Is there any way besides 'ds' to stop tunnellers/campers?

Every game, I've been tunneled or camped and I'm honestly sick of it, I don't get how to not get this in a game.


  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Camaradarie, Unbreakable, Tenacity.

    Each of these perks is useful if you're being tunneled, face camped, or slugged.

    None of these are a 100 percent counter, but they definitely help.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    If the killer doesn't know how to play and wants to tunnel/camp the first survivor hooked, there's not much that you can do.

    If the tunnelling/camping is instead something that happens specifically to you, what I would suggest is:

    • don't bring toolboxes/flashlights with you
    • don't use Blendette
    • don't tbag or bodyblock for a chased survivor
    • don't gen rush in front of a coming killer

    Note that I'm not saying that these behaviour are toxic, I'm simply stating that they can elicit certain reactions from some players.

    The other thing is: rank up at least to purple level (but red is better).

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    From a killer's perspective at least, here are at least some of my ideas on the matter:

    A - Understand that while most survivors will call it "unfun" or "bad" gameplay; camping hooks has been stated by devs as a viable strategy for killers - even if they do get less bloodpoints for doing it. During this time, Survivors can either risk the save or get the gens done.

    B - Maybe the killer has a daily to complete hook sacrifices with a killer that they hate playing -- and don't want to have to take more matches than needed by backing off and letting survivors free each other (because someone gets hooked; all 3 survivors stop working on gens and try to save that survivor almost always at least from my experience in these lower ranks).

    C - If a killer is anything like most people in the world; if you have been griefing/trolling the Killer throughout the match -- bullying them with body blocks or flashlights or trying to lure killers into chasing you all the way across the map to free their friends (all of which are "viable" (I used the term like this because of the survivors sentiment that camping isn't "viable" on killers) survivor strategies) instead of working on the generators or avoiding the killer -- then normally when those players finally get you downed, they will camp you to make sure you don't get a chance to keep doing so the rest of the match.

    The problem isn't really what is viable or not viable; or fun or not fun for killers and survivors -- but fundamentally, the fact that the game has such a messed up way of 'rewarding' players for not playing the way their 'team' should (survivors rewarded for pestering and bullying killers instead of being reward for avoidance and objectives only like they should be; killers rewarded for letting survivors have "a chance" instead of ruthlessly guaranteeing their deaths like they should be). It is the backwards reward system that the devs have in place that encourages using such tactics. Essentially - camp a target; you know survivors are going to still try to attempt to be altrusitic because of the bloodpoints of doing so, so it is easier to wait around and not walk off to let 'Sneaky Jim' who has been hiding in bushes tailing you the entire match, run in and unhook them the moment you leave.

    Not necessarily fun for the person on the hook - but unfortunately not anything that can really be 'done' about it.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    If a killer is tunneling/camping, you cannot simply git gud to get out of the situation, unless you're versing a uber potato. You need good teammates AND the meta perks. That's why those perks are meta and why they were introduced specifically for tunelling/camping in the first place. It's the reality of it. Oh, and if it's a Bubba, you're a goner.

    Instead of nerfing Ruin, the devs should have probably fixed this problem and given killers the power and the incentives to not tunnel/camp at all. If they care so much about fun, I'm sure they lose many more new players to this than to ruin, because camping and tunneling are prevalent when versing new killer players.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    DS doesnt help if you get tunneled. It just delays the uninvitable.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Get good at looping.

  • WhiteLoneIceFox
    WhiteLoneIceFox Member Posts: 3

    You want it to stop the only way I think it would is if they got less blood points for camping a hook and forcing a survivor to die on it. In my opinion it is unfair that killers can do that and force a survivor to get no blood points for that game cause of being hooked early game and getting no objective points or anything else so the survivor ends the game with 1000-3000 blood points at most and that’s supposed to be okay? They need to add more ways for a survivor to survive the campers and sluggers rather than saying it’s fine for players to deal with a camper and get no points