Incoming survivor buffs (And Killer too!)

On stream they said theyre buffing like 6 survivor perks, and for you killers out there, cruel limits lol. Toolboxes are apparently getting nerfed which is interesting because you can gen rush without a toolbox extremely fast already. So i wonder how they'll nerf the toolbox to be less effective yet still worth bringing at all, maybe they'll make it only interact with skill checks or something
Anyway Survivor train dont stop running baby! Choo Choo!
Cruel limits now allows you to complete one generator for the survivors as the killer.
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I would honestly use it with NOED and Blood Warden for the memes lol. I mean it would be a terrible build but at least the pain wouldn't last long
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Run it on Bubba so you could put on a survivor mask for immersed gameplay.
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######### next level dude
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Yeah, 6 survivor perks and only 1 killer perk, typical BHVR. Killers has so many useless perks but they look on 1 only 🧐
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They got to keep up appearance that they are catering to survivor needs more then killers but they do listen to killers that's why we get 1 perk, toolbox nerf yer don't think it will be that much off a nerf if anything.
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If it's underused and overall weak perks I honestly don't see the issue unless one views balancing as some sort of zero-sum game.
Would you rather have 4 survivors using more specialized perks that got a buff or 4 survivors with DS/BT/DH/Unbreakable or something?
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but what about Territorial Imperative, that one is the most pointless perk ever.
OR mindbreaker, god that sucks hard.
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M I N D B R E A K E R is not gonna be buffed, feels bad man
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Monstrous Shrine
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I am pretty sure that all Survivor Perks which are getting buffed will not be used anyway, even after the Buff.
(Oh, and btw, Peanits confirmed that they have more Killer Perks on their list, but not every Perk is easy to adjust, because some are only Number Changes, others are more complex)
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With Demo is preaty good: Make your choice, Territorial Imperative, Iron grasp, Agitation with both speed addons, you put someone in the basement, put an portal in the top of the stairs, stay in Make u choice and Bubba Imperative range, place another portal when Territorial triggers, and then teleport and just kill the MKYC
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Nerf toolboxes, buff perks to the point that the perk pretty much becomes an un-nerfed toolbox.
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Omg the Devs are buffing weak survivor perks!!1!!1!1!1 Devs Survivor sided1!1!1!1!!!1!1!
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I actually just think its funny lol
But now that i think about it im actually annoyed because
This is literally what Discordances needs. Literally just flip the numbers! It seems like Legion is still paying for their sins against survivors in the early days lol