General Discussions

General Discussions

Can someone explain the logic behind that?

Member Posts: 4,125
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

That happens since the Ruin nerf often and idk why. When I play with my friends survivor we dont play toxic or with items but we still escape most of the time because swf balanced. And we got often those type of Killers what I just had last game. "Short Story" A billy found me as the first victim and we started a normal chase. All normal and good, I 360 his chainsaw and we continue the chase, 2 gens done 2 min ingame. He keeps chasing me at the shack at groaning storehouse. I use pallet after pallet and window after window and keep chaining it with the shack. 5min 4 gens done last gen on 60%. I made a mistake and he got me and then... he facecamps me on hook with the chainsaw raved. Okey why??? He kept chasing me for 4 gens and now he is salty? He was not the best billy and I clearly looped him well with only 6 pallets in total and then this? xD Well borrow and D strike did the rest and everyone was at the gate and then he dcs before we can escape. Okey fun game I guess?

So ######### was the logic behind this? Why does Killers cant learn that if you meet a good survivor just leave him? But most important, why the facecamp? xD Guess looping is ToXiC.

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  • Member Posts: 318

    no, hes securing his ONE kill. idk, take it as a compliment?

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Well even though he didnt deserve that kill because he didnt do anything to prevent us from doing the gens xD

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Thats your opinion ^^

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Because they’re bad players and rather than admit it was their own fault they lost for committing to a 4 gen chase they decide to get salty and take it out on you instead.

    Or often they can afford to do it because they’ll have NOED as a back up which will guarantee them another kill or two.

  • Member Posts: 387

    I agree with ya.

    So first off: I would understand Billy's position. He camped due to the fact that he wasted too much time trying to catch a survivor that was better than him.

    When he finally caught you, after 4 gens were done... He wasn't being salty. He was trying to secure his ONE and ONLY kill in the game, isn't that how you're supposed to win as a killer?

    Yes, camping is unreliable, but no less effective, frankly, what he did was a smart move. It's considered a scummy move, but what was the killer supposed to do when they lost 4 gens, and about to lose the 5th, and haven't killed anyone yet? You catch someone and camp.

    I won't deny it though. If I were him, I would've ended that chase much more sooner. So yeah, the Billy didn't make a good move. (On the chasing, not the camping.)

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    I agree. he did bad in chase and it was silly to commit to me. But he could chase my friend that was next to me on the hook waiting for a opputinity to save. He hooked me right next to the 60% gen and had a fair chance to get more kills. I guess he was not confident in his chase abilitys. But in that case I wonder why he would play someone like billy.

  • Member Posts: 387

    1 - The point of camping is to breath in your face, (or away), to catch people trying to unhook the camped. Not wait for someone to come before chasin' them.

    2 - I'm more concerned by the fact this Billy ignored a gen he could've kicked.

    3 - I do feel he might be playing Billy because someone recommended it to him.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    You aren't going to find logic when somebody has their blood up and decide somebody has to die in game.

    Some killer's learn to abandon the chase to find somebody weaker or out of position, others don't.

    Just shrug and move on, that's all you can do.

  • Member Posts: 887

    May he had a long line of toxic survivors before you and was frustrated. Maybe he thought camping was a good idea, because it would bring other survivors to him.

    Not sure how he didn't get a down if he was camping that hard, He should have been able to insta-down somebody. unless someone used that hook tech exploit on him.

    Either way, not the best strategy. But with matchmaking the way it is, killers often get matched with lower rank survivors, which is frustrating enough, even more so with swf groups.

  • Member Posts: 636

    Killers can’t accept that they lost to a better player :/

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Could be but I would never facecamp xD thats just boring for both sides. If i am really frustrated playing Killer, I go play my main (Spirit) and demolish survivors, or use ebonys because seeing the mori animation is really statisfying!

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    He's just being salty. It's kind of like hiding in a locker with DS up, if you've ever gone against that as killer. That's the feeling it gives as survivor, roughly.

  • Member Posts: 312

    He really wanted you.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Yes, the 'better' survivor player with DS and BT and exhaustion perks and maps that favor them that are usually too large for most killers to get around in a reasonable amount of time.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Yeah I can understand him, I am too delicious!

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    He was playing billy with enduring spirit fury... so he wasn't that much better in terms of crutch perks than me :D And I played with balanced landing on groaning storehouse.

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