Uninstalling as I type this

Well guys its been fun. Or it used to be at least. But now im just sick of this cesspool of a game. Red rank killer ques are short but the games are stress inducing because i have to play my hardest every single killer game to avoid getting gen rushed. Its not fun anymore having even more pressure put on me by the devs when i play killer. So then i switch to survivor. That way i can wait 10+ minutes for a lobby where i either get slugged, camped, or i green/grey rank teammates. Its not enough fun for the amount of time i wait. Even when i play with 1 or more friends the queue times just go up. The devs have shown they lack the capacity to listen to the killers at all and so now the game is virtually unplayable on both sides for different reasons for me. So im uninstalling to make room for other games i can play and have fun consistently. Bye everyone and i hope the game gets better. I really do.
Cya in a few days
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I mean, nobody is more critical of BHVR than me, but the guy above me is right. Everyone who posts here saying they are done are doing it for attention and were probably reinstalling 30 seconds after hitting the "POST COMMENT" button.
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You dont care but you clearly care enough to write a comment.
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I mean, 3 letters takes a good few seconds.
But, hopefully the devs do something about the queues!
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Nope dont care about attention from strangers. Im posting this because i love the game and want it to get better but the game is simply not fun anymore on either side for me. I wont be returning to dbd for a long time. If this game is still kicking in a year maybe i will return. "Oh hes making a statement about how fed up he is in hopes that things change? Here lemme call him attention hungry real quuck."
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I don't blame you at all, but when you announce it you come off as if you are just being dramatic for attention.
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ok bye
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See my comment above yours
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Well let me quote the late great Colonel Sanders. He said, “I’m too drunk to taste this chicken.”
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I don't know how that's related to this but it's the funniest thing I've heard all week.
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I was addicted to this game for years and I haven't played in weeks. And when I did before this, it was only because friends asked me to. So it may not be all just for attention. I'm a bit sick of the cosmetics coming first. Not to mention I bought the rift pass last go around, no intentions to this time. You have to grind like crazy to complete it. It's just not worth the stress which I imagine has gotten worse with all the changes.I play killer but I was survivor main.
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See you back in the fog next week buddy.
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Buncha panzis
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It's always a good idea to close other applications when uninstalling, including your web browser.
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I can taste the salty tears.
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I dont blame ya. Do what you need to do. If your on pc. Play last year. That looks like a fun game. But y play a game if its not fun ne more. Dont listin to these other people.
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I've seen you comment. But heres the thing, you assume that you uninstaling matters to any of us. What meaningful contribution did you make by posting this? What was the point? Nothing and there is none
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Even if they don't actually leave, these kinds of threads are clear signs that people are walking on the line of wanting to leave. It's an addicting game, and we can't really hold the players accountable for that. These threads are just as important for discussion as others.
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bye have a beautiful time!
you don't need to play sweaty in red ranks... so what if you get genrushed. what's the worst that can happen? you derank and then you're out of the "sweaty red ranks". Problem solved.
Ranks don't matter according to the community.... so derank and be happy.
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April 3, 2020
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Another one of these... lmao
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Best of luck.
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They've changed one perk. The game is dead and unplayable now. I have no choice but to uninstall because the devs don't care about me and my fun. Also I'm a survivor main and a killer main and I don't use ruin much I win without it but I'm leaving because they've changed it and no one ever listens to killer mains and my dog died and I've got a cold and I'm uninstalling this game, and I'm not gonna listen to you guys and I'm leaving and I hope the game gets fixed, did I mention me not having fun and that I'm leaving? Also they've changed ruin and I hate it here and I don't know if you guys noticed but I'm a killer main and they've changed ruin so I'm leaving and uninstalling
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no one wants to see this, no one cares.
yes i care enough to respond because im sick and tired of seeing this garbage.
good riddance, even though you'll be back soon enough.
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I played the beta for Project Resistance. It's awful and absolutely nothing like DBD.
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If this would be the case the playercount would be much higher, up to 10 million owners and only 20-30k playing consecutively. Enough people do leave the game.
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Please, do not leave. Whatever would we do without you. This game will tank without your presence. I beg you to reconsider. Ok, bye.
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Things could of changed since then, maybe. I'm not quitting DBD but it would be nice to have a similar game to play when I need a break from this game.😀
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cool 4 u clown, but making a solemn post for that is overkill, honestly, dont you think we had enough threads like that from people who came back two weeks after ?
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Hope you find another game you like.
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Not everyone. I've had a couple of bothersome nemesis quit playing the game and still pop up on every other thread. Hell, I quit for 2 months on a whim and still sat in the forums. I've played....maybe a dozen games since I've been back as either side?
Not everyone is doing it for attention, especially when it's a thought out post and not just "game is dead ######### X nerf or y change hurr durr I'm out". Sometimes voices need to be heard when leaving, so the company can understand and make cha....
Lol I almost got through that last sentence. We know behaviour doesnt care.
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No one wants to see this response. Nobody cares that you dont care. Some of us like to see negative input as to why people are leaving instead of burying our head in the ground.
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You will when the game dies because noone gonna play killer anymore. After the recent ######### patches I only play this game in like once a week. If little shits manage to cry out a noed nerf though it’s an other uninstall to the pool.
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Yeah I dont like a lot of the changes, but I can accept them/understand their faulty logic behind them.
However nerfing NOED, which is one of if not THE EASIEST to counter perks in the game, because people complain it's too hard to fight or too easy to get kills with, would be absolutely ridiculous. 5 totems. It's gone. Dont wanna die to it? Do totems.
But we know likely, it will be complained about instead of learned how to disable, and the changes will come.
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Guys, seriously, if it were only 1 or 2 people willing to make a thread like this, then it really would be no big deal, go ahead, make your rude comments about how little they matter....
But if it's this many, to the point ppl are rolling their eyes because "oh look, another one", then that is something to take seriously. Even if this player or that player are just venting and do not intend to uninstall at that moment, if a large number of killer players take a break, let alone quit, we'll have a huge wait time issue on our hands, and eventually survivor players will start quitting, and if too many players on either side quit, the game becomes unplayable and it won't be able to recover. Think about it.
If quitter killers had begun before, over something smaller, I could understand pointing fingers at them, but as far as swords to fall on or hills to die on go, this is the first good one.
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If no one left threads like this, the devs would think they are doing a good job. They are not, I've uninstalled at least 3 times last year, only coming back because my friends wanted me to.
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This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure
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See you soon!
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1. Nobody cares. That's not to be mean, it's just true. People see a post like this and roll their eyes because it's just pointless. Even though your reasons for leaving may be valid (and they are,) announcing it to the world does literally nothing.
2. All of your criticisms ain't new. Not by a long shot. Everything ya just said are platitudes and offers nothing new to the conversation. This makes your post even more pointless because ya can't even make the argument that you're pointing out problems to be fixed, because these are all problems we're all (including the devs) well aware of. Now, will the devs fix these problems? I dunno. But let's say they won't. If they have no intention of fixing them at all in the first place, then reiterating the same old crap is (again) pointless because it will only fall on deaf ears.