Clown needs something.. but what?

I feel like he would be more fun to play as and against if he could literally POP out of areas for a jump scare or set traps the way the Hag does but the way a fun mirror works.. multiple clowns but which one is real. Haven’t thought too much about it but there is so much potential to add things for him to “Clown Around”.
**planting a fake generator.. once you complete it he can pop out of it like a giant birthday cake and that generator doesn’t count as completed**
What does he need? To be deemed "unfun," "annoying," or "frustrating" for baby survivors to go against. Then he would get a "rework." As people tend not to complain about him (except people who play him, they don't count), he will languish in low-tier indefinitely.
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Unfortunately you are right. I love playing clown but he gets a lot less viable in high ranks. Which saddens me because he was my first main until the sad realization.
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He needs map pressure, just like every other killer. But how his map pressure ability would look like, I have no idea.
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Clown just needs a way to apply pressure. I love this cosmetics though santaclown and his new one.
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With the current meta, it's hard to say that he needs more mobility or pressure in the game for survivors. His skill is useful in pursuit, but he does not affect the game as a whole. I guess I'm for mobility. Let rams stomach and introduces into a near-death state for example.
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A diet?
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This would be a simple:
- Intoxicated survivors will be forced to slow vault pallets and vaults.
- Survivors do not see the killer's red stain while intoxicated.
Just make him better in chases while being weaker in map pressure.
Killers are supposed to be good at what they do, while having a weakness. 😁
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hes fine as a basic m1 killer. his power needs a small buff, thats all.
literally only small quality of life changes
increased reload speed, movement speed while reloading, maybe even make the flask of bleach base kit or make intoxication effect last longer.
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Human Cannonball to shoot across the map towards gens? 😂
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If any killer could pop out of lockers...
I think clown could be buffed by making the gas damage generators and intensely buffing the base duration and intensity of his bottles
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That's pretty good
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I actually like this idea as well, and to add on, this can be for all ranged killers such as Plague, Huntress, and Clown.
It makes sense realistically and can make applying pressure more easy for those killers. 😁
Also, thanks, I think this combined with your idea will make Clown solid. 😊
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I play Clown and don't complain. 👍
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Residual Exposure
Every second a survivor is exposed to the Clowns Toxic fumes, their action speed is reduced by x%.
Survivors periodically cough due to continued Exposure to the Toxic fumes revealing their location to the killer. Becomes more frequent with further exposure
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He needs a [BAD WORD] tank. Then maybe he will be viable at red ranks.
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I don't think that's why they buffed Freddy...
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Didn’t his intoxication used to cause medium vaults at best but they changed it? I can’t remember but yea now fast vaults are definitely doable while bottled.
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Drinking his own tonics and sprinting around wildly.
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Clown doing whippets lol
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I disagree that his power should get even more power in chases. Chases vs Clown are already uninteractive early pallet drops as is. Everyone chews through gens while the chased survivor spends all the resources in the map and with his nonexistant map pressure the survivors can afford to waste all pallets and still escape. Making him stronger in chases will just make him even more uninteracitve in chases and survivors will have even more of a reason to hold M1 to oblivion vs him. Not good design.
He needs his bottles to stay the way they are and to have some sort of map pressure. The strongest and best designed killers in the game have both map pressure and chase power (Freddy does exactly what Clown does in chases and has a teleport, Demo has both, Billy has both, Oni has both with his power active). The only exception are stealth killers, but stealth is a power in itself and does some things that map pressure does. You can't make a killer that's just chase power, they'll end up both weak and boring to play/face.
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After you throw a bottle of Afterpiece Tonic with the usual effects, it should leave a lingering haze, that last for... say 30 seconds. The haze does not Cripple survivors or make them scream, but it apply the effects of any add-on the Clown is using. Also while in the haze survivors would be Oblivious and ear some eerie circus music drowing all the others sounds a bit.
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Have you ever seen Kevin James do standup comedy? Big boys can be mobile as **** Lol
I bloody love the Clowns Mori. I just wish he had something more going for him throughout an entire match
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@Colton147 Might have some tips. He plays Clown and can pressure the map extremely well.
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Let him place traps on gens, lockers, and pallets. When activated, a cloud of his bottle juice erupts, like normal. This would give him a bit of map pressure. And, you know, surprise! Like a clown.
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I like something along those lines. Similar to Freddy travelling to gens but I’m regards to the Clown it would be a circus gimmick for the element of surprise.
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Personally wheen affected by tonic you should have to "snap out of it" like you do with madness it would make his power alot more viable
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Something like that. The clown needs time.
Then he will feel good
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You're right. He's great, but something is missing.
I love the idea of the fake generator.
Not sure how the traps would work though. Could be something silly like a 'Floppy Shoe' trap. A survivor runs over it and they stick to them an beep with every step they take, giving away their position. LOL
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Clown needs a squeaky clown nose sound to annoy survivors in chase.
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Entity grants increased movement speed going through his toxic clouds.
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Let clown ride maurice
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From the sounds of it, he could use an asthma inhaler.
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Its really the only thing the makes sense to me in a change for clown. Would make him more efficent at ending chase's but not to OP.
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Not sure If my post was sent the thread before, but anyhow; I'd definitely share my gameplay someday - I have been busy lately, so I haven't really had a chance to record and share any gameplay.
It is quite easy to pressure as Clown - you need to experiment a lot with perks (anything works on Clown though).
A good build for easy pressure: "Discordance + Cruel Limits + Tinkerer + Play With Your Food"
I tend to opt in my more difficult builds though.
"Corrupt Intervention + Discordance + Dying Light + Thanatophobia"
"Discordance + Haunted Grounds + Ruin + Surveillance"
"Blood Warden + Knock Out + No One Escapes Death + Rancor"
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He needs to be able to shoot a laser out of hit belly button
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I just tried Bamboozle, Bitter Murmur, Tinkerer, and Cruel limits.
It made me laugh. Managed to get 3 gen grabs from Tinkerer in that one game. It was a 2k even though I wasn’t planning on actually hooking anyone but I figured why not since Cruel Limits actually paid off in certain spots too. 3 gen grabs on Mother’s Dwelling.. wasn’t expecting that haha.
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You say it like Clown would be a viable killer.
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Yeah, no. Even if you use tonic as you wrote it's impossible to win as Clown against well playing survivors. You can only put pressure on one survivor at the time and other three keep doing gens. Clown NEEDS map pressure ability, otherwise he won't be viable in Red ranks.
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He is pretty fine I think but because he is still a bit behind most other killers a couple of his addons should be in base Clown instead. Thick Cork Stopper and Robin Feather. So nothing huge but still an improvement.
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I couldn’t agree with you more..
If you want a survivor to go left then throw a bottle to the right and so on. It’s similar to winding a hatchet with the Huntress to force someone into a dead zone.
Tonics were definitely designed to help control a specific survivors movement. Redheads Pinky is the exception of course.
I suppose I always wanted him to have more tricks up his sleeve but really he was just a highly intelligent psychopath hiding behind a costume.
Slightly off topic but I think BHVR bloody nailed the Doctor perfectly with the recent changes so I know they could do it with a killer like the Clown.
I still don’t like blink recharges on Nurse;p She still outclasses many Killers at certain map locations and situations though. Can’t deny that.
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I play Clown from time to time, not much so maybe my opinion isnt super informed but I believe he could benefit greatly from more consistency with his bottles.
Right now I feel they work in a very random way unless tossed in a straight line against someone with no obstacles in between. You can toss a bottle near a window and it would only affect the side where it landed even if there is gas everywhere, sometimes the arc seems to change in very weird ways, invisible branches break them at random if you try a high arc toss (especially on MacMillan maps), corners mess with the gas area, invisible edges break them before they reach the desired destination etc.
In understand making throwable objects isnt easy but at least with Huntress the axe throws always feel the same, same arcs, you charge 1 second they go faster but always seem to go at the same speed when you charge them 1 second (hitboxes are crap tho).
Also he could benefit from an improved reload mechanic, first the less bottles you need to reload the faster it should be the action, second if you need to reload 4 bottles and you stop halfway you should get 2 instead of starting over again and third maybe adding a timer which replesnishes 1 bottle after X seconds so you can reload all at once like now or wait for the timer to give you one, this could help him during chases if he misses or if he gets swarmed by survivors trying to help the downed guy.
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He does need something lol
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Many ideas: Transform the gas into a laughing gas (nitrous oxide) with effects similar to the madness of the Doctor but with fits of laughter each time a dramatic event happens to the survivors (death, hooking) and other malus.
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An obituary. I doubt they'll change him since he's not really powerful or annoying.
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Not that the clown is particularly bad, strong killer in the right hands. I do always think that if you hit a player with your bottle, they should suffer some kind of negative affect. It's hard to balance this, but anything like 25-30% increase in gas effects would be something. At least this way, the added effect is based on being skilled rather than it just being a buff
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He needs nemesis + pwyf + stbfl for now; faster clown, slower intoxicated survivors.
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Clown needs map pressure. So how about him being able to teleport to a throw bottle like Sombra? Puff of smoke and suddenly a fat clown is in your face.
If it's too OP, just give a delay on the teleport and or a timer how often he can teleport.
Rewards amazing skillshots, planning and manipulation of the map.
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We are talking about small changes to improve his usefulness. As stated, I think the clown is a strong killer in the right hands. If you use his bottles strategically to funnel a survivor to where you wan them to go, he's quite a beast.
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Increase the duration and area of his bottles and give him 2 extra bottles