looks like killer is still op after ruin nerf

HYthinger Member Posts: 130
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Well maybe it wasnt ruins fault that survivors suck. maybe its just the bad rank system giving every survivor a participation award and giving everyone rank 1. And than this kinda stuff happens....

And the best thing about it??? i got deranked for them rather disconecting than losing to a player playing better than them (both dc'd after i downed em once in about 20 seconds).

You know why they are so entitled ? Because they know that they shouldnt go down that fast against a m1 killer. But i guess u can just dc if you dont have skill lol.

Insted of thinking about why 80% of red ranks use ruin or ds. how about thinking about why clearly bad / new players are in red ranks. So many times when i play killer i see some claudette urban evasion behind a tree while i chase here team mate. And after the match i get blamed for being toxic and not nice even tough they shuld blame ther team mates for playing like rank 15s on rank 1.

tl;dr pls finaly rework the rank system. im sick of playing against or with potatoes that just dc when the match doesnt run the way they want. It also rly sucks for the 2 survivors that didnt dc because they probably had a 10 minute q just for a 1 minute game.


  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I never thought to combine Sloppy with Dying Light. That's a pretty good idea to balance out the super soldier Dying Light grants survivors. I'm going to try that, thank-you.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited January 2020

    They cant really fix or improve the ranking system when the community seemingly is so devided about it.

    There was a time pipping for survivors was demanding, and. of course, while rank should not matter many an insecure survivor complained about this high number above their character and so pipping was made easier, now it means nothing and throws everything out of wack.

    But its literally in response to what the community asked (ill adviced or not)

    Post edited by ZoneDymo on
  • heavendog
    heavendog Member Posts: 35
    edited January 2020

    I've played this game a lot and have never even gotten purple ranks, so how do people who dc against better skilled killers get red ranks?

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited January 2020

    I had some matches where I won without Ruin. Ruin balanced. I had matches with Clown and got 3 4ks in a row. Clown OP.

    See what I did there?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    The rank system is ONLY for matchmaking. Period. That's all it does.

    What you're mad at is the emblem system. That which allows people to "rank up" so easily.

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130

    thats what i meant with "rank system" atm the emblem system is dbds rank system. And its ultra garbage. Its like every damn potatoe gets to rank one than goes to the forum and complains killer op because baby dwight got his ass kicked by a 5k hours billy. like #########. Do you remember the times where ochido still played on pc? His toxic trash community atleast knew how to play decent but i kinda feel like since hes gone and ranking up is made more easy every patch (for survivors. killer can even derank with a 4k lol) there are so many people on red ranks that belong to rank 15. Like....is it even possible to derank as survivor. i feel like u do one gen get a unhook and u allready get a black pip on red rank. There shouldnt even be a black pip. either u win or lose there is no draw so there also should not be a draw in the ranking system. i think removing the black pip and making it harder to rank up would fix the ranked system. on the other hand killer would than be unplayable since most maps are so big the gens are done before u even get there.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Light weight is actually pretty good, scratch marks dissapear really fast and can be extremely confusing to the killer.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    "I must consult with the elder gods."

    *falls flat on the floor*

  • scat
    scat Member Posts: 33

    Lightweight is more useful than self care.. especially with the right build

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I agree that lightweight is underrated. You will noticeably lose more killers in chases. Obviously didn't work on OP tho, haha.

    KingHEADBUSTER Member Posts: 75

    I use light weight spine chill resilience, OoO pretty good combo

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156
    edited January 2020

    Like it or not, the whole mentality that some killers have of "play as you want" shows you only care about your own enjoyment and not weather or not all are enjoying the game. This is a horror/thriller game where as the survivor, you are expecting the killer to kill, sure. But actions like camping, killing, slugging just aren't thrilling and/or fun.

    Additionally, the constant insults in your post are a sure fire way to make the dev's just not care about what you have to say.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Laffsclown
    Laffsclown Member Posts: 12

    Ruin was never a problem to begin with I thought

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    You dont. It's not better skilled killers that red ranks dc against, it's play styles. Fortunately, there are more good, actually skilled killers out there to play against than those who think they are. There are plenty of killers who, win or lose, you just enjoy playing against. But you know what they say about a few bad apples...

  • Antismog
    Antismog Member Posts: 1

    Killer is not OP and anyone that thinks so most likely just bad at this game. Survivors are op and face it. 5 mans easily can win every single game they play. One can distract while others gen rush. Its op

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    It's really hard to derank as a survivor. When I finally decide to derank cause I despise playing red ranks, I have to run Laurie Chode with her OoO and B-line to the killer and let them kill me. Minus DCing, any other method usually ends up in saving pipps rather losing pipps.

    I don't know how many times I've played a really bad game and was genuinely surprised I even pipped, let alone double pip.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    I'd hate going against a 5 man squad. 1 to chase, 4 on different gens, that game would be over in 3 minutes...

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    Thank you for saying this. I fully agree from the opposite perspective. I am a rank 13 killer but I get matched against red and purple SWFs over and over again. You're right, a lot of them are potatoes, but your argument applies in the other direction too. At this point I've played 12 matches post Ruin change. The average survivor rank in those matches is between 6 and 7. The whole Ruin issue is a red herring. We can't really know what specific perk changes will do if the matchmaking system is so bad.

  • YaYeet
    YaYeet Member Posts: 21

    Why?i just derank playing basement bubba with noed.they asked for it with the update

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Can't argue with insult opener, but considering enjoyment... With killer quests like "have 4 survivors in the basement at the same time while at EGC" people should realize that there is nothing that can be considered "pathetic playstyle". This phrase alone shows, how entitled you should be. Especially with current killer que problem. People with position like yours don't help this situation. Because somebody have to wait 10-15 minutes for a match and it turns into a pumpkin at the first minute because some special snowflake doesn't like when killer (has to) play rough.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    I appreciate the message this is sending but I don't like that my boy Dweet is the one chosen for it 😣

    I think an immersed Blendette would be more apt to a message like that.

  • CaliKing
    CaliKing Member Posts: 16

    I mean, I'm a survivor with "scraps as perks", but I also have 2 years on Ps4 DBD lol & recently made my PC (6ish months ago, got DBD 3ish months ago) but I got to rank 1 killer & survivor within the 1st 2 or 3 weeks of starting on PC. Keep in mind I play other things too so I could have probably got there quicker lmao. So what I'm saying is bad perks in rank 1 (or high ranks) doesn't mean they booty cheeks 100% of the time. Got to judge by how the play in game & even then they could be just having a bad game.

    & if people care how my grind is going from Ps4 to PC, I have 9 Survivors level 41 & 8 Killers level 41. Doing survivor, killer, survivor, ect. to keep it even until they're all done. With currently just under 160 hours on record! (getting all teachables 1st, then Prestige 3 level 50 everyone)

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111

    This match making should not occur even for survivors and I was playing solo. My Killer matches at rank 1 look similar to this and it’s just not even fun when your just destroying someone who can’t even loop or play well.

  • CH3DDA
    CH3DDA Member Posts: 3

    This is how my killer games went last night. I maybe had one game where I had to sweat. I thought I was going against greens every game. It's so easy to get into red as survivor.

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    Wouldn't new ruin be more balanced in placing bad killers from good killer players. Not really affecting survivors much. Good killers will still do what they do. It only just effects the killers that dont pressure to much effectively. (And the type of killer doesn't matter the player does)

    Of course none of this matter against the 10% survivors that r gods!!!!!!!!!

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    My position is quite simple, everyone should be able to have fun. It's not entitled, and I don't care if I get out. Hell, hooking all 4 during each is unusual and anyone with half a brain can see that it's not a killer being a douche. But I haven't seen anything that says slug all for players and let them bleed out. Nor have I ever seen anything that says hook and kill each survivor before hooking another survivor. They also dont have anything that says hook a survivor then prevent others from unhooking them. In fact in each of these cases, the game punishes you by not awarding points for these things, you dont get points for bleed out, you lose out on chase points when you stay on the same person, you lose out on pointswjen you only hook the survivor once. In all these cases the developers realized the game should be fun for all, and these type of behavior shouldn't be rewarded. Yet killers who still do this, show they are truly entitled.

    So if you want to play this way, then I'll dc because you make the game boring, then have my fun after in chat. You had fun at my expense during the game, I'll have fun at your expense after.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    You threading to DC shows that you’re the entitled one. When killers other than Spirit, Hag, Freddy and Billy have no map pressure, what are they supposed to do? Slugging forces survivors off of gens to go help their teammates.

    It’s not like Killers have many options to slow the game down, and not many people want to play a 5 minute match. Should killers just start DCing when 3 gens pop before they could even get through a chase?

    Do survivors consider how the killer feels when they play? The answer is a Big fat NO, so don’t expect anyone to consider your fun.

    When I get a player like you who DCs because they can’t handle the game not playing out how they like, I just troll/meme around with the rest of the team. It’s more enjoyable than trying to please your type.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    So, wanna point out, where author said he ever used bleeding out or something like that? You assumed that because he used strong wording and that's about it. But I know for the fact that people DC instantly if they was downed FIRST with deliverance, or right after missing DS, or even when they face a killer they don't like. I even had a case of people DCing because their bluff of having DS didn't work when they jumped into a locker. None of those things are connected to "pathetic playstyles".

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156
    edited January 2020

    I never said he specifically used those playstyles either, I simply used them as examples. While your complaining about survivor doctor stupid reasons, yes killers dc too. They dc for being stunned by 3 pallets, for not wanting to chase around a jungle gym, for being blinded/ds'd/blocked from hooking. That must make them entitled by your standards as well.

    I say the game should be fun for all, and yes, I do want the killer to have fun too. You say the game should be fun for you and don't care about the survivors. That alone shows how entitled you really think you are. You feel I should stay in game just so you can still gave fun while the rest of us suffer through it, just so you can be satisfied. Grow a pair and take the challenging route, instead of the easy one. It's more rewarding for all.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    It would. But I don't think the problem is red rank killers where they shouldn't be. But rather survivors where they shouldn't be. Or a blend of both. Rank 1 shouldn't be easy for anyone. And if you can get there with ease then it means that it's too easy to get there I think.

    If rank 1 killers are saying survivors are bullying. Then maybe they shouldn't be rank 1. Same for survivors. If they get to rank 1 and are getting owned by the red killers. Then maybe we need to adjust the ranking system. And not buff/nerf the players who are giving feedback based on incorrect ranks. Everyone shouldn't be rank 1. There are rank 12 players. That are just rank 12 players. And that's okay! We NEED killers AND survivors in low ranks and high ranks. Respectively where they belong.