouldn’t be a hex is new ruin.

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86
    edited January 2020

    Devour hope should be a hex perk it's way too powerful not to be.

    Nor should thrill of the hunt. The nor haunted grounds because it wouldn't work if it wasn't a hex. Third seal maybe could work after hitting a survivor so many times like 4 or something I dunno.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    are you kidding me? Ruin as is MAYBE but lullaby would be near impossible to deal with

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061
    edited January 2020

    They should still be hex perks, but the entire Totem system should be reworked.

    Making totem spawns "harder" only hinders new players, experienced players just memorize the totem spawns.

    Hexes should be able to be places wherever the Killer wants to put them, as long as its not somewhere were it is impossible for Survivors to cleanse. (Eg: Teleporting somewhere Survivors cant reach as Nurse, at the top of a staircase blocking both the stairs and the cleanse prompt)

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Just pay more attention. Most people don't look for skill-checks, they listen. This is why it's so effective.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    I think gen-protection perk shouldn't be a hex totem, for exemple: with the "reworked" ruin huntress lullaby is much less useful.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    I would like to see you deal with a 3 oclocker or even 6 oclocker with no sound warning.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Huntresses lullaby: too weak to be a hex, agreed

    Devour hope: would be ridiculous as a non-hex

    3rd seal: an inconvenience for swf, ez 4k against solo teams. Don't really want that gap increasing

    Haunted grounds: no idea how that would even work

    Thrill of the hunt: same as haunted grounds

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Lullaby definitely shouldn't show before the first hook.

    3rd seal should just be a normal perk that cleanses itself at a full heal. The blindness on the hook is what matters and makes it fun anyway

    Devour needs to stay. It shouldn't light up until after first hook.

    Ruin needs to change again

    Thrill is fine and haunted grounds is fun

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Or make hexes respawn after some time

  • pjo
    pjo Member Posts: 7

    The old noed as non hex was so much fun... 😋 Hmm I play ruin and haunted as my personal meta and it brings at least 2 hooks. Hex totems was one of the best ideas for the games, before it was much more unbalanced...