Would you recommend DBD in its current state to a friend?

Word of mouth is the best seller so I thought it would be interesting to ask would you recommend DBD in its current state to a friend? Outright no? Outright yes? Or would you say yes but ...
I'd yes if you're going to play survivor with a friend, straight up no if you want to be a beginner Killer right now.
No. It is fun for survivor, but queues are long. Not fun for Killer.
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I would. It's a lot of fun once you learn it.
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Outright no if my friend wanted to play killer
I'd say yes if he's going to play survivors, but I would also say enjoy the que times.
I already had a few friends just uninstall the game due to the incompetence of the Devs, and how the Devs nerfed a Band-aid without fixing the main problem. In which, the Devs aren't gonna increase gen times, and are planning to remove synergy with slowdown perks....
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I was previously, but no way i would now. Boring AF. Killer requires you to sweat like no other, survivor you just coast through.
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I'd recommend it with one warning: certain survivors in this game can be toxic. Real toxic.
I know everyone is mad about ruin but in comparison to when I joined around Clown's release in 2018 the game is in a much, much, much better spot balance wise. It's also more optimized.
I'm hoping for Year 4 the devs only release 3 chapters so they can focus more resources on map reworks and optimization.
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Big No buy monster hunter instead
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Not at all.
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No. I like my friends.
I might be persuaded to recommend it to people I don't like.
I do recommend the devs play the game at high ranks.
Post edited by RWoodrow on14 -
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Hell no
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For me there are 2 big qualifiers.
1) I am a survivor main. I can not give a reasonable response to someone that would want to play as a killer. I don't have the knowledge or experience.
2) I play on PS4. I can not speak to the the experience on any other platform.
Having said all that. My experience at this very moment is a resounding NO! Since the implementation of dedicated servers on the PS4 queue times for survivors have gotten significantly worse. Add to that the slugfest that has been happening since the update and there is no way I would recommend this to anyone. They would think I am insane for loving this game. I am starting to think I am insane for hoping against hope that things will get better.
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No. My little brother has inquired about it as we play Apex and PUBG together almost nightly and I told him not to bother a week or so ago. Queue times for survivor is too long, killer is too sweaty. Most of my other friends have already tried it a year or more ago and quickly moved on.
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Hell yeah, the game is great for people who seek horror and love the idea of teamwork.
Nothing can compete with Dead by Daylight's cat and mouse game, it's literally the best.
However, if I would encourage a friend to start with survivor than work their way to playing killer after enough experience. 😁
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No chance.
If you asked me any patch up to Legion's chapter, it would've been a 100% hell yeah!
After that, you can find much better.
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I have actively recommended against it to my fans when we talk video games.
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If you want to play killer, you'll learn very little from the stompings that matchmaking forces on you, and you'll starve for BP more than I ever did. Definitely not.
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You see, I have been talking with my friends about this for a little.
For the last few months, i have been encouraging my friends to join me in the adventures of the fog. I have been decently lonely traveling, only meeting people on the basis of either killing them or surviving till the match ends. I have a few friends that play, but they were the toxic ones beforehand.
Now with this last patch, my friends are starting t ok be like " hey, I'm thinking about getting the game, and I know you wanted me to play", but I tell them to not at this moment. I do not want their 1st experience in this game be at the worst it has been since I have joined, and in one of it's most shambled states.
Short answer: no, I cannot recommend it. In fact, I've either told them to wait, or think about a different game until the toxicity calms down from both sides.
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I wouldn't.
Too many problems like the ones listed of above
Grinding with no end, too many characters are dlc and an unfriendly playerbase
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A lot of no's here lol
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Hay a lack of a player base/players coming in WILL get their attention and force their hands to improve the game more.
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Lol no. Not right now. I’m dealing with the changes but the community clearly hasn’t.
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I did a few weeks ago. Now he hates me and our friendship is over.
24 -
Hell no.
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No, it can be fun and has addicting moments to it, but how the devs are handling balancing, patches, and bugs its not something id recommend new players without warning them.
If I had purchased this game post 3.5.0 as a new player, I would have discarded it already.
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No need. My cousin facebooked me the other day. He told me he tried it, but waited 15 minutes for a game, and never got one. "well **** this game if it doesn't want me to play lol." Was his response.
So I explained the issue of the ruin nerf and how it's driven a vast number of killers away from the game, which worsened the already strained matchmaking, and so on.
So it occurs to me that their brilliant plan to make the game "less annoying" to new survivors probably isn't working.
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Nope. Far too toxic at the moment. It's not a good environment for new players. Maybe with the matchmaking changes and other changes the devs have in mind, things will improve, but we will have to wait and see.
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I wouldn't recommend it in any state considering the abusive people that play it who think it's okay to blurt out the most despicable stuff
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Of course, but I'll tell them that the community is just like any other.
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Absolutely not
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It's funny you post this because I was literally thinking not so long ago about how flawed this game is from both killer and survivor perspectives, and I was wondering who would buy this game now knowing the state it's in. The answer is no, I would not recommend it. Not only has this game had its fair share of bugs over the years, but a year ago (on ps4) it would take an hour to an hour and a half to find a match with 3 to 4 survivors swf. Absolutely ridiculous. It took them more than half a year to fix this. It was improved not so long ago, but it still needs work. It seems like things are always getting fixed but things are always messing up. Not to mention the general toxicity/[female dog]iness on both sides in this community. Survivors DCing when they get hooked/killed early, Survivors DCing when a certain map/perk or add on is used. Killers DCing when survivors pop gens early, killers DCing when survivors cleanse a totem. The flawed mechanics of the game and sense of entitlement/sense of righteousness this community is known for makes this seem like a waste of money and really unappealing.
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Imagine coming into this game just now as a new killer/survivor..
As survivor you wouldn't get the full crash course training in having to hit great skill checks or having to learn totem placements, or even planning out which gens to complete first (since 3 gen doc is gone. Anyone who had to Wade through that knows how important this is)
As killer, they won't get to start the game of fin a fair state, as they'll be placed against rank 2's at rank 20. They'll play against players who know the tiles and God loops and will finish gens in 5 mins while they take their first chase, wondering what they did wrong and what hey could have done differently. Worse, without ruin there to act as a crutch for new killers to catch up to speed on the mechanical skill/power specific skills required to win, they will only ever take what they think is the best and most immediately effective strategy from what they can actually observe; Camping and "Tunneling".
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6 months ago and I would say yes
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Bad performance, long queue times, boring 5-minute-matches - I wouldn't even recommend the game to potential survivor players. I don't think I have to start talking about the killer experience.
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I regret getting my Girlfriend into playing this...i started around Clown's release, I got her into it before Spirit released.....
So no, I wouldn't recommend it at all....too many issues, inept handlings of basic game features and an overall horrid community that despite some really awesome people, get overshadowed by many others...
The game's concept, design on paper, the lore/mythos writers the music and art/visual teams are top notch....but the actual game itself...is a royal mess and gets far too much love because of the appeal is sold VERY well. Which is further made alluring because they have many Horror Icon IPs to rely on getting people into the game.
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As survivor? Hell friggign yeah!
As killer? Only if you like a challenge.
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Depends on the friend. Some like compatative games to sweat into, some want to play chilled and relaxed games. I have a friend who plays cs go and lol and so I thought dbd could be somehow compared and would fit. Overall he likes dbd, its atleast what he told me xD
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they literally said in the livestream q&a they pay attention to the forums and I’ve been posting about Lisa’s frames being ######### poor on PS4 for 3 years now with video proof on my YouTube and instead they tell the art team to make cosmetics for broken Lisa, really makes me want to buy cosmetics for characters that don’t work properly.
Oni also broken on Switch and Switch survivor is way faster than PS4 but switch graphics are pixelated to ######### compared to my PS4.
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I do not recommend it.
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Not right now, with matchmaking, the various bugs and long queues for survivors, I wouldn't recommend.
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I did it, I already have several friends and they love the game, I don't know why I shouldn't, the game is very fun and the waiting times have improved a lot
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Absolutely not
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I actively discourage anyone asking from buying this game. This game is special to me but for a newcomer it will become a stressful experience.
- Killer role is a struggle juggling 4 survivors and is stressful
- Survivor is incredibly easy to a point where you have to look for the killer at times
It's been like this for a while but when ever BHVR reworks most of the maps is probably when I'd start recommending the game. Maps really are a big issue in this game as well as stuff for survivor to do.
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No, the game hasn't been in a worse state since I've picked it up. Just as glitchy as ever, but now it's even more unbalanced.
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Same here, even before the nerfs and queue times.
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I tried, one of them lasted a few hours and had enough lol
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Absolutely not, as I already stated on the survey they did a while ago.
Some of my reasoning:
1) Really high learning curve and untransparent skill/perk system.
2) Paywalls. Game changing Perks behind licenced killers/survs and the new season pass.
3) Extremely grindy. Now this may be a plus to some people, but you gotta be even more sure if you really want to recommend a grind-fest kinda game to a friend.
4) Slow developement and fixing of mandatory problems and bugs.
5) Literally worst/salty online community i know (in a lifetime of gaming)
6) No clear communication/direction from devs. (See discussions about current Ruin rework)
7) Trash-Tier Matchmaking
8) No chill/fun Game-Mods, only ranked sweaty system
That's it for now.