Keys Are Toxic?

I'm confused here. General idea is that keys are toxic, right?
I bring a Skeleton Key, Weaved Ring and Milky Glass into a match. Before the timer loads, my 3 other teammates all switch to other characters toting toolboxes.
I get found, tunneled, and proceed to be facecamped within the first 2 minutes.
Small addition, only reason he caught me was due to Dead Hard being a wonderful perk and giving the full indication it worked, even though we all know it works about .01% of the time.
The gens were done and they were all teabagging at the exit gate by time I died (yes I did struggle to give them extra time).
What part of the key was toxic? I got bent over by a salty killer who in the endgame chat gave the response, "I make sure anyone who uses a key gets the [BAD WORD] they deserve"
Like woah bro, chillax. I was the LEAST toxic of the group. I'm guessing the other 3 were in a SWF and just completely stomped you as a killer.
But just because I bring a key because I thought, 'Hey, why not? Last game of the night so gonna try something different', I get the literal worst game in existance and a killer who feels they are some self righteous priest of the forums and entity who needs to punish my sins.
Like dude, those toolboxes did more damage that match than that key could have EVER dreamed of. Honestly, don't even worry about the key until all gens are done (or someone has died and hatch has spawned in), and focus the gens being stopped.
Probably someone who was upset that ruin got nerfed and just used the key as an outlet excuse for trying to punish the toxic genrush... But punishing the toxic genrush would have been slugging those 3 over and over in the match, or facecamping them.
I'm not mad I got facecamped, it is a rather common occurance for me to make killers mad at me and get facecamped, but the logic behind it was just horrible.
Are keys really what is toxic here, or is it the gen rushing that only gets amplified when you decide to facecamp that just fuels the fire?
I'm like 60% Killer btw. Don't think I'm some survivor main coming to just [BAD WORD] for attention.
No I understand both sides of the coin, and I understand how keys can be seen as toxic.
I still am unable to wrap my head around it even in the most killer-biased mindset I can possibly put myself into. Toolboxes are the target, keys are collateral. Take the box, they don't even get the chance to use the key. Priority of survivors.
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idk why you care so much about 1 game...
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Key is not toxic. It just have OP function.
If i playing as killer and i saw a key. Yes I will get rid of the person who holding the key first as key are too OP which able to give multiple survivor to escape.
Prirority of me targetting survivor are.
Key holder > weak survivor > toolbox survivor > others.
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Eh, Keys are pretty disgusting.
Like, imagine if Killers had a way to bring a Survivors who already escaped back into the game and then kill them. Thats basically what the Killer equivilant to a key would be.
They should honestly be removed along with moris.
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keys and toolboxes are pretty dirty but killers think of keys like survivors think of moris, both are not balanced at all and they just want your threat of basically ending the game early to go away.
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A killer brought an ebony just because my friends and I brought 2 brown toolboxes and a green key. The killer proxy camped mori and Us off hook. XD I’m telling you these killer are scared of survivors. It’s not that serious and I play both sided. Just bring Franklins is been in the shrine multiple times. :/
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or survivors could be more like me and like...not...bring items at all ever
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I personally don't have any problems with keys...since i dodge every "key-lobby"...its on the same level as ebony mori
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Its not toxic, just uncouterable
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I came to the conclusion that after the ruin change it can look like too much to bring keys if the gens already go fast and games end quick. So it could be that there are some players who think keys are overkill atm and its toxic to want an even faster/easier game.
For example I never bring in items except for challenges. So using a key doesnt feel toxic for me, but definitly not needed. Ofc with the same logic I handle moris.
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I came to the conclusion that after the ruin change it can look like too much to bring keys if the gens already go fast and games end quick. So it could be that there are some players who think keys are overkill atm and its toxic to want an even faster/easier game.
For example I never bring in items except for challenges. So using a key doesnt feel toxic for me, but definitly not needed. Ofc with the same logic I handle moris.
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You kinda do have a problem with keys since you dodge every lobby with them. You dodge them for a reason hence theres a problem then.
Not saying you're wrong to dodge but if more speak out maybe they can get changed so they arent so strong.
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I've stopped bringing in items when I play survivor. Killers will call yoiu toxic and tunnel/camp you no matter what you bring. FL =toxic. Toolbox=Genrush. Keys = OP (even if green with obs addon). Medkits = Free health states. You cant win. I've been tunnelled for finding a green key in chests in game lol
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Killers feel cheated out of kills and a real game when a key is used. All of the effort they put in the game up until that point becomes meaningless (keys are nice to use when your teammates are potatoes though).
The same can be said about a Mori, survivors feel cheated out of a game and are shoved back into the queue.
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Then the point of items lol you just sound dumb. If killers get triggered because survivors bring items into a game WHICH THEY CAN LIKE WHY THEY EXIST THEN you’re just a pathetic mediocre killer. If killers can bring add ons for their killer than survivors can bring items. Like I said if you have an issue with items than just bring franklins or just dodge the lobby it’s not that hard.
If killers feels the need to be a Grade A A-hole and overkill towards survivors because you don’t like something don’t complain if they DC when they don’t like something.
Then Coming to forums like “OMG this is so unfair survivors bring a key so I killed they guy with the key via tunnel/mori that survivor and everyone other survivor DCed whannn Soo survivors sided whannnnnn killer is so UnFun.” Meanwhile you just made the game miserable for the survivors because they bring an item. It just make the killer look like a fool/idiot.
True Killer Mains who barely play survivor are the biggest bias and hypocritical people ever.
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Not everyone wants to play the same way as you. Some streamers don't bring items, offerings, or add-ons and still get bashed on.
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Keys are not toxic. They are part of the game.
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Eh personally I like it when they DC. Then I don't have to waste time putting them on the hook multiple times and since ranking is so messed up it has almost no down side, skeleton keys and ebony moris should be taken out tbh
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Mainly just on the fact I didn't exactly believe how upset killers were over ruins changes and the 100+ forum posts saying how keys needed to be nerfed until I actually got to experience the salt it caused.
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I agree with the killer. I wouldn't have face camped you, but I would have made sure you did not make it out of the match. Keys suck.
By the way, are keys glitched now or something? Are there certain David King outfits that hide keys? Yesterday I had the same guy in two straight games bring in a No Mither David King and both times he had a purple key and I didn't notice. He died game one and waited around at hatch for me to close it so he could run by and open it with his key and escape game two. Like, what the ****? I don't remember his outfit though. And another match I know someone last second switched to a character with a key, I saw them carrying the key in game, they had the key when I mori'd him like he deserved for bringing a key in, but on the post game screen, nothing. No key.
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Franklin's doesn't get rid of keys, just acts as a mild annoyance. Typically if I'm in a SWF with a key against Franklin's... I just stash it away and tell my teammates "the key is in the corner of shack".
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More of it. People complaining they are OP. No. They aren't.
Functionality is iffy at best, and unless its a 1v1 at end game they probably are only going to get themselves and maybe 1 other person out with them.
Gens still need to be completed to get multiple people out, and unless you see someone with a map, chances are it will take them a bit to find it. If all the gens got popped and all survivors are still in the match, chances are that you weren't getting any kills anyway.
Yes keys can open the hatch after it has been closed, but okay. 1 person escapes. You closed the hatch so that means you more than likely already got a 3k. Unless you did it too fast that is still probably a pip. You can even double pip while still giving someone the hatch voluntarily.
Moris work in a similar function as the inverse.
Can't mori without hooks, an effective survivor squad will go through a match avoiding being hooked and still getting the gens done in the process.
The common factor in this is skill level.
For a good killer:
Good survivors + no mori (no camping or tunneling either) + no key = balanced match
Good survivors + mori = tryhard survivors who dont get hooked and mori is pointless
Good survivors + no mori + key = ez escapes
Bad survivors + mori = absolute slaughter
Bad survivors + no mori + no key = still gonna demolish
Bad survivors + no mori + key = maybe the last person getting hatch during end game but not likely
Why do we complain stuff is OP when it really isn't?
Potatoes can't bring moris and keys and expect to win every match.
Good players are the worry but wait... The game isn't balanced around people with experience. Only around the new players.
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I'm guilty of this as a killer. I try and get rid of the key holder as fast as possible. I just have no counter to keys. Im sweating my ass off as a killer nowadays in the current state of DBD. I dont face camp ever but I will tunnel. With a key in the game you can go from in control to de pip real fast.
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However, you do know how survivor items work right?
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Yes, I do. I dont think I'm following your question though. What specifically are you eluding to?
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killer main here lemme explain what the whole thing about keys is... to killers they see a get out of jail free card. A thing that requires absolutely no skill to escape the match. Serious killers always want 3/4 kills and when they see someone with a key they know this guy is so bad they have to bring a key and it makes the killer mad that this guy will most likely escape while using zero skill while the killer is going at 100% to kill everybody. It is annoying. I just dodge keys. If you find a key, congrats you used skill to find a key and if you can survive till hatch, you’ve earned it. BUT if you have unnatural hair color I will bring mori I will camp I will tunnel. I will make sure you don’t have a good time in the game. You’ve sinned upon me and this world. And you will be have a terrible trial and have zero chance of not being consumed by the entity. I swear it.
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The key implies u are tryhard ans want an easy escape as soon as yhe hatch is visible.
I tunnell people thst bring keys as well
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Face-camping would be counter-productive, but I would definitely make sure the Key user is dead early on. In a normal game for me the first Survivor usually dies after 4 gens (and everyone else on death hook), and in that situation a key can turn a potential 4k into a 1k.
And if that doesn't happen and I kill everyone but the key user, they still get a free escape since I would have to not only guard 2 exit gates but also the hatch.
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I think she's talking about after you kill the keyholder, unless they have certain add ons, once they die any of the other survivors can pick up the key.
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No item can inherently be toxic to be honest.
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What @feechima said:
But elaborating a bit more. You seem to do that because of piping system. If you facecamp or tunnel the key holder, it will give enough time for the other survivors to complete 4 gens. If the key older dies, there's only the need for 4 gens for the hatch to spawn and the others can find the hatch, pick up the key and leave. In Purple/red ranks, I don't think your strategy holds your safepip if that happens. If you can keep a good amount of pressure and hook all survivors at least once and manage to kill at least one before they can use the key (because 4 remaining survivors need to complete all 5 gens for the hatch to spawn) you can get a lot more points for the pipping system. That's why I really find it weird that some people go for tunneling and facecamping of a key holder. I might be missing something on that strategy, but if the point is to safepip, I really don't think is a good one.
PS: @feechima , He.
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And this is why I always say that there are no toxic killers and no toxic survivors, only toxic people xD
Except maybe The Plague, if you know what I mean ;)
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IMO, keys are not toxic, nor are any other items.
I do believe they need a rework though because it's hard enough getting pips as a killer without having an entire team just disappear on you when 3 gens are done.
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I don't think they are toxic, but I think they are unbalanced and should be nerfed. That being said, there is nothing wrong with using them if you have them.
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Sure that's a possibility but it's a risk worth taking considering the alternative.
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I never openly carry my keys.
A professional key user will swap to it at 6-7 seconds, denying the ability to counter it with a mori. Unless the killer is paying very close attention, you can sneak into most games with it.
You can also just play Steve, who hides the key in his model during the lobby, but I don't wanna play Steve.
They are overpowered but, there are sooooo many overpowered killer items and builds I don't feel bad at all about using them. Especially with the BS matchmaking which puts you into borderline unwinnable games.
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Because it's not just one game. This is a common occurrence anytime a survivor runs a key. He used his game as an example not the focus of the post.
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Please tell me. In what sense are keys the same as moris? I'm genuinely curious because from where I'm sitting for keys to even be used for two people to escape 3 gens have to be done and half the survivors have to die. To get all 4 out is. No different than than using the exit gates. Compare that to an ebany Mori. Hook once then tunnel for the Mori kill then repeat 3 times and gg because there we physically not enough people to do gens because of 1 mistake. Your thoughts?
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more than toxic, I'd say it's an easy way out for winning games when you don't deserve a win.
Personally I never run it, it feels a bit like cheating to me.
Only case I use it is if I find it in a box in game
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Survivors bring Keys with the goal of finding the hatch. It has absolutely nothing to do with Killers face camping. With how fast gens are going now, Keys are ridiculous. The devs pretty much suggested letting certain gens go. Killer expects it, sets up a 3 gen strat and...survivors find the hatch, bust out some tbags, "LOL EZ Baby Killer."
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It depends, for me. Did you bring two high leveled toolboxes, a good map, and a key? Yes, I'd consider that toxic, because you have the intent of gen rushing for a quick escape (same can be said for an ebony, so I don't want to hear about that). Did you find the key in a chest during the match? No. I may get a bit salty at it, because my match was cucked, but that's personal preference. Don't see that as toxic.
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He probably thought you were all SWF, when people make the toxic leap to toolboxes like that, and you were a big threat with the key. But he shouldn't have camped like that, because that lost him the game. Normally something like that wouldn't happen till later, when he really needed to stop you.
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See I don't get this remark. Unless 1 person is dead, then the hatch doesn't spawn with 1 gen left to complete.
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Utilizing the tools you have including offerings and items is not Toxic. It's called playing the game
Hate the game, not the player.
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Don't you know? Everything is toxic in the game, you spawn into a match and your instantly branded a piece of s**t
😂 I'm sorry but you cant bad mouth keys without doing the same for Mori's lol both of them complete allow you to skip over your objectives, although mori is the one that's fun to look.
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- coughs - I wonder what them mori things do? - coughs -
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Both need to go. Moris need to have their animations implemented as an alternative to death hook.
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They should stay for kill your friends but for public matches they shouldn't be in them.
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I would like that, may devs will listen.