

Is there any killer that legit scares you in dbd?

Member Posts: 763

I’ll admit Michael Meyers gets me every time. I’m not easily scared in video games and no other killers in dbd can jump scare me like Meyers. The creep, the white face stalking, and if he’s using the jump scare build, I can’t handle it.

I know ghost face is similar but he’s just more annoying vs. scary.

Which killer has jump scared you the most?


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  • Member Posts: 120

    The shape, The nurse (only if it is a good nurse) The ghostface can make me panic and jumpscare me sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 7

    The shape, because every single time I am always picked off gen because i don't hear nothing. Which is why I love spine chill :D

  • Member Posts: 2,559
    edited May 2020

    A good Nurse on a non-open map can terrify me to bits.

    Edit: Don't see these anymore, and her nerf made it so that my answer is now "no". A shame, really.

    Post edited by Kind_Lemon on
  • Member Posts: 2,238

    I love playing Myers because I get so many jumpscares. Often I'll sneak up on someone and they'll stand still for a few seconds after they get hit, and other times they'd fail a skill check when they see me coming up to them (I know they're just getting screwed by RNG but it's still funny to watch). I often get messages in the post-game chat about how I scared them, which I'm always happy to hear. It's what I play this game for.

    I do still get scared sometimes as survivor. I often jump whenever I think a killer is in one place when I'm actually walking right up to them lol

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    Did you forget to make the poll btw?

  • Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2020

    Hag and Michael especially.

    Stepping on a Hag trap actually makes me jump out of my skin, whilst seeing Michael behind a tree staring at me while I'm doing a gen is an "oh s word" moment.

  • Member Posts: 22

    I think the scream of the Oni really gets my attention. The Demogorgon is nice when he is coming out of the portal, that raises the intensity quite a bit. But sadly this game is not really focused on fear and scaring elements. The Survivors just have to much information to really get scared. It might even be scarier to play killer because you never know if there's a head on survivor waiting in that locker xd

  • Member Posts: 100

    Ghostface always make me jump the most. And the most creepy of all stays the Doctor for me, especially with the skin with eyes everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 13,616


    And not because of her jumpscares, i don't see jumpscares as something scarY.

    Good Hags are what terrify me.

  • Member Posts: 25

    Leatherface when I am in the basement.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Ghostface because of how terrible his reveal mechanics are; I swear he is always working against me no matter what side I play

  • Member Posts: 909

    Hag and Ghostface. Myers is only bad on indoor maps, but Ghostface crouching around and Hag traps jumping out of nowhere get me every time. I started running Spine Chill for the sake of my heart 😅

  • Member Posts: 3,145



  • Member Posts: 56

    Hag always got me...

  • Member Posts: 43

    The Hag, I always get jumpscares ;;;

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Michael Myers. I believe in the boogeyman!!!

  • Member Posts: 23
    edited February 2020

    The doctor.

    You just fixing a gen, then you hear a skillcheck noise. No biggie, you say. Then it's a counter clockwise in the corner skillcheck, ye fail it and then you're on the hook.

    Also the pig:

    She's a killer q u e e n

    Knock out and the face masks

    Escape blocks and the glory basks

    She'll teabag your corpse, any t i m e

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited February 2020

    Gameplay wise I'm always on edge against Ghostface, and really any of the stealth killers but the most on Ghostface because he's the best and most likely to catch you out out of all of them.

    Fear factor wise I remember thinking The Spirit was the most disturbing and freaky killer who was truly horrifying on release. The statement still stands.

    If I saw them IRL: I'd actually say Clown. I don't mess with that crap man Clowns are creepy. A huge fat one who probably killed a guy and stole his clothes and is using chemical gas to disorient me and maybe knock me out would be ######### intense.

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    Hag and any other stealth killer will make me jump. Hag is annoying after a while but Ghostface will always scare the hell out of me.

  • Member Posts: 28

    Always Micheal Myer The creepy mofo X'D

  • Member Posts: 621

    Shape. When he gets T3 and starts chasing I get scared. plus, when you turn to find him stalking you is terrifying.

  • Member Posts: 555

    Hags trap always jumpscare me but that's all, I'm not "scared" of killers, at best, i get jumpscared by a Myers T1/Ghostface/Hag trap

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Myers and Ghostface if they randomly grab me off a gen.

  • Member Posts: 442

    Michael still scares me at times. If I know it's him then I'm constantly spinning my camera since I'm paranoid asf.

    I also got jumpscared by a tinkerer Billy once.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    To this day, the Pig remains the only Killer to make me scream out loud. My Spine Chill went off while I was opening the Exit Gate, so I ran, then I started walking to break the scratch marks. I do that for about ten seconds and decide to look behind me. She was literally two feet away from me.

    The others might make me jump slightly (mostly Hag and Myers), but that was the only time it truly got me.

  • Member Posts: 687

    Ghostface and Hag mostly

  • Member Posts: 550

    There was one time I was the last survivor on the game looking for hatch against a spirit with five stacks of devour hope. My heart was pounding out of my chest by the time I found the hatch and left. Only time I've been scared in this game apart from when I was a baby survivor who was scared of everything.

  • Member Posts: 75

    Spirit legit gives me a heart attack.

  • Member Posts: 87

    My mom with a slipper in her hand

  • Member Posts: 6

    Huntress and her lullaby is so creepy for me. I always have chills going against a huntress.

  • Member Posts: 240
    edited May 2020

    Oh yeah! Michael and Ghost Face are the only killers which scares me a lot

  • Member Posts: 1

    I run spine chill so i'm not exactly scared of Myers or Ghost Face.

    Oni is pretty creepy because of how menacing he sounds, but Doctor takes the cake for me, i'm a big believer that I can't win against doctors (i'm at rank 1 that's how sad it is) because he creeps the crap out of me

  • Member Posts: 59

    All of the above which is why I mostly play killer c:

  • Member Posts: 8

    Ghostface catches me out all the time, pig too sometimes

  • Member Posts: 208

    When I started playing the game I used to be scared of Myers. I remember I was seeing him from the nowhere and scream. Now it's hard for me to be scared from any killer

  • Member Posts: 1

    Not really to be honest. I have been surprised of course, but I can't say that I'm scared of anyone.

  • Member Posts: 854

    A Nurse with an OP operator controlling her is the best.

  • Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2020

    Ghostface has given me actual jumpscares before with him sneaking up in stealth, Hag traps can jumpscare me quite a bit...and Myers has freaked me out once before when I caught him slowly walking up right behind me getting a good stalk in. 😰

    I don’t think I’m genuinely scared of any killer I face in a match, but I can get caught off-guard depending on how they play.

  • Member Posts: 47

    the spirit cuz now you see her and now you dont.

  • Member Posts: 264

    Any killer is scary lately, cause no matter how good you play, you get hit from impossible distances, even with pallets infront of you and walls.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Beeing diagnosed with coulrophobia i'd have to say Clown scares me the most. I allways have to dissconnect from matches against clowns as to not get a panic attack lol. Besides from that i also find pig to be very scary because it is hard to see her sneak up on you, but it is scary in a fun way, while clown for me is not a fun scare at all :)

  • Member Posts: 732

    Casting Myers, Ghostface and Pig jumpscares aside for a bit... when I first started playing I found Huntress the scariest. Her humming is so disturbing and feels so out of place in a realm where people being brutally murdered is the main thing going on. Her backstory being so sad doesn't help either because once you learn why she's humming like that it becomes even scarier somehow...

    Idk how to explain it, she just creates this very specific melancholic, hopeless atmosphere that other killers don't.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I agree, a good Meyers can be creepy. Makes me anxious and worried he's always stalking me.

  • Member Posts: 316

    I've been consistently scared by oni whenever I play as survivor (which isn't much) He scares me because of the roars and the feeling of immediate danger. If I'm caught by him I'm screwed. It hits a bit more than just the jumpscares cause when I hear him and he sounds near I about crap myself

  • Member Posts: 3

    the demogorgon frightens me so much!!! I hate looking at him, I hate seeing him lol

  • Member Posts: 78

    Not any of them really. This isn't a horror game anymore.

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