We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Devs, please respond

I just watched your Q&A and I honestly don't know what to say. You keep talking about balance and fairness, but it sounds more like balance and fairness for just SURVIVORS.

You didn't say anything about adjusting weaker killers or changing the game objective for survivors, when the question of that came up, you said nothing was planned even though killer mains have been basically yelling at you since the PTB and update. It feels like you listen more to survivors than killers, only changing things they want.

You say perks like Dying Light and thanatophobia might be changed in the future because killers will run them too much, but did you stop to think WHY they want to run them? Because survivors have it easy, they just fix gens and get out while killers have to find them and chase them one at a time with almost nothing stopping the others from fixing the remaining gens. I play both sides and even I think survivor is too easy now.

I love this game and I want to keep giving it the attention it deserves, you guys do a great job. But the way your doing things feels like a mistake, it feels like you're more on one side than the other. I don't want to see this game like this. Please, can you try to do things more for killer?
