How do you feel about the Gen speeds now?



  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249
    DBDSM Member Posts: 134

    I had an idea for a Ruin rework that impacts early game but can be eliminated completely over time. I think it's a neutral rework that works fairly for both roles. Just trying to post it to a few places so it can get some attention. Mistakenly calculated for 6 totems not 5 but the concept remains the same.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    I should apologize for lashing out. It's been a frustrating time with this game of late, and it's not been fun to feel forced into playing certain characters or perks. It's sad that the devs pretty much told killers that they're going to force us to play other perks because we aren't playing the rest. It would be amazing to be able to mess around with builds, but the current power given to survivors pretty much ensures that we won't be able to without throwing the game.

    I think what the Devs are over looking is that it's down to numbers: 16 perks Max versus 4, pallets practically lined up ensuring there is always a getaway, and the fact that there exist perks that effect the whole survivor team, so as long as one person on the team runs it, all the other can bring the meta perks and toolboxes, and not worry about needing to bring it. Sure Leader and PT aren't played as often. But if that number is gathered from the total pool of survivors bringing it in at any given time, and most play on swf teams, it's not going to look like an issue of overuse. Killer perks need more synergy with their powers, and this idea the devs have about perks being too powerful because the majority of survivors don't like them is killing the game.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I think that was his point though. The problem isn't the gens and how fast they can be repaired, the problem is unbalanced maps that are too big and weak killers with no mobility to apply map pressure.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited January 2020

    Seems like people severely underestimate how much of a difference not having Ruin and having 3 survivors all stuck to their gens at the start of the match and the progress placed on them can make in a game all about time management.

    It's absolutely astounding how many people take for granted 30-60 seconds of possible gen regression + a survivor possibly looking for Ruin. Really shows how little some of you understand about the game. Sorry, how many of you don't understand the impact and importance of old Ruin and how not having it affects the game.

    Evidently every match now is "Just the same as before because Ruin just got destroyed in a minute before" when you're so ridiculously ignorant and wrong lol. Please, it's not hard to get a general understanding of fundamentals.