How often do you feel you actually outplayed opponents of equal skill?



  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    I am rank 13 killer. Almost always, I am matched against SWFs at red or purple ranks. I'm happy if I get 4 stacks on BBQ. Usually I get 0 or 1 kills. I probably average between 1 and 2 kills because I do perform better in the occasional matches with survivors of comparable rank.

    So many questions about this game, like the new Ruin change or anything based on a principle of "balance" between killers and survivors, are betrayed by false assumptions. I really like the guiding question of this thread. It made me realize how infrequently I encounter "players of equal skill" because the matchmaking system is so terribly broken.

    NEVELEVEN11 Member Posts: 141
    edited January 2020

    For me, as a hag main, i dont expect survivors to trip a phantasm trap near a gen. I figured everyone knows how to avoid it. But im always proven wrong. They always trip a trap. If im too far to teleport i just pay attention to the direction the trap is staring and go where i think the survivor will end up. Never fails. So id say no. Even against top tier opponents i rarely ever lose a match. And i place the failings of survivors on themselves.

    As a survivor, Ace main, its a coin toss. I either do really good or am thefirst person sacrificed.

  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    With matchmaking how it is now, I maybe 3k-4k 40% of the time, black PiP 2K/1K 40% of the time, and dePiP 20% or lower. I PiP as survivor in about 80% of matches, survive about 50-60% of them.

    To me, a good win on either side is after a good back-and-forth with momentum the whole match. I want to chase constantly/be chased a few times and win some/lose some. I want to escape on death hook/catch someone near the gates and hook them up, or run around the whole time doing gens and saves with perfect map positioning/keep good pressure up across the map. Those games are rare, but very satisfying. Hell, even if I lose, a good match leaves me a bit disappointed, but wholly entertained. I also learn the most from close matches with similarly-skilled opponents.

  • FrankSRfromIT
    FrankSRfromIT Member Posts: 59

    Not very often, I have been playing the game for about a month(I know, late to the game. haha), mostly as a Killer, and I am being matched up with people that are way better than me. I will say I do feel I have gotten better, getting more games where I will get 1 or 2k, and have had a couple of 3 and 4k but most nights I am playing against rank 9-12's and I am a 17. The other night I had a couple 4's in my game.......that was definitely not even.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Keep at it, killer is hard and I don't think I or many other players "Git gud" till a few hundred hours at least. It rewarding though.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    I think the only killers I feel like I outplay survivors with any regularity are Michael, Ghostface, or Hag. Everyone else either feels like the power is either too weak or too impactful. At least with those three, it feels like the way the match goes works entirely off of how well you choose to use their power, and there's an actual choice to their power.

    For survivors, I'm so bad that I never feel like I've outplayed someone. It always just feels like a matter of luck if I survive a match.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    Sometimes, and when it happens I’m usually in awe.

    Some killers mains are super impressive, and if I get destroyed/tunneled that’s on me, at that point.

    Good Legions and Pigs surprise me the most.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Most often, my "good" games consist of me just applying so much pressure or annoyance (through perks, add-ons, w/e) that the survivors break.

    I only ever feel good about my games when I

    A. don't think too hard about what kinds of actions I'm limiting survivors into doing

    B. I am given powerful tools and incredible agency, but am surprised by an action or play and fail to use my brain to capitalize on it fully in the moment. Additionally, I manage to catch survivors who have powerful tools off guard and force them into making stupid or bad decisions that stay with them for the rest of the game. These games usually are 4ks or 3ks with an intense end (no thanks to the EGC).

    I have only once felt truly pleased by a 0k, and there was top notch trash talk from the solo survivors afterwards.

    In either role, a war of attrition is never fun, and I am constantly displeased by the limited options I have in terms of beneficial stealth and non-altruism.

  • Honestly not often. Been playing 2+ years and my older brother was watching me just constantly cut survivors off and predict their movements. His words " are ya just gonna keep reading her like a book?". Honestly pipping past green ranks should be harder. I'm currently a purple rank survivor and quickly gaining rank.

  • AbsolutelyAmel
    AbsolutelyAmel Member Posts: 146

    Tbh Playing survivor doesnt take much skill.

  • JarMa13
    JarMa13 Member Posts: 40

    I don't feel that skill enters the equation very often.

    There is an epidemic of Unsportsmanlike killers in the game.

    I actually came to post about it.

    I'd say maybe once a week.

    Usually it's killers exploiting game design to get 4k.

    Downing while you're unhooked and rehooking or tunneling off the hook.

    As a killer, when I encounter someone good I enjoy it, but as killer, my advantage is too great and they don't stand a chance, but they make it harder.

  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204

    If I get 2 kills as Huntress vs pro survs it's a loss. If I get 2 kills as clown vs pro survs feels like a win.