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Should I play with NOED? Tell me, please!

Member Posts: 18

Hello. I don't play killers that much, but I've always used Ruin. Now, when Ruin is "nerfed", does it feel in the game? I thought I'd start using NOED, but I don't have much experiences. Should I?


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  • Member Posts: 1,726

    Unless you're using other perks intended to stop genrushes, NOED should end up being useful for you if you notice your games ending too fast for you to do much.

  • Member Posts: 836

    For all the time up to this point, I would’ve said no. There are much better perks, and getting Gatekeeper required heavy Gen defense if you wanted to pip.

    Now the situation has changed, perks and perk combos have been nerfed, the game is heading into a more late game focused direction. And Gatekeeper gives pretty good points if you end the game with the Gates closed.

    So if you’d like to, sure. There are other late game options too such as Remember Me if you’re having trouble with the Gates opening too fast.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    If you want to, then yes.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    You'd have to decide for yourself overall. It's a Hex so it's not a guaranteed activation if all totems are destroyed before the Gens complete, so it's a risky take. Give it a try and see if it helps your playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    After the Ruin nerf, show no mercy. Use whatever you can to win and don't feel bad.

  • Member Posts: 442

    NOED, hell yeah. A survivor team that cleanses all 5 dull totems has given you the time to get kills. Most survivor teams rush 5 x gens and a claudette or meg will clause one or two for BP.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    It's a risk. Survivors could end up cleansing the totems and leaving you without it. Honestly it all comes down to how you want to play. Whether you are looking to end chases quickly, stall gens, or more of an end game build.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    You should try it and judge by yourself if it suits your playstyle and choice of killers, people always told me I should use BBQ, I gave it a try and found it wasnt a perk for me or the killers I used.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Noed is definitely a good option after ruin was changed. It punishes survivor who rush gens and those who don't heal because they rely on adrenaline. I would even go as far as running thrill of the hunt in addition to noed on killers like doctor. Knockout is another good choice.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Tbh, I never really cared what people were saying about perks or other stuff.

  • Member Posts: 157

    A lot of streamers (both Survivor Mains and Killer Mains) parrot anti-NOED opinions, which a lot of veteran players like myself used to share.

    It's regarded as a "training wheels" Perk and a lot of people get mad when they get NOED hit at the end of a game - especially if they've been virtually uncatchable up to that point.

    It needs to be said that NOED is a legitimate Perk in the game - just like Decisive Strike and Adrenaline are legitimate.

    No one will ban you for using NOED. No one can report you for using NOED (it's not an offense to use a legitimate Perk in the game). No one with any sense will hold a grudge against you for using NOED.

    Especially now with Ruin being effectively gone, the old stigma that some people (again, mostly streamers) used to have against NOED is going away - but even if it doesn't, you can still absolutely use whatever Perk you want on whatever character you want and no one can say a word to you about it (and if they do, feel free to ignore them).

    Anyone who starts typing novels in the endgame chat about how you have no skill and only won because of NOED is just being a sore loser (sadly, there's a lot of sore losers out there in general).

    There's many more things in this game that are unfair on Killers than there are things that are unfair on Survivors, so don't feel bad and do what you want.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    It's not that good because it only activates in end game, are you sure you can't put on something like bamboozle, discordance, or PGTW? Lots of survivors are cleansing dull totems anyways, might as well not allow them to make your perk useless. That's just my input, you can run it if you want, it might help you get 1 kill after you already lost and that sounds pretty fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,946

    Neither would Nurses Calling, BBQ... yeah like the other person said, every perk, survivor or killer, is suppose to give you a boost.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Thanks for saying something he's already heard 10 times over. How helpful

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Insert: "Why not both" meme here.

    I know end game builds are memes but if they are fun for them why shouldn't they go full meme?

    Killer role is widely considered too stressful atm so who cares if they have fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    If you play NOED as part of a build, it is very powerful and can make for a fun build.

    I'll say this on just running it to run it. When I started playing as killer, I ran NOED a lot and was paranoid of getting beat. NOED became a severe crutch for me and I did not care to focus on my mistakes. I had a guy who had played killer since the start talk with me after a match and he was really cool about it. Gave me a bunch of tips on things I did wrong, and what to do to get better. One of this first tips was to not rely on NOED. He said there is nothing wrong with using it as part of a build, but relying on it is a crutch. If I stop using it, I'll get scorched, but can learn from mistakes.

    He was absolutely right. I stopped using it, got destroyed a few times....many times, but got much better. Now, I will use NOED as part of a Insta-down build, or end-game build, but I don't need it to feel like I can win.

    Good luck.

  • Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    I guess it depends. I think you still have a fair chance to pip or get a 4k if you play top tier killers (Spirit, Nurse, Billy, Ghostface). In my opinion noed is a wasted perk slot for them, because I don't think you really need it to down a survivor once all gens are done (but I suppose that depends on how confident you feel). Besides, Noed may not activate at all and it can be easily countered cleansing the totem. On the other hand; there's nothing you can do against rancor and you can open the exit gates yourself to activate blood warden.

    But whatever, if you are going full endgame build, then why not use noed + bloodwarden + rancor, then? But I'm personally not a fan of endgame builds unless I'm play a killer with low mobility that barely has a chance now I guess.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    I’ve defended you guys on here but now even I’m starting to question how much you play the game.

    99% of the time NOED results in instadowns. Theres very little “maybe” about it.

    It enables killers to camp and win too. They just sit around the hook making no effort to play, but it doesnt matter because if survivors rush gens as you always say then the killer gets an extra 2 kills anyway. No effort required. Just camp and NOED.

    Just had a Wraith who tunneled me off hook and sat outside a locker until my DS ran out. The other survivors did gens. Didn’t matter though because he could afford to apply zero pressure because NOED got him another 2 kills.

    You want to stop DS from hurting killers that dont tunnel because its not fun for them? How about stopping NOED from rewarding bad killers that make zero effort to actually protect their gens and just camp hooks or relentlessly tunnel one survivor all game.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I don't understand "killer role is too stressful" concept lately. The game is not that hard. The killer role is not that hard. Win some, lose some. I just sit back and enjoy. If I get creamed, so be it. I try to have fun no matter what. I stopped stressing over playing killer over a year ago. It makes it much more fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Stress like all emotions is subjective.

    Meaning something could be stressful to others but not to you.

  • Member Posts: 318

    sure. if you like people roasting you in post match whether you get to end game or not.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Yes if you want to win.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Yes and no. Some perks can act as training wheels helping you to realize survivor patterns.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Free kills are fine, it's the survivors' fault for not doing dulls don't ya know :))

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    If you dont want to get any better in this game you can rely on training wheels like NOED. But dont think people will applaud you.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    There is one fatal flaw in your reasoning - and that the perk is in the survivor's hands to prevent from happening.

    Not just doing the bones either. The moment you realize NOED is in play, nothing says you have to rescue anybody. In fact, refusing to play the killer's game and just GTFO is a perfectly acceptable choice in that moment.

    If the entire team gets downed by a NOED killer because they all just had to go for the rescue, then the survivors failed due to their own pride and greed, end of story.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    You can really tell by certain comments how effective it is ;3

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    @FrenziedRoach NOED rewards bad play. You never see a good player take NOED, it’s always the bad players.

    Its hilarious how killers always defend it. You know if it was on the survivor side they would be screaming. Hell they are about Adrenaline and begging for nerfs.

    Its hard to stop NOED as a solo survivor. If you run around on a totem hunt you miss out on so much else you wont get points. You have to confirm all 5 are out though, you cant just rely on other survivors. You can run around and not find some, have you missed them? Have they been cleansed? Even small game is no good as it wont tel you if the totem has been destroyed.

    People have talked about ways to make NOED fair. You want survivors to do totems? Fine. How about a notification so solo players know how many have been done?

    bzzzzz veto’d. Killer mains wont allow it because they dont actually want survivors doing the totems. They want NOED to activate as its far more powerful and easier than having survivors cleansing totems.

    With NOED its always “git gud, just cleanse totems” but its funny how when it comes to DS asking them to simply “stop tunneling” and its “DEEEEVS!! NERF PLZ!!”

    @almo care to share the actual statistic if you have it? Outside of swf It definitely activates far, far more than survivors cleansing all 5 totems.

    I can’t believe the game designer uses NOED. Hmm, then again maybe that explains more than I realise.

    Do you stream? When I see Pigs with NOED I get bad vibes. Would nice to be dispel that image.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Well I’m in the camp that thinks end game crutches like adrenaline and NOED shouldn’t be able to screw the other side at the last second. Nobody likes the blue shell.

    I’ll stick those in the airlock instead.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Run it if you want to but try not to get attached to it, some killers you can tell they have it & rely on it by the way they never give up on chases or bother defending gens at all, often followed by a DC if it's destroyed instantly or never activates. It's not pretty.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    There are plenty of ways for solos to find totems , I never play with SWF and I have no problems with finding and cleansing .

    1. small game

    2. detectives

    3. maps

    4. cleanse totems on your way to another gen

    5. not really a counter but advice , totems usually have common spawn points . just try and memories where they can spawn and check those places on your way to another gen or when doing nothing.

    like many people have said , this perk lays in the hands of survivors , if they're sole objective is to pump out gens and they get hit with noed then it's on them .

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Ok fine.

    But if the killer gets hit with DS it’s on them.

  • Member Posts: 404

    Stop perk shaming people. If you want to look at it a certain way, EVERY perk is a crutch. Dead Hard screws a killer out of a hit or extends a loop. Self Care undoes the damage a killer worked hard to inflict on you. Sprint Burst rewards bad positioning. Lithe strengthens unsafe pallets and windows. Borrowed Time rewards bad hook saves. Decisive Strike is a second chance crutch. Etcetera. Unless you play perkless every game, you have no right to judge anyone for the perks they use.

    As they say, people in glass houses should shut the ######### up.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    we weren't even talking about DS. I dont know why you brought that up lmao.

  • Member Posts: 43

    Use doc with bbq, blood warden, noed, and nurses

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Because when killers dont like something its nerf, nerf, nerf and a lot of excuses.

    When survivors dont like something its adapt or jump through hoops. No matter how much effort needs to be put in killers will argue some counterplay in some way. Best one is “dont get hooked”.

  • Member Posts: 1,030
  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Not trying to be rude or disrespectful but:

    Wouldn't this logic apply(In reverse being survivor's asking for nerfs) to you and billy?

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Thats one thing after pages and pages of discussing balance issues.


    DS - I can’t tunnel now - nerf

    Borrowed Time - I can’t camp now - nerf

    Adrenaline - That speed boost stops me using my NOED immediatey - nerf

    Toolboxes - muh gen speeds - nerf

    Gen speeds in general - too quick, nerf

    instaheals & keys - nerf (but moris are fine)

    Exhaustion perks - I cant catch survivors - nerf

    self-care - i dont want survivors healing - nerf

    Head on - I dont like being stunned - nerf

    etc etc

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    I wouldn't suggest running NOED all the time if you're still learning killer as it can lead to some bad habits. NOED is generally super effective into purple ranks, but tends to swing hard in the other direction against true red rank survivors.

    A lot of killers that run NOED all the time have a tendency to lack pressure or game awareness early because they're used to snowballing at the end. In my experience, they're generally content to continue chases long past the point of no return and have extreme tunnel vision.

    I think it's best and most effective to run NOED when you can reliably perform without it. This way, you develop good killer habits like pressure, chase skill, game awareness, etc., and then you can also take advantage of NOED if it gets to endgame. I run it on weaker M1 killers from time to time and find that games sometimes don't even make it to endgame. It's just nice to have in your back pocket if things so sideways or you get survivors that know what pallets are.

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