Oni's best addons?

Personally I feel his common addon cracked sakazuki is his best one. It makes him feel less clunky from transitioning to his power and decreases his dumb transition out of it. I swear every time I get taken out is right when I'm about to pick someone up. Takes so damn long lol. The uncommon ink lion does sakazuki's job better but it is an uncommon so it ain't as common. I feel these paired with his dash charge rate addons are a deadly combo and probably his best combo.
what do you guys think though, got any different opinions on his addons and if you do what is your fav or best addon combo
Ink lion isn’t that rare so I don’t see the issue with using it over the other one. For me, the Topknot (charge activation time) is his best Addon, with the Akito’s Crutch being the second best because it combos so well with the Topknot. But Ink Lion or any duration or extra blood orbs are fine as well. He doesn’t need addons, but the Topknot is so ######### good you can’t ignore it.
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Speed and charge rate, or the aura reading and blood orbs.
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I’m not a huge fan of the aura reading on, assuming you mean the Bloody Glove, since it denies blood orbs and basically just becomes slightly longer range nurse’s calling but doesn’t allow you to get your ability off of it.
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It really good when you have everyone bleeding and are mind gaming loops. But I only run it with the purple extra blood orbs.
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I always use Scalped Topknot and Akito's Crutch.
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Same here. Honestly they seem like the only addons that make a significant different as opposed to other killers who have stuff like Iridescent Head hatchets... Hell, even Hatchet Windup time is better than the addons that slightly increase blood orb absorption speed...
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Top Knot and Akito's Crutch.
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using add ons XD
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I feel he’s a killer I could play no add ons with. I surprisingly enjoy his orb collecting speed and move faster while collecting orbs add ons when using brown and yellow offerings. To the point that using other add ons were annoying.
I first played him post nerf. Therefore I’m not a fan of the movement/dash speed addons but I may need to retest that.
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My personal favorites are increased movement speed and reduced activation and deactivation time