How do you feel about the Gen speeds now?

I just gave up XD. I use only one slowdown perk (pop), and in the most cases bq,noed and Franklin's.

Honestly, if I pressure them correctly,it's not that bad. But I gotta say, most games end at least at 2 gens left. I dunno, I might buy plague to get corrupt or just equip sloppy.

How about you? Let me know down below.



  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Don't feel any different. Haven't tried survivor yet so can't say for sure.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    With nothing affecting the Generators they are fine, but the main issue is what affects them

    Toolboxes, PTS, Map design

    This makes generators hard to deal with, but I heard some news about Toolboxes

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Well the base speed I think is fine. If they change toolboxes like they said that would be helpful. They had also mentioned they boted the concerns of map size.

    I understand them wanting to have map diversity but some of these maps (over 180m) are just to big to give pressure unless you are a high mobility killer.

    The only reason killers are still getting 3 and 4ks is because the ranking system and new rank reset are not good. The pipping requirements need to be adjusted for survivor so that thre arent so many potatoes in red rank.

    I dont know how they can fix the lack of killers.... played many games with all 4 red rank survivors and a green rank killer. This doesn't make for a fun or fair game. (Just thoughts on where I think the game needs to move for better health)

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I've said it before, they need a slight nerf, mainly in the multiple survivors on one area. I've been running discordance a lot more now. But really I just don't like how geared towards survivors the game has become. Someone else on here explained it well. It's supposed to be a horror survival experience with the killer being heavily favored. Especially when I'm playing as a survivor, I want to feel like I'm at a disadvantage, like I have to actually play smart. I want to feel at least slightly worried. But these days I feel like the killer is a laughable inconvenience that merely slows me down from escaping, but poses no real threat. Part of this issue does come from familiarity. But mostly it's from how heavily catered to survivors this game has become. With so many perks to save myself from being hooked or downed, plus perks to constantly keep track of the killer, plus flashlights and fireworks and keys, plus giant maps and infinite loops, I never worry about escaping. I know it's going to happen. If it doesn't its usually because I purposely played bad because I was picking on the killer. When you can actually pick on the killer in a game that's supposed to be a psuedo horror game, you know something's wrong.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's pretty bad and also sad when playing survivor that it's over too fast. As killer you have to build around the end game instead with Noed, which for me has worked well. I think Noed is the new Ruin that so many will use, and so many survivors will complain so they will nerf it big time.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    Didn't use ruin so it didn't really change. I have games where I managed do dominate and some where Gens are done so fast I don't honestly get what I could have done to stop it.

    But, I think that an increased time to Gens would be justified still. Even tho a second objective would be WAY better.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I dunno why, but on eu north and east we have a 5 minute queue on killers (lately) and a quarter of a second for survivor! In my region there is no lack of killers so I can't judge xd

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    It's the opposite in NA est. Insta killer queues and long survivor queues, atleast 2 to 3 minutes as solo... longer for swf.

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    Generator speed is fine as is.

    I have no issue applying extreme pressure when I'm playing Clown.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,229

    I don't have as much of an issue with the speeds when I'm on killers that disregard safe pallets. I think it's a map/tile issue rather than a gen issue.

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    Well, you're against low rank survivors then lol

    I don't know which killers are you playing but you are completely wrong. If you're a god tier Nurse yes, all is going pretty well for you

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    Generator repair speed is fine maps need to be smaller or generators just need to spawn closer together. Although ideally maps are smaller so generators aren't moved closer without proper surroundings and obstacles.

    The main reason maps need to be smaller is so there is more killer / survivor interaction instead of a survivor having no action for at least even half the match because they are on the other side of the map while everyone else is getting chased. Also it would mean less time it takes for the killer to go from generator to generator meaning the generator isn't completed by the time they reach it.

  • Snitz
    Snitz Member Posts: 97

    The base of 80 seconds and stacking speeds are fine, the problem comes in with toolboxes that make gens take 53 seconds, and killers who have no pressure in the early game, this can be fixed with CI, but I don't know if devs will allow it to be mandatory on low mobility or setup killers.

    Reducing toolbox speeds might be a decent fix if the nerf is strong enough, but I think they are flawed by design and giving them another function entirely would be even better, though I'll admit that I have no idea what they could do with them other than making skill checks easier and making gens silent.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464
    edited January 2020

    Exactly this, as well as one other consideration: Map size. If I got survivors that I knew were either using weak or no toolboxes, and I knew I was getting maps the size of Coal Tower, I would never use slowdown perks. I wouldn't need it. The reason Ruin was so prevalent was because of maps like Ormond or Red Forest, where by the time I walk across the map to find the first survivor, they've already finished a gen because it takes so long. Reduce map size, or scale gen times off the square footage of the map, and nerf toolboxes, and the game speed is perfect.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    To me the gen times feel fine if I am playing one of the stronger killers and don't get one of the really unbalanced maps.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    i feel nothing has changed, i still have decent matches as both killer and survivor.

  • I think toolboxes are a problem, without them gen speeds seem fine to me.

    Standard repair time is like 80 seconds, that's fine, no problem, but if everyone has a yellow or better toolbox suddenly it's 50-60 seconds. So if everyone takes one, it's like having an entire extra survivor on your team doing gens. That's crazy.

    Not as broke as say, a Mori, but still problematic. Then you stack them together with another person, and you have them being done so fast that you can't even do anything about it usually.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848
    edited January 2020

    Agreed! I'm very glad that someone else on this site is speaking sense. I also think that killers should get blinded if they look at a generator while the generator completion notice is still active, since that's when the lights are brightest. I think that would do a lot to stop discouraging survivors from completing gens. Maybe even have killers move 15% slower after kicking gens from getting shocked. With how fast they regress, it's always really hard to finish one when the killer is nearby, especially with the new Ruin.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    I deranked from not playing for months so I’m yellow rank now and ruin isn’t needed at those ranks. So I still dominate survivors that don’t do gens. But 99.9% of survivors are playing potato. Even if they are good I doubt nearly any survivors “try hard” only the toxic SWF actually try hard and even some of those groups are just made to bully killers and not to actually win.

  • JakConstantine
    JakConstantine Member Posts: 118

    Good question.

    It really depends who you play against, if they have toolboxes, SWF, ranks, etc. Gen speed could do with a slight decrease or/and ruin, any gen slow down perks could do with a slight buff. Toolboxes are getting changed so I hope that's comes out soon as.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Definitely too fast. Idk what I'm supposed to do with Legion on Rotten Fields.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Gens can go fast, they can go slow, it's a gamble based on the survivors and the map.

    You also said that your games usually end with 2 gens left...a 4k with 2 gens remaining is a good result? Idk why you're complaining about it if you're seemingly doing're not supposed to have everyone on death hook by the time the 1st gen has popped.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Spirit on hawkins would also benefit from gen speed reduction. I think you're confusing maps and killers with gen times again bud.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Too fast with the current maps. Killers with zero mobility are screwed over by large maps.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    I'm going to assume you're a troll because that is honestly one of the WORST suggestions I've heard yet. Your whole job is gens. Not walk around sightseeing, not stalk the killer, not be an annoyance. Gens. That's it. I'm order for killers to be able to even begin their job, they have to be able to find and stop survivors. They already have obscene help from the devs as is. Plus with the broken matchmaking placing red rank players in with low and mid rank killers on constant, there wouldn't be any killers left to even want to try.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Conversely, it shouldn't take 2 - 3 gens for the Killers to even begin playing. Forcing Killers to wait around until you make a noise is ridiculous, and that noise, unless you have a perk that alerts you like Discordance, is the first gen popping. At current, only a small handful of killers can make use of the new ruin effectively, and now the synergy between all slow down perks is being nerfed, while the devs make the claim that repair perks aren't played as much? All it takes is one prove thyself or leader for the whole team to benefit. I've had an average of 3 red ranks per match tonight for the last 5 hours, and until I started playing certain maps and killers, I couldn't do anything. Right now, the large maps aren't fair to killers, and the small ones keep you running, because the red ranks do the first gen then split up in two with a runner to try and loop the killer if they get too close to someone or something. And don't even get me started on the ducking beneath a hook blocking it.

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    Depends on how many people are doing challenges rather than Gens, they stay near the downed guy like vultures to get that safe hook rescue and waste a lot of time, I honestly believe this kind of thread is pointless as many players are not playing normally.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    I think you're confusing the usage of the English language. REDUCING means to make smaller or take away from. No Killer benefits from reduced gen times. Conversely, INCREASED gen times (adding time to the total whole of the sum) would benefit killers immensely. So would requiring more completed gens to open the doors, or nerfing toolboxes and repair perks, so that they don't effect entire teams.

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    Leave gen speed alone. The base that is. Imo, m1ing a gen for longer is so boring. I'd be that survivor running to push my teammate out of chase so I could be chased instead and actually have fun.

    Toolboxes need a change, yes, so please, devs analyze them carefully. Do NOT try a couple things then let it drop

    Map size needs a change on those big maps. Give them love. I prefer quality over quantity/sheer size.

    Don't nerf half the "issue" and let the half be. Doing this is why you are appearing so survivor sided. I will admit, watching that stream, despite certain points, gave me hope, but those patch notes sliced into my heart. I play both killer and survivor. Here is my data so far.

    Killer: trying new builds are a struggle, but I did 2k the few times I did new builds, and I 3k'ed once. Doctor is a blast to play so far and works so well with distressing and Dh (for me thus far, but this is based on the current matchmaking) Oh and Legion is ooof now. That poor killer lol hag? I need wayy more practice with her and right now, it would be too much of a headache to practice with her. Wraith? I ... I don't wanna talk about my baby rn... Billy? Nearly 4ks, but I did not use ruin on him. He good bapey. Trapper? I am a decent trapper, my traps nearly always get someone, even high ranks. He gives me the most anxiety as survivor though. Oni? He is the one I have been trying new builds on. Have not had him long though, but enjoy his gamestyle. Spirit? Ah, my girl ;) nurse? Do we need to talk about her? Although, I do still have issues with Lery's but not soo bad that I completely lose with her.

    Survivor: 1 to 4 games I have died. To put it simply. The other three, either i was chased for the gens, traded off chase, or gens were just done way too fast. When they were done too fast... I wanted ruin back. I was bored .-. Sorry to put it that way, but I don't have a better way to put it when I played. Although the constant Mori here and there was a tuuun of fun to deal with. Well, in seriousness, the first couple were. Trying to outplay them was a rush, but when it is the same thing over and over... nahh I good

  • Throckmorton
    Throckmorton Member Posts: 27
  • Cabbage
    Cabbage Member Posts: 349

    It really all depends on how alturistic the survivors are being in the round, if they're stupid and make mistakes a lot then no, but if you try to chase one and the other 3 are all on seperate gens then yes, they go way to quickly.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Would greatly prefer map sizes and strong central tiles on maps being reworked even if that takes longer than just making gens take more work to finish.

    Changing gen speed isn't something you can simply do in isolation and be done with it. You'd have to change repair speed boosts, slowdowns, hook stage times and more to avoid undesirable results in one direction or another.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You're right, nothing sensible debate wouldn't accomplish in a more respectful manner. Nothing against you or sarcasm though, just looking at things logically while I'm still high.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    One could say it brightens the mood yet still delivers truth & critique. Trolling on the other hand has no particular aim but to insult a person or group of people.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    That's actually a pretty neat way of looking at it. Context matters as always. Thank you for educating me :)