How often do you feel you actually outplayed opponents of equal skill?

To both killer and survivors, and those of us that play both. (Everyone should play both at some point though.)

I would say this more from a killers perspective, and at all ranks (although with MM as it is, rank is kind of meaningless rn)

But how often do you 4k, or escape, and feel that you earned it? I would probably say I 3 or 4k 80% of games. However I rarely feel like they are close games, or that were "fun for both sides"

At red ranks, there is normally at least 1 survivor that dosnt know how to loop and use pallets properly, don't know how to run gyms and have no clue what pallets are safe or unsafe and most will make some sort of mistakes. This dosnt feel rewarding to win.

(Ranging from slip ups getting me a hit, to just being complete potatoes) If I was to go back over every kill I have (And ngl, its in the thousands.) most are directly down to the survivors doing the wrong thing.

In a game where survivors don't make mistakes, I lose, almost 100% of the time.

If a game ends in a 2k (the stated aim) it feels like a loss, gens get done, little pressure is applied, and the game is in the survivors hand. The games I win, often feel like im just steamrolling.

Close games do happen, but t least in my experience, things are such feast or famine, that the overall global stats must be skewed so heavily by the majority of bad survivor players.

Anyone else feel this way?



  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    All the time, every mindgame is 50%. It all comes up if you guess correctly first couple of times and then you can start reading your opponent.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    I don't think anyone is of "equal" skill. If I lose, they were better. If win, they were worse. Pretty simple. No one will ever be your perfect equal.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    A lot of the time, most of the time even.

    But keep in mind I'm a person that don't view plays aided by perks as "undeserved" or anything like that. If someone gets away because of DS or gets a kill because of NOED, they simply used something in the game to their advantage.

    It's completely irrelevant if I feel whatever was involved should be changed, if they hard camped 1 survivor and got another with NOED or they used DS aggressively instead of anti-tunnel. It's how it works in the game at the moment and in my opinion it's scrubby to think "They didn't really beat me!" for reason like that.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    I'm not saying survivors are OP, if im 4king 80% of games, im doing fine tbh even after the Ruin nerf, my point was that it dosnt feel balanced. If anything the skill gap between good and bad survivors needs to be brought closer together somehow. If i 4k a team that play like rank 20's, its not fun. Games that feel genuinely close are too rare.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    99% of the time.

    You'll always hear DC complaints on here, but very few DC from my matches.

    AFKs are 20 times as rare, and people trying to work with me is 5 times as rare as AFKs.

    So generally, they try their best, and as long as they do that, if i win, it'll feel earned.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    I prefer them shaking me in a chase or someone else causing me to get distracted over the Nea hopping through the same 5 windows that spawned close to each other any day of the week. I can agree there can be aggravating ways for a Survivor to "outplay" you.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318

    i mean... depends on how often i actually go against a survivor with decent skill. its hard to come by after the ranking changes.

    i feel like i 4k (or 3k with a hatch escape) about 95% of my games. played about 10 hrs yesterday and only had 1 time where all 4 escaped.

    i dont think of "how often" as a match though. i think of it case by case. like someone can outplay me allll game but i still manage to get them. thats not me really outplaying them, just as a hatch escape isnt them outplaying me.

    jukes, loops, mind games, reads at pallet, etc. thats where i think about if i outplayed them or not.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Depends on what's happening. If someone outmind games me then I absolutely say something like "damn nice swing." Or, something like "Oh ######### what a god." But, a lot of aspects of DBD aren't skill based or they require low skill. Stuff like playing safe pallet loops isn't impressive nor is getting a hit or down at an unsafe pallet. I'll give respect where it's earned.

  • ElementDoom
    ElementDoom Member Posts: 166

    Never. The overwhelming majority of my games are wiping out survivors that don't know what they're doing. The amount of simple easily avoided mistakes they make add up so quickly that I can't keep count. Then I 4k totally aware that I only won because the survivors were bad.

    On the off chance that I get a good group it's the opposite feeling. They make no mistakes for me to capitalize on and I can't do anything. Gens get done quickly with me having 2-3 hooks. If the majority of survivors had any clue how the game worked I'd never play.

    There isn't ever any in between and hasn't been in a long time.

    Atm the game isn't fulfilling because the outcome is decided in matchmaking. It's almost become a glorified slot machine.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Often. MM may be busted but so is pipping for survivors. For me things balance out atm.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I don't think on either side I ever go against opponents of equal skill level. As a survivor, I've actually been bored with how easy it is. As killer, the survivors I go against are almost always more experienced, with higher level perks, lower ranks, and some are definitely SWF.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    The only time I don't feel outplayed by a killer is if I vault a window or drop a pallet and still get hit. That's lag 100%.

    As killer the only time I don't feel outplayed is if I whiff when I should have hit. The camera pulls towards some object and I miss even though I didn't want to move that way.

    Other than these BS moments where the game screws me, I can accept when I've been beat. I'm generally very impressed with survivors that managed to lose me in a chase as I have pretty good tracking skills.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325

    I don't really feel like I've outplayed a killer of equal skill ever, because in that situation it's all just down to a mindgame, which has no relevance to skill

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    As of today never. Because matchmaking is screwed and as a rank 9 killer I'm being pitted against ranks 4-1 quite regularly.

    I was even doubting my ability that I got to rank 7 playing against survivors of a similar rank, that's a whole lot worse feeling now

  • Even if everyone was exactly say rank 10 it wouldn't be fair, because the way ranks and pipping work the rank 10 survivors could still be far better than the killer player and still be an uneven match.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    True. But there's just as many if not more players that don't derank just for the sake of it

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    *gets hit by DS while not tunneling because they ran in my face 50 seconds after they were unhooked*

    Yep, outplayed.

    Outperked, lol

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    If I 4k it means there was a significant skill difference or they just played really bad that game.

    Some games I do badly and it's because I messed up a lot, but most games I lose wasn't because I got outplayed but just because they knew how to do gens fast. All chases sub 15 seconds and still a loss.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I feel like I get outplayed by map RNG or bad perk design than survivors themselves. Every game I'm able to get everyone downed through skill with mindgames and such, but of course the idiot with DS follows me. At least I'll just force them to use it since they have no choice most of the time.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Every. Single. Match. Because I'm freaking amazing

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    It's pretty rare that there's a really good even match, most of the time they either ram gens out instantly or mess around trying to loop and fail. The good matches where they don't finishe everything right away and I don't have to play dirty are amazing though, used to be best around rank 4 - 8 last year

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    Item add ons and perk combinations rarely make me feel like someone gets outplayed when they lose. If I can mori a healthy survivor or wall hack to see a killer or survivor, things like that dont take skill to be good with. The balance issues arent the core game its the plethora of game changing perks and add ons that destroy it.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I’m okay with it if there is no taunting or toxicity on both sides. It’s rare though. With ranking system I’m getting rank 16 killers as a rank 6 survivor and vice versa. That with a crappy team and it sucks.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    I only consider this when I perform a good mind game or guess the obscure spot where they've hidden while I'm killer. For the most part I don't consider outplays to be a thing if a map is stupidly one sided with tile spawns.

    For example Wretched Shop - I don't really consider anyone is doing well if they run the double windows it's just a thing the killer basically has to ignore because if they commit they lose so much time. Anything like that I'll never consider skillful or an outplay and honestly those type of map areas make the game boring and uninteresting. Issue is that's like half the maps in the game.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    there are far more problems than just people de-ranking, that is just one of many.

    the fact as killer you can lose with 0 or 1 kill like 30 games in a row, but still escape between 40-60% of your games as survivor, should indicate a massive problem with the game.

    I think devs just look and see "Well John lost 10 games in a row as killer horribly, but jane got 10 4ks and they are the same rank, so that means the game is balanced" but in reality John is struggling, survivors are just curb stomping him, and Jane is doing very well for herself.

    I actually had some damn good games against doctor, that felt close even though we all died today.

    Then I swap over to killer and....not even a little bit, it's like a struggle and a fight to kill one survivor before they all escape. It's brutal, it's a miserable experience and an awful feeling as you can see their confidence in everything they do.

    Should survivors really not be afraid of the killer at all? Like not even a little worried? Doesn't THAT indicate a problem? They tea bag, run around you because they don't feel you as even a threat. Clicking flashlights and whatever else, often chain stunning you and manipulating you because they are better at the game and they know it, and they want to bully you just because of that alone.

    Yet a skill check, is frustrating enough to warrant a rework, but nothing is being done to actually make the killer role not a nightmare for anyone who isn't a master of the damn game.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Assuming two things; 1. not a Spirit where the "mindgame" is a weighted coin toss and 2. i dont get dedicated server'd then quite often, most players at Red ranks shouldn't be there

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Well, considering the only players of "equal skill" I ever go against are survivors because of broken matchmaking as a survivor, I typically 'outplay' a lot of them.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887


    I get outplayed often, but it's usually because I am going up against someone that is more skilled than me.

    This is more the case on the killer side. With matchmaking being so poor, I am often going against much lower rank survivors that I shouldn't be up against. During the few times that I am matched with players closer to my own rank, generally do much better, but that is rare.

    As a survivor, I am usually matched with players, especially the killer, that are close to my rank. This can go either way. Often they can be more skilled than I am due to it being easier for survivors to rank up (ie. me being lower tier than I deserve), but other times it feels about equal in skill level. I like those latter games. I don't care if I don't survive. They earned the kill. I don't mind being outplayed by someone of similar skill level. On the other hand, I hate being bullied by those that have been playing much longer than I have.

    I hope matchmaking gets fixed some day soon.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236

    Pretty much what the OP said, though it depends on the killer. I rarely feel like I outplayed opponents with M1 killers because I've had games go the other way. Once you have a frame of reference for how 4 good survivors run those killers, you look at them differently. At least I do.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    That's honestly the nature if this game. It's very momentum/snowball based

    Close games are rare cause if one side starts to get going it's really hard to make a comeback

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    There are catch-up mechanics - you're just socially pressured not to use them.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    What skill?

    For a killer to be "outplayed" there needs to be some form of counterplay with the base mechanics of the game, and there isn't.

    If a survivor knows the safe spots then the killer has already lost, everything is so safe in this game that it isn't funny.

  • I just ran a killer for 4 gens on the new map by using that counter area because there is literally no way you can get a survivor there if they have resilience until the entity blocks the vault.

    Thing is you just time it and on the last one jump to another pallet loop, then come back and do it again, I did this till 4 gens were done. It was very easy, took minimal skill, just seeing a very safe spot and abusing it.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Rarely because I get 80% of the time potatos that cant fast vault. And 19% of the time sweaty swf that genrush. Since the new matchmaking more and more ppl make it too red ranks and that kinda sucks honestly.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited January 2020

    Rarely. I put a disgusting amount of hours into learning the game, all the loops, all the tips and tricks. Just to be good at Killer and to rank up. I rarely ever lose mind games, and even measured the distance of my attacks, speed, and falls on all my Killers. Then I lose to potato's who teabag and harass you in end game chat, because they got away when I grabbed them, or they were saved by their 4 "get out of jail free card" perks. Like nothing is more unfun than watching 4 people run around like chickens with their heads cut off, and then just get to make so many mistakes for free and because of servers and bugs you lose because of it.

    I literally had a match where a Meg anytime she went into a chase, that was too hard on her computer, there would be a half a second. Then she would just be gone. No where to be seen, and her scratch marks disappeared. Probably because she just rubber-banded back behind me, and is now taking off on a different route with a second helping of Sprint burst.

    After that I had a match where a David dropped a pallet on the same side as me, and as I went to take the hit. I got stunned, and he got to jump the pallet for free. Why does a pallet stun me, when there is a survivor between me and the pallet?

    Then directly after that I tried to grab a David off a generator that was near completion. Half way through the grab animation it was straight up canceled, and the David ran away. WHILE MY KILLER WAS STILL RECOVERING FROM THE GRAB ANIMATION.

    Don't even get me started on the stupid hook tech that THEY LITERALLY ADDED BACK IN, being able to crouch and hide behind people hanging on hook, or simply crouching next to a hook to avoid an attack, because for some reason the dev's think it's a good idea to have an auto aim feature that always prioritizes the hook, and hooked survivor over the one directly in front of you. It's not. That's a dumb idea.

    Then when I play Survivor. I hold m1 on a few generators, get them done in no time because of the easy af skill check. If my team is doing bad, I got loop the killer through easy af safe loops. Then either take the hatch, or the exit gate. Depending on IF I got hit at all. Omg so boring. I'm not surprised Killers are leaving.

    These were literally my first three matches today, and i'm already done playing Killer for the day. So good job, you just gave yourself that much of an even longer waiting time for Survivor games.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Don't even get me started on the new Lery's map. UGH. It looks great, the attention to detail is amazing beyond belief. But they didn't need to turn the map into a second Iron Works. Before you actually needed skill to run the loops as survivor. Now it's just "Oh I know these god loops spawn here, so I will just run there first any time the killer even shows their face". Even then if ya'll run low on pallets (because you never run out of pallets - ever, that was and will always be a lie). You can always just run to the office, which is always conveniently near the center of the map, so you may have to take a hit, but you're gonna get there anyways.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    That’s why I stopped using NOED a long time ago. It never felt rewarding or like I outplayed the opponents. The kills just felt like freebies.

    I fee more like I outplayed them with mindgames at loops. That’s probably why I find the weaker killers more fun ironically. Its harder to get a hit with a standard killer than say Spirit, Freddy or Hag who all have ways to either teleport or slow the survivor

  • Getya_Mad
    Getya_Mad Member Posts: 42

    I dont have a clue yet DBD Devs, when I que up its either really good reds and purples or low level new guys that I crush.....How about you guys actually LISTEN to the community and fix this broke ass game...

  • AWildLuke
    AWildLuke Member Posts: 22

    It has happened to me as a killer, but not really often, it's more of a bad matchmaking case OR when I'm playing Huntress, wich I'm not good at it btw so I end up missing a bunch of hatchets and losing (but I'm aware it's because I'm bad, not because they're good). If I knew how to run loops more correctly I could play her more efficiently. The other m1 killers I can play fairly good, but I'm really a non-sweaty killer so I barely ever slug or go against the person who just got unhooked; being nice, though, has cost me a few games; doesnt really bother me if I got all 4 juicy bbq stacks.

    As a survivor, it depends. There's a few killers I dont know how to go against properly. A good hillbilly, for instance, can beat me up really fast. But most m1 killers I feel like a play against fairly decent. However, these days what has really getting me killed most of matches is bad teammates. Like people who go down almost instantly against a legion or a clown. Since the update I think I escaped once. I'm purple ranks and I dont feel like everyone should be this boosted in here (like running TOWARDS the killer after I unhooked them, even though they just saw the killer going on that direction). So not really outplayed, but mostly losing because its NOT a 1x1 game and doesnt matter how good you are, if one or all your teammates are bad, theres just so much you can do.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    All the time when I play Hag, you have to mind game and control the flow of survivors movements throughout the map. The number of red rank survivors that dont know how to deal with a hag and her traps is astounding. Then there is the odd match were I get an SWF that is well coordinated and know exactly how to deal with a hag and her traps.That's when you have to focus loopers onto hooks to pull off their gen players and start slugging/tradding hook savers or getting their less skilled loopers into chases if they are not playing immersed Claudette .Knowing the exact space to to place traps apart to teleport attack on cool down in a path the survivor has to run to either escape a chase or reach an objective/hooked survivor is necessary at high ranks. Getting d/c in first 30 seconds because you funneled a survivor into your traps spaced correctly is very satisfying.

    But hags teleport attacks are currently bugged from patch 3.5.0 so ive been playing more Oni and Freddy since the patch. Mind gaming with Oni has really shown me that a good portion of red rank survivors are boosted. dont know how to loop, and have no spacial awareness. Ive been having a lot of fun just stopping mid loop at a high wall with Oni, waiting a second or two for the survivor to turn around and run right into me since they hardly pay attention to sounds. Oni is the largest most audible killer in game, and they just run right into him, oblivious of this angry large ass samurai.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    When I play nurse, spirit or huntress I feel like I can beat any survivors. Pig and Freddy to a degree. As for survivor I’ve been in so many games where the killer downs us pretty fast yet still looses the game because of one slightly long chase they have had with someone.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't

    and sometimes I will never know because matchmaking

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Ikr they call it toxic and meta...homie, I'm just tryna survive chill dog

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    I always feel like I outplayed the other side when I tunnel a survivor off the hook with a morie or tbag the hatch and leave the game earlier with one or two other survivor friends by using a key. I'm just too skilled for them!

  • EclipseDarkstar
    EclipseDarkstar Member Posts: 47

    I play Identity V somewhat actively, and the way it handles win conditions has rubbed off on me. One kill is a loss, two kills is a draw, and three or four is a win. Really simple, but it's just a shame that it's so hard against good teams to even secure what I'd class as a draw. If I win I can very rarely say it's because I outplayed the survivors, just because survivors are in many ways required to outplay themselves to fail at doing all five generators before they all die. Without Ruin it's become laughable to expect a gen or two not to go by your first hook, and if that doesn't happen, you can safely assume that the team has no idea how the game works.

    And because of my experience as a killer main (clocking in at about 2400 hours of game time between both sides), the fun in playing survivor has kinda been sucked away. Either my team and I win because the gens fly by, and I feel bad for the killer and the stress they've likely endured, or we all die because one or two of my random teammates didn't know how to hold mouse 1 and occasionally hit space. It's just a series of eye rolls at this point because either way I don't feel any sense of pride as a survivor player.

    PS. Ruin was never hard to counter. Either hit the skill checks properly like you have the innate capability to do, or go find the hex and break it. Same with NoEd. Hex perks are all complete jokes, and it's just sad that the only one worth a damn is now an even bigger joke.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    I either completely destroy the survivors or get absolutely destroyed by them...I can't remember the last time I've had a "competitive" game.