I Won Right?

I did exactly as the Dev's said, kill someone fast to 3 man it. Then the rest kind of just died. Just as I got the last one, he dc'd. But for some reason even though I did my objective of killing all the survivors I de-pip'd?
Did I Win?
Nope you’re just supposed to supervise the survivors gen repair. Killing employees is frowned upon.
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How to make clown OP in 3 easy steps and still depip from it
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Obviously you camped the hook so you are a garbage tier killer. Git gud lol. (Joking by the way)
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I don't know this is what it says on Steam. I think I did a good job at Catching, Torturing, and Killing the survivors. I even ensured that I threw the rest of my bottles on their dying corpse as I watched the entity take the ones that sui'd on hook.
You know what, you're probably right.
I just don't understand. I did exactly as asked.
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The ranking system is working. Failing to entertain the survivors will be punished 😠
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I just moried four survivors with Legion and got a black pip, I think maybe the dc is what made you depip. How many gens did they finish? Because these guys only got two before I killed them all.
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3 ebony mori kills while insidious-camping resulting in emblem penalty and 1 DC = you obviously "won" BUT those were cheesy kills which is why the ranking system won't let you pip that way for your own safety as good survivors will destroy "cheesy strategies" any day of the week.
As for some survivors/their perks that you listed as sweaty:
- the person with Object of Obsession was obviously meme-ing. His first perk was No Mither. Might as well call it the "kill me - I'm over here - and injured" meme build.
- self care helps the killer more than it helps survivors. Many killer wins are the result of people self caring in a corner instead of working on gens while injured.
- and spine chill is just a beginner perk that's only useful against stealth killers and maybe Spirit to a small degree.
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Actually 2 were on hook, 1 was a Mori, 1 was a DC. I'm an honest killer.
Okay, i'm lying. I would of mori'd them if they got off hook like the Meg with ooo did. But they decided to sui on hook instead.
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Would upvote but you dissed my favorite perk: Cat's Fancy
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My apologies - peez give me upvits.
Another Update - just finished all the killer archives using only Insid, NOED, BW, camping Mori Clown. (Except the one for Doctor, and Spirit, but if I could of used clown for that. I would have).
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Oh wait! I can play Clown for the "Bronze Age" Archive!
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no emblem on chaser because of the one hit down add on
killer efficiency is punished
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I took your advice, you were absolutely right.
Once I stopped one hitting them, and instead 2 hitting them in less than 10 seconds (they we're really bad at looping. Like it's like as if they couldn't even see where they were going). I got at least silver in that emblem you were talking about.
Also finally a game with a red rank that I can commend.
Now that I am no longer de-piping, I should be in red rank in no time.
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I mean Ebony and 2 rare add ons is pretty pathetic imo but thats just my 2 cents
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Looks like several wins to me.
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Spine chill and self-care really aren’t that bad, of course playing injured is more efficient but at least this way I’m not wasting multiple peoples time.
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Really? Would the "good survivors" really best my "cheesy strategy"? Because i'm seeing 3 red ranks, and a rank 6 in those screenshots.
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It's pretty pathetic just how easy clown is to play. Definitely needs a nerf. I agree.
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Well it clearly didn't help them here. So I have to give this one to you.
They should BUFF Spine Chill, and Self Care.
Give Spine Chill the ability to see the Killer's aura, through the whole match. At 10,000m.
Give Self Care - instant heal. The same one they took from med-kits.
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Hmmmm seems fair. 😉
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Also, the person with no mither is using iron will with it so they can counter Stridor.
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Im sorry what? was that meant as a reaction to my post? because it touches upon literally nothing of what I said....
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Oh I just got a bunch of people who were really mad. Called me some racial slur's - idk why. Here's what happened:
Kate get's unhooked. Kate goes in locker. I insidious camp in front of locker for Decisive Strike. (As any good killer would do). Then when the doors open. I open the locker. Kate DC'd, but luckily enough I had NOED to hit the Claud that was tea bagging next to me the whole time. Down her. Activate Blood Warden. Hook the Quinton. Then Claud get's saved. Nancy and Claud escape, and Quinton sui on hook.
Only killed 2 that time. Still de-pip'd though. However since Survivors are starting to escape. That must mean I'm getting matched against better players so the game knows I am definitely getting better at Killer. I'll post an animated gif of the end game chat if I find a way to turn the clip I took into a gif.
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Completed my Archive though, so now I am putting my Insidious Mori Camping Clown with Noed and Blood Warden, back onto the shelf for another day.
This thread proves Clown = OP please nerf.
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It’s because the devs have no clue on how to develop a proper ranking system. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was tested for only a couple of days. Do the devs really want Killers to be punished this badly for playing efficiently or having Survivors DC? The Ebony Mori probably didn’t make that much of a difference because of the stupid nine hook requirement that Devout has and the fact that it barely compensates you for DCs.
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What I think is amazing is that on the first game you had 20k bloodpoints in addons and offerings and didnt make back your investment.
2nd one you made just under 1.5k more than you spent.
Granted you could have played without the eboni but still, all those bloodpoints spent for literally no gain. (You actually average out to almost 0)
Obviously killers getting too many bloodpoints is op and unfair.
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I'm gonna answer this one honestly - I don't normally use strong add-on's, neither do I normally use different add-ons then the ones I focus for in the bloodweb. Which when leveling blood webs for killers I play, I have to switch between 2-3 different add on combinations because the bloodweb simply is too expensive/rng doesn't give the add ons I want.
Because of this I get a large stalk up on the add-on's I don't normally use. In this case is Ebony Mori's, Fingers, and various tonic buffs.
Likewise with survivor. I don't use Items at all with Survivor (because you really don't need them), and I get an abundance of the same items/add ons.
This is actually a common theme for many players in higher ranks, to start gathering large collections for both Survivors and Killers.
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I get that. Especially for survivor. Only thing I use for them are bp offerings. For killer i try to go out of my way to avoid most of the higher rarity stuff. Except for pinkyfingers on clown.
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Yeah, you won. The problem is that the ranking system isn't based around whether you won, it's based around how well you conformed to a particular playstyle.
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Pretty much this. THis made me laugh my rear end off. This abotu sums it up for some games. The only reason we get anybody is down to them making mistakes and not because of what i did.
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The 32k game i had, the perfect game was 10 hooks. Find, hook, and dash like a madman to the next one. It was just a series of quick chases with pallet freddy. Then hooking and leaving the hook as fast as posible to get the next one. At least this way the survs got points as well and after about 6 stacks of dying light they knew the game was over and decided to hook dive at that point. So i went with it knowing that they were never goign to finish the 3 gens left.
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Yeah u look like you just camped and tunneled. U have zero chaser emblem. Gotta agree, enjoy the depip.
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They have a clue they have made tons of money and kept this game going for over three years now. If you don't like it you can take your salty tears and go somewhere else like Roblox. Tired of all these babies thinking they know jack ######### about game development and balancing.
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Next time just let them think u are blind and extend every chase
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The ranking system is not why this game has been so successful and thinking otherwise is delusional. A lot of people have just stopped caring about rank because of how poor of a job BHVR is doing with their ranking systems.
Also are you really about to defend a ranking system that punishes the player for an enemy disconnecting? No good ranking system punishes you for an opposing player leaving the game.
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I know BHVR won't hire me for balancing, because of my blunt comedic taste on delivering information.
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I like that you have to bring up ranks when I didn't lol
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The ranking system is based on how well you please the entity, if you kill all the survivors quickly you do not deserve a pip you did not last long enough to essentially "put on a good show" for the entity. As far as killing everyone I mean that's not the idea of the game it's to make the survivors suffer as long as possible. People think killing everyone as fast as possible is what you want to do as killer and they're wrong.
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That's a nice in-universe explanation, but there is no reason to believe, from a game design perspective, that the killer's objective is to make the survivors suffer as long as possible. Nowhere does it say that in the game rules, nowhere have the devs ever said anything to that effect, and the design of the game itself doesn't support that idea.
Dead by Daylight is very clearly a race between the two conflicting objectives. Dragging the game out as long as possible and killing everyone at the very last minute is not the killer's objective, it's merely one method of completing it which happens to be rewarded by the incredibly flawed ranking system. Killing all the survivors is the object of the game. That's it. No matter how you spin it, it's ludicrous for a game to punish its players for completing their objective too efficiently.
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To the Op, you got the famous overperforming depip. Thank devs logic.