I thought queue times were fixed the day of the update, but yesterday it all went back, 10+ mins waiting as survivor and less than 1 min for killer.
As a Rank 1 killer and Rank 2 survivor I politely ask you NOT TO LOBBY DODGE, you need to learn to play against everyone, and don't come to me with your:
"WoUlDn'T yOu dOdGe A LoBbY whErE...?"
The answer is NO, I don't dodge lobbies, the only justifiable reasons to lobby dodge is Ping and knowing a guy in the game that you have played against and you know he is a toxic player or a DCer, any other reasons are just lame excuses...
In game DCing is another issue, don't get lost from the thread please... Not getting a good map, matchmaking problems and bugs are not part of this thread.
I'm not trying to force people not to dodge, I'm just politely asking for people to avoid as much as they can lobby dodging, people dodge out of the dumbest things nowdays like "I don't like facing Davids" or "Matchmaking is broken, if I see 2 toolboxes they must be red ranks". I'm not talking about in game DCing, but about actual lobby dodging, it's not wrong to dodge a lobby every now and then, but not 5/6 games until you get to play aginst no SWF Dwights with no items, hehehe. Get my point?
But it is scary to play vs 4 Survivors. 4!! D:
63 -
Hehehehehe, I love this kind of comments
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The only reason I dodge is if I wanna have fun with my Demogorgon or do a daily ritual but I see 3/4 toolboxes and a map or a key.
I don’t want to have to play Billy or Spirit all the time just to keep up with the RNG maps and broken loops. And I don’t like using Mori’s, although lately I’ve not had a problem throwing those in.
93 -
Survivors ARE scary... When they first teased Legion sneaking around like a survivor, I imagined him using a Flashlight mori. Something like this...
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Nope, I will dodge all lobbies that have two or more toolboxes.
I will keep dodging lobbies until survivor stop dcing at the start of a match when they see it’s a killer they don’t like or when they stop dcing because I downed them first.
112 -
then don't bring 2+ toolboxes or keys galore, bad enough ruin is nerfed we don't need toolboxes on top of it, heck because of the ruin change and how I know survivor Q times are at an all time high, if I suspect SWF I will dodge to be like "back to the Q with you" because the more survivors wait, they either quite, play killer and get bullied, then come to the forums and complain. then either BHVR will do 1 of 2 things
- make killer AI so that killers wont need to be buffed ever and they can just use AI killers in their games
- buff killers/ change the game to be bearable again even though new ruin is trash
we warned you of the consequences of what would happen if ruin was nerfed, don't be mad at killers, be mad at BHVR for making this change
74 -
1st match of the day SWF with OoO, i dodged that right as the toxic ######### waves me over.
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I have no reason not to check their friend list and decide I don't want to play against a full team, I'm sorry, guess I'll keep dodging lobbies as I see fit.
I know it's lame but I don't see the point. "Improving" in a party game is a waste of time. That lobby will find a better Killer than me.
45 -
I don't lobby dodge, survivors wait long enough.
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I feel like everyone is free to play against who they want if I don't want to play against a legacy 3 meg with 5k hrs then that's my choice I am not forced to play against anyone I don't want to play against
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Ahm... As a RANK 1 killer trapper main and rank 2 survivor... No man... This childish attitude doesn't solve anything, the posts should be about "maps need reworks", "specific killers need buffs", "pipping sistem needs to be adressed", and not about "let's make each other life's misserable" threads. This is not the propper way to attract attention, cause if we as killers get heard this way, how do you think survivors will then complain about somehting?
Hate promotes hate
11 -
They can wait longer. I get dc's way more frequently then I dc so, survivors can keep waiting. BHVR needs to fix their game if they want queues to go down.
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I often get infinite loading when joining the lobby, and have no clue, how server interprets that. I have to CAD out of the game because of this, and that may look like a lobby dodge.
3 -
People can dodge if they want. Can always just last second switch if you really want to.
Depending on how DC penalties get implemented "dodging" last seconds switches might even end up leading to a penalty if ALT+F4 during the loading screen leads to a matchmaking timeout.
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Lmao, 3 games in today, first one i dodge for OoO and the next 2 are survivors dodging the Game and Hawkins maps. Yeah, ill dodge the ######### out of matches i dont want to play.
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I don’t dodge so don’t worry.
8 -
Yes, I'm not saying people can't, but politely asking for them not to, don't get me wrong, me and my SWF at red ranks are doing things like leaving gens untouched for the first 30+ seconds of the game and just going for chests and totems to help the perception of "gen rushing", I'm trying to help this game as much as I can whyle having fun in the way, and as killer I don't dodge, don't DC, I don't loose often, but if I do I just take the L without winning about it
6 -
I got a better idea: Play against survivors who use toolboxes and keys to hone your skills.
If survivors were given the ability to dodge killers, I wouldn't dodge a Ebony Mori, I wouldn't dodge an Iridescent Hatchet Huntress, I wouldn't dodge perma EW3 Myers, and so on.
As the killer, you even see what the survivors are bringing in, use that to your advantage.
The sad truth is that, you won't improve if you assume the worst every time you see something that makes your stomach fuzzy! :P
Post edited by NMCKE on8 -
So mm is broken and ruin gone and you think yellow or greens wants to face you red ranks with toolboxes and stuff... sure
30 -
Survivors DC at the drop of a hat, at least the killers are leaving before the game starts lol.
Generally I will lobby dodge because I don't want to be on someone's stream if I can help it. If I see several toolboxes, or blendettes I will bring a mori if I have one though. To keep the match fair. 3 or 4 people with a toolbox repair speed mathematically is about the same as if they had a 5th survivor (more so with prove or multiple people on a gen), so taking at least a green mori or an iri mori and killing 1-2 of them quicker that way keeps it closer to a fair game.
27 -
Ahm... how do you know the ranks before the match ends...? If you dodged the lobby that was out of pure speculation man...
4 -
You know there are many posts like those on the forum and they get ignored on regualr basis, not just in General Discussions.
Reworking a map is a long ass process, buffing Killers is risky and moves attention from the possible new Killer in development which would pump sales, they know the Emblem system is extra broken but they talk about it like it's the biggest problem since release so it won't get fixed any time soon I'm afraid.
I agree there's no point in making the other side's experience miserable for the sake of it but it happens on the regular and there's no way of stopping mob mentality and its consequences in an asymmetrical game.
I also don't understand how you can be so positive about this game.
9 -
Nope. I'm gonna banish you back to the queue when I see 2+ toolbox's or keys. There is seriously no need for them now that ruin is nerfed. I'm not going to force myself to play a match with other players who have every intention of making the match miserable for me.
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I try not to, but if you've had like 5 really rough games in a row and then you load into a lobby and you see a key and 3 toolboxes.... I shouldn't be FORCED to go into a game like that.
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I try to make people understand some real problems cause I've had plenty of good experiences in here, I've gotten people to actually read what's reportable and what's not, I've been in threads where more than 200 people agree on what's a toxic behaviour and what's not and how and why to avoid it, and I try my best to promote actual good conducts for a game I actually love.
The good people in here are way more noticeable than the ones who are not, like you just noticed, I like being one of them. :)
If we all ask for it we can make the Devs make actual important changes like we did with EA and microtransactions in games like SW, the community asked for no mt in the last SW game, and we got it even though it was against the nature of the company
4 -
No, no, I'm not trying to force people, I'm just politely asking for people to avoid as much as they can lobby dodging, people dodge out of the dumbest things nowdays like "I don't like facing Davids" or "Matchmaking is broken, if I see 2 toolboxes they must be red ranks". I'm not talking about in game DCing, but about actual lobby dodging, and I get your point, yes man, it's not wrong to dodge a lobby every now and then, but not 5/6 games until you get to play aginst no SWF Dwights with no items, hehehe. Get my point?
4 -
People play this game to have fun, killers as well, if they run into a lobby where it looks like they won't enjoy themselves they have every right to dodge it. I personally don't dodge lobbies unless it's a clear and obvious SWF squad, I don't wanna subject myself to playing against people using third party tools to gain an advantage.
27 -
It seems that the general concensus in the thread is that toolboxes cause the most lobby dodges or moris.
Which is completely understandable really. Because with the Ruin nerf, bringing toolboxes is a real dickish move now. You deserve all dodges and moris, if you do that.
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I mean, I get your point, but people buy games and put their time into it to have fun. Unless they're the kind of person to pay for torture, they're probably not gonna subject themselves to 2+ toolbox lobbies with the current state of the game.
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I agree, if all maps were small enough to let all killers actually you know "just apply pressure bro" then we'd be heading towards a game state in which I'd agree that dodging is pretty pointless. But as it stands, I don't really wanna be in that situation where I can't even get across a map before a gen pops cause of 2 survs on a gen with even 1 toolbox. And as for SWF, I will always dodge because it's no different to playing vs a wall-hacking killer.
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Thats a joke right? Iam rank 11 and every game i get at least 2 red rank survivor. That has nothing to do with speculation.
6 -
Good sir... I'm talking about LOBBY DODGING, you do not know the rank of the survivors in the pre match lobby, if, by your argument, "every game i get at least 2 red rank survivor", what's the point of even playing?
In your first comment you literally said "So mm is broken and ruin gone and you think yellow or greens wants to face you red ranks with toolboxes and stuff... sure" you're using the ranks as a base to lobby dodge, and that's not possible, if you had just mentioned the toolboxes I'd have answered "well, it's ok to dodge every now and then, but not all the time", but you brought in the ranks as an argument there, maybe I missread?
2 -
I recently got rank 5 and rank 1 killer achievement while starting a match with Kate Denson. Many other survivor characters rewarded those same achievements to other survivor characters. Killers might be afraid that some survivor characters might actually kill them instead.
PS: It's just a joke, no harm intended, I just couldn't resist bringing that up.
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Or, or, now this is a radical thought in these parts. The developers put some thought into making the killer into something other than a punching bag. until then, I'll dodge all I want until I think I see a team that'll make for a fun game.
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I feel lobby dodging (or in my case, leaving the lobby) is acceptable if something important comes up in real life or if it's a real life emergency.
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That's a fact man, I get you
1 -
That’s the the problem, it is not the job of the player to make sure the opponent is having fun, it’s the Developers job to do that. If Killers are not having fun against items like toolboxes and keys, then the developers need to look into it. No one should settle to only have some fun, nor should the opponent change how they play.
It’s the same for survivors, if they don’t have fun against certain killers, the Devs need to do their job and make it more fun. They did just that with the Doctor and Nurse and the removal of Ruin (What we have now isn’t Ruin, it’s poo poo). Survivor DCs is probably what led them to change everything I mentioned, so rather than Lobby Dodging, maybe Killers should enter a match and then DC and the Devs could then make it more fun for killers.
11 -
??? Why do they need to learn lol? I can go supertryhard or pick a lobby that suits me. I mean after the ruin nerf and people bring 4 toolboxes, yeah nah. You can play with whoever wants to sweat but if I play killer i will take a chill pill. Before that i was heavily against lobby dodging but honestly the way dbd is right now, you might as well pick the games you want to play. Me and swf go without any items into the trial so yeah that is that. You dont need items to win v a any killer. Why not dodge? The search doesn't even last 30sec to find a new one so yeah hf.
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Nah, survivors deserve what they get.
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So you get the option to nope out of the match based on information. Survivors don't get similar information and you think it's unfair for them to decide their out. Double standard much? I'm not condoning DC's but you're doing exactly what they are. Just a bit earlier.
1 -
I don't dodge, unless I notice that I've forgotten to pick a Tome challenge. Can't miss out on my shards..
2 -
Sure. Just don’t bring keys or 2-4 toolboxes. Killers are people too, and we want to have fun.
9 -
Yep. I am gonna stay in a lobby with three toolboxes and a key. That might sound all and well for the four of you, but for me that sounds like a waste of my time.
12 -
Please do not bring toolboxes :(
3 -
I only do this against 4 toolboxes or keys. I should use mori but I really don't like it
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And yet, survivors constantly DC for whatever the hell they want. "Hey spirit sucks, if we DC enough they'll change her" or "skill checks to hard....Behavior please stop it!!!!"
The suck it up and git good argument goes both ways. The q times are the devs fault not the killers
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Good sirs or ladies, would you be so kind to read the Edit part on the post that was added way before you commented...? Thank you
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Survivors wanted this with their extreme trolling and nerf begging, I don't care at all about any of their problems.