Is a PS5 version in the works?

This question is mostly to the Dev team. Do you already working on a PS5 version of the game or atleast an optimised version.
With the coming PS5 we would be able to run the game at 60 FPS easily and should be able to run high graphics. I know your team isn't that big but I also know you have a small Team working in console stuff so it should be possible to start working on it.
Sony confirmed that we will be able to play our PS4 games on the PS5 and this is a great oppurtunity for you to make a console Version of the game that can compete to the PC Version.
I also Think with better graphics and Performance in console you could get a lot of new players into the game
The Ps5 is supposed to be backward compatible so I'd imagine everything on the PS Store now will still be on it
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Is the new xbox going to be backwards compatible?
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I stated that myself but I doubt Sony will put ressources in a Software that optimizes games by it self. So the Devs need to make a optimized Version
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The new XBos is supposed to run All games ever created for any XBox
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Yeah apparently ps4 games or some ps4 games will work on ps5 not completely sure
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With The PS5 coming out and it's gonna add a new feature Ray Tracing I wonder how Dead by Daylight will look on Next Gen especially with that Ray Tracing feature that'll improve the graphics.