Last dev stream proved DBD is on its last legs

Since DBD is on its last legs I'm gonna download it again and use all the op add on's ad mori's. I'm sorry new players on the free week end(dumb idea bhvr) but enjoy the insta hatchets and other unfun tactics. Also this matchmaking is something else its like DBD's form of the 6th circle of hell from Dante's Inferno.
I don't see how
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That stream was so biased and disconnected it was amazing
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They wanna nerf pop,thana and some others as they are "obnoxious" when used together
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That's not what they said at all lol
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They seem pretty dead-set on nerfing anything Killers do to slow gen speed. The new Ruin already conflicts with Pop, Overcharge, and Surge.
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They didn't say that verbatim, but they did outright say they want gen slowdown perks to have a lot less synergy.
Then they turn around and say "Ruin is great! Use surveilance! To which I say "Okay, tell me what perk survivors have to accompany DS, Borrowed Time or an exhaustion perk with to make it worthwhile? It's 1v4. The killer shouldn't have to stack perks to accomplish one function.
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He can't because it didn't happen.
They just simply said they like this ruin since you can't combine it with pop because 4 slow down perks aren't fun for anyone and that future slow down perks would be designed with this in mind.
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"gen slowdown perks to have less synergy.. "
it's getting ######### pathetic at this point, what are killers supposed to do? seriously. You delete Ruin so people use Pop & Corrupt/Surge etc.. but now that's being targeted.. if they start touching Pop and Corrupt i legit give up
i uninstalled borderlands 3 after the first month because every interesting gun/grenade i found got nerfed into oblivion and it kept happening over and over again, so it's like what's the point of "looter/shooter" if the loot is irrelevant a week after you get it?
same trend is starting to reveal itself here, just not at warp speed like BL3. What's the point of trying to play killer if you can't prevent the matches from being over by the time you get 3 chases? everything out of their mouths is to the effect of "make things more challenging for the killer" and "more fun for survivor".. it's getting ridiculous
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I'm pretty much done with the game for now, I used to main survivor, but the game has become so unfair that I don't feel like playing anymore, I feel like me and my team have way too many second chances. Escaping doesn't feel challenging or rewarding anymore and playing survivor feels more like grinding/farming for bloodpoints and messing around with the killer. I wonder if that's what playing survivor is about now? Grinding for the rift? Because it sure feels like that, but I don't care about unlocking anything right now.
I will still play killer, just not as often as I used to.
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So the question was “Will other slow down perks see change as well?”
He responded roughly “If you have a build full of slow down perks the game will become stale as survivors will be holding m1 for a really long time, imagine having Old Ruin, Dying Light, Thana & Pop together, gen progression will be painfully slow. Over time they want to make these perks less “obnoxious” TOGETHER, but still make each individual perk great”
To clarify, they never said they wanted to nerf slow down perks, they don’t want each slow perk to synergize together, that’s why Ruin no longer works with Pop etc.
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They literally said that buffing ruin was a good possibility but they didn’t wanna make knee jerked reactions like original Freddy.
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######### are you talking about. what was so bad about the stream? i enjoyed it tbh.
honestly made me feel a liiiittle bit better about everything.
take a xan and chill out lmao
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I dunno, maybe if they can find some way to make these perks worth using by themselves (IMO, currently only Pop is worth it as a standalone perk), it might be worth the trade-off of making them anti-synergistic with each other.
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I personally did not hear that. I heard something about how pop, thana and surge dont have much synergy, but are now more backups than combos.
I mean, I could have missed something. Please, inform me if I am wrong.
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They actually did say they didn't want slow down perks to have as much synergy. On top of that, the suggestion was "run ruin, with pop as an insurance policy". Like...what do survivors have to run with borrowed time and DS for their insurance policy? By suggesting that we even NEED other perks as an insurance policy, they're outright admitting that Ruin is garbage now.
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Honestly I don’t know how they’re going to do it :/
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Do yourself a favor and watch the stream yourself someday before making judgments
People here twist the devs words so much it's insane
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This game is not on its last legs lol it is clearly survivor sided survivor is relaxing and fun while killer is stressful af ..but they watered down survivor ranks so much that there’s so many potatoes if they changed it back no one wanna play killer in red ranks lol they’d actually see how imbalanced the game is ..when gens can go in 4 minutes there’s something the only reason we don’t see that every game now is because like I said ranks are watered down now
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What do you mean? Unbreakable and DS are both an insurance policy. There's a chance it never gets used. There's a chance that they do get used. When using both, one can backup the other in case killer slugs or decides to tunnel and pickup.
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They did.
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Question "Are you looking to improve some of the weaker perks"
Answer "Yes, I have a list here"
Small game
Cruel Limits
Any means necessary
Slippery Meat
This is not happening
How many survivor perks and how many killer perks were on his list?
Yes, there is a Survivor bias.
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Yeah, and I like that they're trying to get survivors to try something different than the regular meta. This isn't a good thing?
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The statement about trying something new was actually directed at Killers in regards to talk about Ruin.
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I once knew a brother and sister that when they had to share a candy bar they got out a ruler to measure and made sure each got exactly the same amount
That's this community in a nutshell
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Except all the chocolate is on one side of the candybar. The other half is made of poop.
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Listen I hate that bhvr just (bad word) panders just to get new players its (bad word) pathetic honestly. Obnoxious perks? I can think of a a few survivor perks that are obnoxious but the devs won't touch those because survivors pay for their over priced skins which are good but not $10 and their "battle pass" is purely unethical greed.
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You're missing the point.
Unbreakable and DS aren't an insurance policy for another perk. They are insurance policies by themselves. You shouldn't have to run one perk as an insurance policy for another, using two perk slots.
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It's a weird idea to make a free-to-play weekend now, when the matchmaking is going crazy. Which rank 20 players are going to stay with the game after they have played a couple of matches against red ranks?
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You know whats also not fun? Survivors stacking 16 2nd chance perks. Some of which can be used multiple times per trial (looking at you Dead Hard, and Borrowed Time). But we don't see the devs care a wet fart about them, because its only the killer having to deal with that bullshit.
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The matchmaking I don't think they can fix they have said "weeks" but that can turn into months with the glacial pace of fixing.
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What i find ironic is they started off the stream with the Samination "Hex Ruined" animation. Do they realise that the entire video is basically mocking them for their decisions?
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If there was a possible fix, I think we would have it by now. You don't need 2 months to fix a matchmaking algorithm.
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Maybe they just have no idea what they are doing and are throwing the no timeline out there on purpose. Because they really are extremely vague about getting their patches out there and timelines are none binding besides the dlc which is a waste of money
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To be honest, it wasn't really all bad.
If toolboxes get reworked properly, and DS gets changed to be anti-tunnel only, then I'm fine with them.
I don't really mind stacking slowdown perks becoming less effective, since I don't think it's very useful anyway.
I don't know about buffing that many survivor perks, since if they're not another second chance or free distance perk they will rarely be used anyway.
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I think everyone in here is ignoring the fact that the devs said that they'd make slowdown perks less synergistic but better when ran alone and that toolboxes are being looked into.
Also Dead Hard, BT and Adrenaline are fine
DS needs a change 100%
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Like what would they even do to all those perks, anyway?
Small Game - Unlocks potential in ones aura reading ability. Whenever a hex perk is used, all survivors within a 72 meter radius can see it for 2/3/4 hours. This perk has a cool down of 20 seconds
Cruel Limits - Your ties to the otherworldly manifest when your prey attempts to get away. Each time a generator is repaired, all windows and vault locations within a radius of 24 meters away from the completed gen get HIGHLIGHTED for all survivors for the next 20/25/30 seconds.
*Editors note
We wanted to removed the ability of this perk to block off vaults and windows as it was pretty frustrating for the lower ranks, and we found it an unfun mechanic when you wanted to complete a gen in a killers face and then Sprint burst and vault a window to Nut Dunk them on the other side. We wanted to encourage more action on the killers part. If he wants to block off windows and vaults, just play legion with bamboozle, I don't give a #########.
By any means necessary - You stand up for yourself, using whatever's on ha... You know what? ######### it. Yes, we already hear you bitching in the back killers, oh what are you gonna do cry? Huh? You gonna leave? Yea, fat ######### chance, you belong to us #########. You don't like getting hit and looped by pallets? Tough titty, now pallets respawn on a timer, they ######### piece back together like sandman every 2 mins. THAT'S FAIR, IT'S JUST LIKE THE HOOKS, WE'LL BRING IT BACK! WE NEED A REASON TO BUFF SABO AGAIN ANYWAY! Also the buff for this perk is the cool down is gone.
Slippery Meat - Ummmm... They just get off the hook for free I guess? Yea, that's a worthy and fair perk, and I can't see it being abused with DS either, nope.
Everything Else - yup, you can stop reading now, it's all buffed. Just not any perk that begins with the letter "Killer"
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The fact that they did not include the monstrous shrine really shows that they don't play or care about killers
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Peanits said in another thread that they're looking at Monstrous Shrine but it requires more work than other perks because just increasing the numbers would make basement camping more obnoxious, so it would need an entire rework.
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Calling dead hard a second-chance perk is kinda inaccurate. The survivor could've rocked any other exhaustion perk and they wouldn't be in that situation where they had to use dead hard. It's an exhaustion perk like everything else.
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Unbreakable is an insurance policy for the killer slugging and not letting me use DS. It still applies.
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Hmmm, I don't think so as you literally ignored everything else they said
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Sometimes one will only see what they wish too and not actually listen to what they said.
They never said they are nerfing these perks but they want to make the synergy between them less while keeping the idividual strength of each one which may not be for a while.
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It sounded pretty grim, happy I read the summary thread instead of watching it live, would've probably driven me to self-harm again
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The only way to break up the meta is to nerf or delete current meta perks, or make other perks stronger and easier to use (MOM) then current perks.
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"the devs aren't circlejerking with killers so the game now is dying"
ok buddy.
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The devs don't play their own game or are very,very bad at it and have obvious bias.
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Peanits, not_queen and almo play the game quite a lot, the fact that they aren't doing the changes you want them to do does not make them less skilful or more biased.
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Of those three, how many are consistently rank 1, and of those that are rank 1, how many are actually happy about the state of the game? I'll wait
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The community is hypocritical..
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No. It doesn't. You don't need unbreakable for DS to be useful at any given rank.