Am I reading this right?

That if matches go by too fast that Killers should DC in protest until the devs fix something?


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Absolutely not. I haven't seen anyone say that.

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    Idk. Doesn't sound too bad to me. Got to rank 13 and I'm going against 5-7's. Gen rushed all the time. Even when I was rank 17 I was going against 7-9's.

    What this makes me think of is the Rogues from WoW. They complained so much that Blz ended up doing things for them. That seems to be what Survivors are in this game; they're the Rogues from WoW. So if the killers start complaining more, and maybe even protest, their voice will be heard.

  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    They don't dc, they don't bother with this game anymore in the first place.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I don't think anybody has said it. But it worked for survivors against Spirit and Freddy, right?

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Should survivors just not do the objective? I love the term "gen rush." It's literally how we win the game. I guess we really should take the killer's feelings into consideration.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396


    Devs haven’t discouraged Survivors from DC’ing when faced with anything they don’t like, why not return the favor? It got the devs to introduce perks like DS, BT, and BBQ as well as nerfing Killer perks and powers like the Nurse and the Doctors Snap Out of it.

    I won’t DC from a match because I don’t want to end up with zero bps, but if it is so obvious that I have no chance, I’ll just walk to the basement.

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    No, I completely understand that. But what if there was a way they could do it without the (SWF) survivors only being able to talk to each other in game? Maybe the killer can hear them through his headset? But he won't be able to hear them actually say words because then that could be atrocious toxicity. Maybe they just hear certain chitchat noises like from Charlie Brown?

    Maybe only have it to where you can only play with one friend at a time instead of 3? Or if there is a 4v1 (SWF) then perks get stronger or something? Kind of like in some video games (D3) when your friend joins your game the enemies get stronger and then when they leave return to normal. So the more people you have and your Survivor with Friends the more beefy the Killer?

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    It's not the survivors fault for doing it, it's the devs fault for making it happen. But the game was made with a silver thread of balance, where one crappy survivor can sometimes drag down a whole team, and the game can go from a massive steamroll from one side just to go to the other side winning.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Dc or afk sounds like a good solution. If you aren't having fun in the match then dc and complain until things change.