Games have been free of toxicity and less DCs since Ruin change
It's interesting cuz Killer players claimed they were going to bring Eboni Moris, NOED, slug, camp, etc.
But in the 10 games I've played since the Ruin change, the game has felt less "annoying" when going against a Killer with a Ruin perk. If people are getting hooked within the first few minutes, the suiciding and DCing doesn't start. I remember with old Ruin, if the Killer had 2+ hooks and Ruin wasn't found and destroyed, people would suicide or DC.
With that said, the Hex Ruin regression really does a number on the gen... There have been times I've had a gen at 70%-80% and a Killer chases me off it. I come back to see just the gears spinning and sparks.
Honestly, I love this change. I feel like I can contribute without pulling my hair out looking for a Ruin. Especially on a map like Hawkins.
The new Ruin causes players to become "fixated" on a gen they've made an effort on that they usually get themselves killed "trying to finish it."
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Oh man one anecdotal day of good luck.
I still have DCs and toxicity every other game. It didnt fix anything. Stop trying to drive a wedge between the playerbase further.
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If you had it at 80 % it would take 160 seconds to get reset which is two full gens
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Y I K E S.
I'm not driving a wedge. Just letting everyone know.
Believe it or not, my first game after the change was on Sheltered Woods... and dear god, I detest that map. With the Ruin change, I actually felt like I had a chance.
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Wrong. 80%=64seconds.
It would take 128 seconds.
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I'm not saying anything about the regression speed.
Both times, it was specifically a Doctor who kicked it. One used his shock to find me after he kicked and chased me down. The second Doctor hit me, hit the gen, and found me.
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It's normally 1/4 the survivor repair speed ruin increases it to 200% which is 2/4 or half of one survivors repair speed
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Hahaha ok.
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Yes. But a gen with 80% progression was only worked for 64 seconds, not 80 seconds. 80 seconds is the full gen.
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You did mention ruins regression speed in op
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True so that's 128 seconds which is still two gens or three gens if survivors do there job and work on gens not taking into account toolboxes or perks
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I said that I've had a gen done 70% to 80%. Was chased off it and came back to find it completely regressed.
You commented about the regress stats, which I don't understand what prompted that. I'm guessing you were calling BS on me having a gen close to being done, but being chased off it only to come back and find it at 0? Okay.
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1 and a half gen.
3 only if each of the other survivors are working on a separate gen while the 4th loops the killer for the duration. But that only happens on coms. People do stuff #########, take long to find a gen, cleanse a totem, heal, open chests.
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It feels alot more fresh yeah. :)
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don't know about you, but every game I have played as killer (which is few because I don't feel like playing killer just to be bullied now that ruin is gone) I have brought moris and or 4man slugged to win. and I am proxy camping ALOT more
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Haven't played survivor yet but no toolbox or flashlight floods yet :)
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Honestly those who were THAT upset and vindictive about the Ruin change are probably in the minority.
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It's purely anecdotal but I've seen a lot of DC and suicide on hook. Probably even higher than usual. But it's also worth noting that a new rift opened and lots of players act like jerks while trying to finish challenges.
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There are the same amount of DC's and as much toxicity as ever.
Only bad players DC'd because of Ruin, because they mentally convinced themselves that they couldn't be done. For decent players, it was only a minor annoyance. I don't mind them getting rid of the annoying part, but I don't think the new version is a good replacement.
Likewise, if Ruin is "really doing a number" on your gens, that's you, not Ruin. Good players do not let Ruin do a number on the gens. Each gen can be completed in around a minute, or so. The regression is far slower than the repair time. If you lost all of your repair, you were gone too long. If you were being chased then the 3 other people could be working on their gens in peace, so regression on your gen is not that important.
Also, there has definitely been an increase in the use of mori's, NOED, and slugging. Not that it's a bad thing. They are part of the killers play book, they are free to use them. I'm just seeing them more.
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Not in my experience but I'm glad things are better for you.
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I’ve run into much more camping and tunneling, along with way more killer disconnects
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I've had three dcs today, so far. One failed at teabagging, dced. Another I felt bad for. His team didn't grab him till second phase on first hook, then he ran right by me. Downed, dced. His buddy, I assume, dced shortly after. So it's there. You just had a string of good luck.