Maps shouldn't be procedurally generated.

ermsy Member Posts: 580

There should be one set map per map, the randomness of each map is why it is hard to balance them. You can play the same map twice in a row, one would have 3 jungle gyms side by side and the other with large dead zones.

Devs should make it easier on themselves and stop this procedurally generated nonsense.


  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    I agree the random nature of the maps make it incredibly difficult to balance properly. For example on bloodlodge you can get a crane next to a jungle gym, next to the shack which has pallets near it too

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    "BUt iMmERsIon anD hOrROr"

  • EnveeEnvy
    EnveeEnvy Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2020

    I played Lerey's three times in a row yesterday. Followed by two Crotus. I am seeing a lot of repetition of maps and it is boring as fudge.

    But i also do not want to play the same damn maps over and over again either. Proceedurally produced maps are fine with me. If they fixed the maps that is.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    You can already memorize the maps, even now the basic structure of the maps always stay the same. it's the random tiles that are littered around said maps is what makes it bull.

    And how would it cause it to be less balanced?

    Each time I load into grim pantry I have to hope the window is at the back of the main building or on Haddonfield where you hope the house of pain won't be there.

    There are nearly 30 maps so there is variety but I can't see how they can balance them if they leave it to rng to do the heavy lifting.