I Watched the Dev Stream So You Don't Have To (Once Again)!

Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

I'm back again with another livestream summary post! Sorry this one is a few hours later than the previous two - the livestreams happen very early in the morning for me, and usually I can spend the day watching the stream and taking notes, but today I actually had things to do for once.

I've watched the entire stream twice now, and taken copious notes both for myself and for all of you who can't or don't want to watch the stream your for whatever reason, or those who did but would appreciate not having to go back and rewatch it to remember what was said.

As always, while I made every effort I could to be accurate to the information delivered in the stream and not to extrapolate on what was said, these are my words, not the developers', so don't read too far into the wording of particular phrases. Basically, the information is official, but the words are not. (The exception to this is anything which is written in double quotation marks " " as these are quoted word-for-word from what was said on stream). Anything in square brackets [ ] is not information from the stream, but personal conjecture on my part, which is minimal but is included to give context to what was said in the stream.

For those who would like to watch the stream for themselves, you can find it at the links below:

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/540621426

YouTube: https://youtu.be/3Aoe1H282oY

The devs featured on this livestream were:

@not_Queen (Lead Community Manager)

Louis McLean @McLean (Gameplay Programmer/Live Balance)

Justin Banks (Product Manager)

Ethan Larson (Live Designer)

And now, here is everything you need to know about what went down during the 3.5.0 Mid-Chapter Livestream.


PAX East

The Dead By Daylight team will be at PAX East this year. There will be no booth, just a “party”, with drinks, food and fun. More details on this will be arriving soon.

Lunar New Year 2020

The Lunar New Year event, Scarlet Swarm, released this week on January 21st, and will be live until February 4th. It includes new login rewards – if you log into the game during the first week of the event, you will receive some event-themed charms, and if you log in during the second week, you will receive some event-themed reskinned items (a hat for Dwight, a shirt for Nea, and a “Rat Hammer” for Hillbilly).

Tome II: Reckoning

Tome II in the Archives also went live this week. The team are impressed with how quickly everyone is already working their way through the challenges. Remember to check out the information which is already available on the Dead By Daylight website if you want to know more about the new Tome and/or Rift.

Upcoming Hotfix

There is a hotfix coming – they can’t give details on what will be in the hotfix or when it will arrive, because it hasn’t been through validation yet, but it is being worked on currently.

3.5.0 Known Issues

There are other issues with the patch that the devs are aware of, these are just the main ones because they can’t cover every single bug on stream.

Decisive Strike Skill Checks

There is a problem with the Doctor’s “insane” skill checks which prevents Decisive Strike from triggering. The devs are aware of the issue, and a fix will be coming.

Rank Achievements Randomly Unlocking

There is another issue to do with rank achievements unlocking randomly. Rest assured, players will not be banned for this, as the developers are aware that the players aren’t the ones at fault. Players will also keep the achievements already unlocked, even after the bug is fixed.

'Rank Update Error'

Many players are experiencing an increase in Rank Update Errors. Again, the developers are aware of the issue, and are currently working on a fix.

Badham Preschool Disabled

Some issues were discovered with the Badham Preschool map; the map has been temporarily disabled while the problems are fixed, but it will be back in the rotation once it is working correctly again.

Ongoing Issues


The developers are aware of the current issues with the matchmaking system, and are currently preparing some changes to it, which should be coming through in the upcoming weeks. We will be receiving more news about this very shortly in an official blog post.


They are aware that there are problems with sound at the moment, and are currently working on fixes.

The reason why sound seems to get broken every update, according to not_Queen, is because sounds are linked to many other elements of the game, and when these other elements are changed or updated, the associated sounds can be affected. For example, when changes are made to animations, the associated sounds might no longer trigger at the correct point in the animation.

The sound team is working hard on trying to pinpoint the issue – player feedback is very important here, as the more precise feedback they receive, the easier it is for them to isolate and fix the issue. As an example, the TVs on the new Lery’s map were discovered to have been emitting a very high-frequency noise that older people (like the developers) can’t actually hear. This has since been fixed with the help of player feedback.

Optimisation and Dedicated Servers

Optimisation and Dedicated Servers are both constantly being worked on, and will continue to be for as long as the game is live. Many of these improvements happen in the background, and might not be immediately obvious to the majority of players. This is the main reason why they don’t have blog posts dedicated to updates on this particular issue, or talk about it a lot in the live streams lately. These changes don’t often get mentioned in the Patch Notes because it’s mostly just subtle technical tweaks, but they are making improvements to both Dedicated Servers and general optimisation with every update that gets released. When major changes are made – that is, if the change is significant enough that players are likely to notice an immediate difference – it will be noted in the Patch Notes.


Questions about The Archives

What were the takeaways from the first Tome and Rift, and how has it affected the second Tome? (from @violetcherries)

The first takeaway was that the first Tome was a lot more difficult and took longer to complete than intended. The original intention was that players should be able to complete the Rift by completing all the challenges in the Tome, but the timing didn’t end up working out. Changes made to matchmaking, in particular, had some unanticipated effects on the overall time taken to complete the Rift. The difficulty of the challenges was also a problem – as an example, the ‘Last Minute Hero’ challenge in Level II of the Tome, which required survivors to rescue two teammates during the EGC in a single game, was one which the developers recognised serious problems with as soon as it went live, and took immediate action to reduce the requirement to one rescue. They also took this as an opportunity to reduce the difficulty of some of the other challenges in the Tome, including those in later levels. They carried these ideas around challenge difficulty into the design of Tome II, which is more balanced with a much gentler difficulty curve between levels. Originally, they had wanted to create a significant increase in difficulty between Tome levels, but found that this format wasn’t particularly enjoyable either for the general playerbase or for the developers once they got a chance to playtest the Tome for themselves.

Changes have also been made to the layout of the webs at each Tome level. Most of the Master Challenges have been shifted to the edges of the web rather than the middle, so that players are able to progress through the Tome without being forced to finish the more difficult challenges in order to complete the level. In the case of Tome II, this also means that players can complete the rest of the Tome even if they don’t own the necessary DLC characters for some Master Challenges. This was a conscious and very important design decision, because the team wanted to be able to explore the lore of different characters, but they didn’t want to alienate players who don’t own the characters in question.

How were the characters chosen for Tome II? (from @PigNRun)

For Tome I, they wanted to focus on some of the older original characters. Moving forward with Tome II, they decided to explore more of a mix of old and new characters, and picked those who they felt had particularly interesting stories to tell. They will be continuing with this pattern of choosing characters that they think players will want to learn more about, and who could have interesting cosmetics and challenges associated with them, for future Tomes. This will mean having a mix of free and DLC characters, but they want to make sure that the DLC characters featured in the Tomes are as easily accessible to the players as possible. For this reason, characters featured in future Tomes will always be available for Iridescent Shards. They’re also currently testing the idea of having the characters on sale in the Store – Doctor, Jane and Spirit are all currently 30% off when purchased with Auric Cells.

Will future Tomes be focused around four characters as well? (from @GeminiCrow)

Tome I focused on only two characters because the lore for that Tome also involved the continuation of the Hallowed Blight story, and the introduction of the Observer. Going forward, each Tome is planned to focus on expanding the backstories of four characters – two survivors and two killers. After they run out of characters to explore, it will be left up to the Narrative Team as to what parts of the game’s lore they are interested in developing. Having four characters per Tome also has the benefit of spreading out the players a bit more so that everyone is not always playing the same killer – predictably, pick rates for Trapper and Claudette were extremely high after the introduction of Tome and Rift I.

Will the Archives ever focus on maps like they do characters? (from @RickyRick)

When the Art Team make maps, they do put a lot of history and lore into them, especially the “focal points” [main buildings]. The developers don’t want to delve too far into the lore of the locations because they want to leave it “in the players’ hands” and have a kind of semi-roleplaying element to the survivor gameplay in particular. However, when it comes to the killers, there is the option of tying the lore of their associated Realms more closely to the killers themselves, which is something that they dipped into a little bit with Trapper and the Macmillan Estate in the first Tome. It’s possible that they might weave more of the map lore into the character lore in future Tomes, but they don’t want to make any promises because there are so many different possibilities to explore.

Questions about the Ruin Changes

What was the thought process behind the Ruin change? (from @KillerMonkey236)

The process started last July. They knew they wanted to make some adjustments to Ruin, because they didn’t like the fact that the previous version of Ruin was so passive in its application, and felt that it wasn’t very exciting for the killer not to have to interact with the perk at all. They also didn’t like how inconsistent it was in its effect, because of skill checks being RNG-based. They wanted to do more to get new players on board, because they found that Ruin had little to no effect on veteran players who were able to reliably hit great skill checks. Two of the most common killer complaints about Ruin were that it gets cleansed too early (which applies equally to hex perks in general) and that it made no difference when used against good players. Reports were essentially that the perk was “simultaneously too weak and too strong”.

During the design process, they went through several different ideas. They knew from the start that they wanted to keep it related to slowing down generator progress, and several of the ideas they tested ended up being even more overpowered than Ruin was originally. For example, the original iteration of the reworked Ruin had not only bonus regression speed but also a blanket repair speed reduction overall, which they found to be far too strong. The new Ruin was intended to sit somewhere in the middle – not too weak, but not too strong – and they are fairly confident that it is in the right place for the moment.

Will other slowdown perks see changes as well? (from @ChiTenshi)

Having a lot of slowdown perks stacked together can be a problem, because it keeps survivors holding M1 on generators for so long that the gameplay starts to feel stale. Old Ruin, Pop Goes The Weasel, Dying Light and Thanatophobia is an example of one such build which makes generator progress feel “painfully slow”. So the goal over time is to make generator slowdown perks less “obnoxious” when run together, but still useful individually. The fact that the new Ruin doesn’t synergise with Pop Goes The Weasel is one example of this, and was a conscious design choice made for that reason. Running the two together is now more of an insurance policy than an effective combination.

New Ruin does synergise with other non-slowdown perks, such as Surveillance, which was brought up during testing and it was decided that that synergy should exist. Of course, Ruin can always be cleansed to limit the effectiveness of this combination.

Have you considered making Ruin a non-hex perk? (from @luka2211)

This was a suggestion which came up a lot in player feedback after the changes were announced. There was one thread in particular on the forums [I believe it was this one, created by @SenzuDuck - https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/119335/what-would-make-you-be-ok-with-the-ruin-rework/p1] inviting players to give constructive suggestions for improving the new Ruin, which was described on-stream as “amazing”. There were a lot of good ideas that the team picked out from that thread, and the designer(s) behind the changes took the time to read through the entire thread and all the suggestions that were made there.

Many of the developers do actually spend a lot of time reading posts on the forums, and particularly enjoy looking through constructive feedback threads like that one. They find it really helpful to the design process to have outside perspectives to consider, because sometimes it can be hard to see the big picture and all the different facets of something when you’re in the middle of it.

The idea of making Ruin a non-hex perk was considered, but ultimately discarded for several reasons. For thematic reasons, they want to keep all of the Hag’s perks as hexes, and they also feel that Ruin in its current form is too strong to justify not being a hex perk. If they made it a non-hex perk, they would have to lower its power level accordingly, such as by slowing the regression effect. They don’t believe that players would find the gameplay enjoyable with the current Ruin if there weren’t a way of conclusively dealing with it.

Have you thought about keeping the ‘no great skill check progress’ part of Ruin? (from @GrootDude)

This was one of many suggestions made to improve the new Ruin, and one of those that the team liked best. They are considering adding something like this if they find that the new Ruin is not performing as well as they would like.

Nothing is set in stone yet with the changes – there is still very much room for reviewing and reiterating and making changes depending on how things unfold going forward. One of the things they like about the new Ruin is how it retains echoes of the old Ruin, without any of the negative associations it held for many players. But the developers have learned from past mistakes, notably the drastic changes made to Freddy immediately after his initial release, and have decided that it’s a good thing in general to leave changes a little bit longer, allow them to settle and players to get used to them and shift their playstyles accordingly, before making any significant adjustments.

Can you remove the notification survivors get when Ruin is active? (from @Vampirox)

This is not a feature that’s specific to Ruin, but rather to the hex perk system as a whole. Because they want to keep the system consistent across all hex perks, they are unlikely to make such a change. They don’t want to remove the notification from all hex perks, because they think it’s a good thing to give survivors information that can inform their gameplay decisions, and also because the more risk is associated with running a hex perk, the more powerful the developers can reasonably make the perks themselves.

Are you looking into changing the base generator repair time? (from @ImLeslieKetamine)

They are looking into possible changes to toolboxes and the repair speed bonus they provide, although they haven’t settled on anything concrete yet. They probably will not be increasing base generator repair times, because they don’t want to force the survivors to spend too long just sitting there and holding M1. They do consider match length to be an important factor to consider, and they are listening to feedback around that, but they feel that there are more interesting ways to affect match length than just increasing generator times.

There has been a lot of concern in the community around related issues, like map size and the importance of early game pressure. Concerns about maps will be addressed later in the stream. As for pressure, the developers believe that there are other tools still in the game, aside from old Ruin, to help the killer with applying pressure in the early game.

Will toolboxes be changed in the near future? (from @JetTheWaffleCat)

Yes. As mentioned above, the team are currently looking into making some changes to toolbox functionality and tweaking some values. They can’t go into details because it’s still very much a work in progress, but it is something that they want to revisit and the changes will be announced as soon as they are ready.

Are there any plans to adjust survivor generator perks accordingly as well? (from @EZ5k)

There are a lot of generator-related survivor perks, such as Prove Thyself, which aren’t really used a whole lot, in spite of being available for free, and so aren’t considered by the developers to be much of a problem. Even perks like This Is Not Happening and Resilience aren’t commonly used, in spite of their accessibility. For the time being, there won’t be any changes made to these perks.

They have been very careful lately with survivor perks that affect generator speed, and based on the community feedback they’ve been receiving regarding generator speeds, the problem seems to lie mainly with toolboxes rather than perks, which is why toolboxes are what they’re focusing on adjusting at the moment.

Are there plans for a secondary objective? (from @Gottlos)

This is unlikely to happen in the near future. Rather than introducing an entirely new secondary objective, it’s more likely that there will be additional focus placed on existing side objectives, like the totem system, to which there will probably be some adjustments made in the short term. It’s something they’re exploring, but they haven’t progressed far enough along those lines to be able to share details yet.

There have been many occasions in the past where they have tried to share details about the development process, and then plans have changed down the line and everyone ended up disappointed, so they’re trying to be careful about what details they share while they’re still in the ideation stage, before any changes are finalised.

Are you looking to improve some of the weaker perks? (from @BeAstK777)

They have a list of low-usage perks, which they are planning to make changes to in the near future. The list includes Small Game, Cruel Limits, Any Means Necessary, Slippery Meat, Vigil, This Is Not Happening and Technician.

Will commonly used survivor perks receive the same treatment? For example, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, etc. (from @lucagarden00)

Self-Care is actually the most used survivor perk, by a huge margin. While the perks mentioned are quite common, none of them are nearly as common as Ruin was, or as Self-Care is. Decisive Strike was already nerfed recently, so the developers aren’t too concerned about it being too powerful at the moment. However, they have heard and understood the concerns many players have about Decisive Strike not being a true “anti-tunneling” perk because it still activates even in situations where the killer has clearly not tunneled off hook, and they are considering that feedback internally.

In terms of usage statistics, Lithe is actually used more than Adrenaline, Borrowed Time or Decisive Strike. Bear in mind that the game is played on multiple platforms and at many different ranks, and the meta might not be the same across all platforms and levels.

The fact that these perks aren’t anywhere near as common as Ruin was doesn’t mean that they will never be changed, it just means that they won’t be changed in the same way, because they don’t stick out the way Ruin did in terms of usage. Self-Care sticks out about as far as Ruin did, but it doesn’t appear to be as problematic as Ruin was.

Will hex totems ever get some sort of respawn mechanic? (from @Sonzaishinai)

This is unlikely to happen. Hex perks are supposed to be extremely powerful, and this is balanced by their ability to be disabled completely. If they were to remove that ability, then they would have to make the effects of the perks themselves significantly weaker in order to compensate, and they prefer the ‘high-risk, high-reward’ design that hex perks have currently. Even if it took a long time for killers to reset their hex perks, it would have to be a really long time in order to keep the system balanced.

Will there be other generator slowdown perks in the future? (from @SpicyTopRamen)

It’s not impossible, but if it does happen, the design team will have to be very careful about how any new perks they introduce interact with existing ones. They don’t want slowdown builds, with sets of four perks that all slow generator progression, to be meta anymore. One example of this initiative in action is the intentional removal of synergy between Pop Goes The Weasel and the new version of Ruin. Ideally, they would like to encourage more different and varied loadouts, and not have killer loadouts always be focused solely on slowing generator repairs.

Regarding the Issue of 'Early Game Pressure':

Generally, the developers expect about two generators to be done within the first two or three minutes of the match, especially on larger maps. It was never intended that killers should be able to keep all five generators unrepaired for the first four minutes of the game. It’s recommended that players who are struggling on larger maps try a strategy of allowing the furthest generators to get completed in order to guard the nearest ones more closely, or watch content created by really good killer players for more tips.

Questions about the Doctor Update

Why does Snapping Out Of It reduce you to Madness 1 now? (from @Edys)

During testing, they found that it was very easy for the Doctor to keep people at tier 3 almost constantly using his Static Blast attack, as long as Snapping Out Of It only reduced madness by one tier. (Fun fact: The reason survivors originally went back to tier 2 instead of tier 1 was because the designers were inspired by Michael Myers’ power, and thought it could be interesting to apply a similar effect to survivors, but they eventually found that it wasn’t as fun or interesting as anticipated.)

They are aware of the concerns players have about tier 3 not feeling worthwhile if they are using add-ons that only take effect in madness tier 2 or 3, because survivors can return to tier 1 so easily. However, they feel that this isn’t a huge issue, because it’s so easy to increase survivors’ madness tier again with the new Doctor and so get good usage out of such add-ons. The way madness works now is a lot more dynamic, with survivors constantly “climbing and dropping” in tiers, which the developers feel makes for a more interesting mechanic.

Of course, as with all changes, they will still be keeping an eye on this going forward, observing how players adapt and considering any adjustments that might need to be made.

Is there any chance for Snap Out Of It to be considered healing again? (from @Dustin)

The problem with counting something as a healing action for the purposes of a single perk, like Nurse’s Calling, is that it is then considered a healing action for all perks that affect healing. This means that it can be slowed down by Coulrophobia, or sped up by Botany Knowledge, for example.

The introduction of mending into the game was what originally prompted the developers to revisit which actions were classified as healing actions. They didn’t want certain perks, like Coulrophobia, to be too strong on Legion in particular, so they felt the need to seriously restrict what did and did not count as healing as far as the game was concerned. This allows them to create perks that affect healing time without being concerned about potential side-effects, which makes the game easier to balance overall.

Why does Snap Out Of It take priority over mending? (from @Kernelzilla)

Snap Out Of It, by design, is meant to prevent survivors from performing any “charging” actions, including healing, generator repairs, and mending. This was a question which came up during development, and it was decided that Snap Out Of It should take priority over mending to leave more room for killers to invent different tactics and play around it.

They didn’t think that survivors going down from Deep Wound while Snapping Out Of It was happening enough for it to be an issue, but they have received a lot of feedback around it so they are considering whether or not it should continue to operate as it does currently.

Could a survivor’s madness tier be made more clear to the killer? (from @freddydeadpool)

The developers acknowledge that the way a survivor’s madness tier is currently displayed visually in the UI could be clearer in terms of how different tiers are distinguished. They can’t make any promises right now, but they are considering the idea.

Why was Exhaustion removed from the Doctor’s add-ons? (from @Aztreonam78)

They had a new effect – namely, the reverse skill checks – that they wanted to add to the Iridescent King, and they had to decide which of the current effects it should replace. They looked through the current list of afflictions, and Exhaustion was the one they liked the idea of the least, so they chose to replace it with the new effect.

What was the motivation behind adding a cooldown to Shock Therapy? (from @Ihatelife)

Prior to the update, Shock Therapy already had a cooldown of 2 seconds, during which the killer could take 1 second to switch stances. They wanted to keep some cooldown between the Shock Therapy and the hit, but the 3 seconds on the PTB was too much, which is why they reduced it to 1.5 for the live release. So overall, the cooldown on Shock Therapy has actually been reduced from what it was prior to the update.

Questions About Maps

How was Lery’s decided as the next map update? (from @JacksonWise)

The fact that it coincided with the Doctor’s rework was a nice bonus, but the main reason was that the Map Design Team had been looking to revisit Lery’s for quite a while, since it was the first indoor map introduced into the game (potentially the first procedurally generated indoor map in a multiplayer game ever). The developers are really curious to see how the map’s kill and escape rates are affected by the update.

Will other maps be seeing changes in the near future? (from @PhantomMask20763)

Yes, the Map Design Team is continuing with their map updating and balancing initiative. They are aware of which maps are the most problematic, and are “working to remove the lamentable configurations from the Entity’s realm forever”. There is a lot to review, and the team want to make sure that they do it well and don’t rush the changes, so it may take quite a while for all the “bad seeds” to be removed.

Will the old version of the Treatment Theatre still exist? (from @AshleyWB)

No, all the assets have been reworked and replaced completely, with the exception of Moo-Moo the cow, who has been saved from the purge and will be staying with the developers for now.

Was there ever plans to add a second floor to the Treatment Theatre? (from @Arqueus)

There already exists a two-floor indoor map (The Game) and another indoor map with a lot of height variation (Hawkins Laboratory). The Map Design Team would like to keep Lery’s as a mostly flat map to preserve diversity between different maps, but there is the possibility that we might be seeing other floors of the Lery’s Memorial Institute in future map releases.

Is there any chance some of the totem spawns will be revisited? (from @TheIdeaMind2000)

With map design in general, the more open outdoor maps don’t generally exhibit many of the signs of major imbalance, so they haven’t been a priority. However, the Map Design Team is definitely planning to improve totem locations whenever they create a new map or update an old one, and they have received the feedback about totem spawns on certain maps which are particularly problematic, such as the ones in the middle of open fields on the Disturbed Ward.

Is the Treatment Theatre bigger or smaller than before? (from @mamecha99)

The map didn’t change in size, in terms of surface area or number of tiles overall (the maps in Dead By Daylight are made up of a series of 16-metre by 16-metre tiles assembled in a grid). The map has always been rectangular, but previously the ratio of sides was 5:6, whereas now it is 4:7. This change was made to make it easier for players to orient themselves, and be able to tell which side of the map is which. However, if the balance of the base game doesn’t change, there are plans to reduce map sizes overall in the future. This will lead to less map diversity, but it will improve the game overall, as the design team have concluded that the game itself doesn’t scale well with larger maps.

Miscellaneous questions

What was the hardest part of this update? (from @Spooky13)

It depends who you ask. Different departments worked on different parts of the update, and put varying amounts of work into each one. For Louis, the Doctor rework took the most work, not only changing the gameplay but also making various optimisation adjustments using new tools that weren’t available to the team back when the Doctor was first created. The Art Team spent many hours reworking assets for the new map while the Level Designers worked on the layout and balancing. Ethan commented that the Doctor update took much longer than the Ruin rework, but there was more worry and concern surrounding the Ruin changes because of the prevalence of the perk. Overall, the answer to the question is, “Yes”.

Will anything be done about the new 'Hook Tech'? (from @LordGlint)

The 'Hook Tech' will be fixed in a future update. The reason it wasn’t fixed in the last update was not because the developers were condoning it, but because they had a fix which ended up not being implemented because it turned out to be more complicated than they expected. This is not because it was too difficult for them to fix, but rather because it is risky and they want to make sure they do it right without accidentally breaking anything else related to hook mechanics (a core feature of the game), so more time is required in order to test the fix more thoroughly and make sure it is working as intended.

Has Dead Hard been changed on the PTB? (from @Lithuanian) and Why was moonwalking removed in the PTB? (from @Hex_GGEZ)

They were testing some new motion extrapolation technology on the PTB, with the hopes that it might make movement feel better and smoother in-game, and have less visual latency in terms of where the characters appear on-screen with the Dedicated Servers. They have received feedback on and are working on improving the controls and making them feel better to use. The removal of moonwalking [and presumably the effect on Dead Hard] was not a direct decision, but rather a side-effect of the changes to motion controls. None of these changes have been carried over to the live servers.

Will other killers be receiving secondary powers? (from @GeorgieT)

It’s not likely, and there are no direct plans to add secondary powers to other killers in the future, but that doesn’t mean it will never happen. With Doctor, the new ability just felt like the right choice, but it might not be the right choice for a killer like Wraith, for example. But it’s very difficult to say, and they might change their minds when they come to rework or update other killers in the future. They do have access to another button that they had never used prior to the introduction of the Pig (Happy Birthday to the Pig), so that may play a role in future reworks.

Are there plans to increase base generator regression? (from @IridescentGatekeeper)

The team are generally happy with the current base regression speed, especially considering that there is now a perk available (Ruin) which doubles it. It’s not impossible, however, that new mechanics might be introduced in the future which will affect the regression rate of generators.

Can killers spawn closer to their hex totems? (from @CornHub)

The way the game currently generates maps is by choosing the killer’s starting location, then setting the survivors’ spawn locations a certain distance away from the killer, then placing the totems in locations that are not immediately visible to survivors, and then assigning any hex perks to random totems. This means that ensuring that the hex totem spawns near the killer doesn’t necessarily fit into the way the engine is currently programmed to generate the map at the start of each game. However, it’s not a bad suggestion, and they will have to talk about it more in-depth with the map designers to be sure of whether it’s a plausible option or not.

When will other killers receive new chase music? (from @Demogordon_Ramsay)

They don’t have anything planned for the immediate future. Custom chase music is something that they will introduce into the game as they go, usually alongside future killer reworks.

What was the inspiration behind the Doctor’s new chase music? (from @linoid)

According to the Sound Team, the Doctor’s new music was inspired by “emergency sounds and electricity”.

Are the Gatekeeper changes working out as intended? (from @EJmurdermain)

They don’t know yet, because they only have two days of data on the changes so far, which is not enough to draw any conclusions from. They will let us know once they have gathered enough data to be able to make a more informed decision about whether the changes are working as expected.

As a side note, the in-game description of how the Gatekeeper emblem works and the post-match breakdown of Gatekeeper points is currently incorrect, and it will be updated in the upcoming hotfix.

