One tiny nerf to Doctor



  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    "Annoying" means "Takes mild effort to escape from" to these people, it's so grossly dishonest

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609


  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    It's not like it's godly strong right now. I think it's not needed since the counterplay is there and with the slight slowdown doc can't be guaranteed to catch up just by shocking alone.

    And the most important thing, it would feel so bad and unenjoyable to increase the CD further.

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    Legion has a 4 second cool down on his ability that cripples his game play. You want to add a cool down on doctor. I actually read and understood your obnoxiously long post chief. At this point, any nerf to doctor would be too soon.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    Nope, even another little nerfs will be big slap into killers face. Now its time to nerfing survivors and their perks.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    I dont think he really needs to be nerfed. Surviviors will learn how to counter his power as time passes, nerfing him this early and in this particular area would probably backfire as soon as surviviors learn to counter him

  • EnviouSLAY
    EnviouSLAY Member Posts: 300

    If he couldn't cancel vault animations especially if they were quick vaults i would be okay with whatever. But i find it completely BS that its a 50/50 if you can vault because of his power. It happens even more now than it did with Old Doctor. Quick Vaults should be more rewarding than they are. Because vaulting in general anymore just means you get hit because of dedicated servers.

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    Vaulting is broken, but don't nerf a fresh new doctor because of it. He needs at least 2-3 months of evaluation before anything should be looked at imo.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean if a survivor is still on the side where they begin to vault when getting shocked, than I think it's only fair that they can't vault the window. However, if if they are right in the middle of the vault, I guess I agree that shouldn't cancel the vault and literally pull you back to where you started vaulting.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    What people are you exactly talking about? Who means "takes mild effort to escape from" when saying annoying?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I'm not trying to nerf everything that isn't broken. I just feared that people will complain about him not having a fair amount of counterplay so I suggested this small nerf that would add just slightly more counterplay to Doctor.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    You are comparing the cooldown of Legion to the slightly increased cooldown of Doctor I am talking about? Which again I explained why I would want this cooldown so anyone who understood my post would never get the idea to compare these two cooldowns.

    I'm sorry but ythat makes me believe you do not understand what nerf I am suggesting. The only thing I am suggesting here is to make the counterplay of dodging Doctor's shock therapy just a tad more viable.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    To be fair in a lot of that time it was only a few perks that got nerfed, so I wouldn't say survivors got hit too hard either. But yes, survivors have got nerfed, especially in the second half of 2018, and I feel like some people tend to forget this.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yep you might be right. I'm aware that I might be overlooking certain other ways to counterplay him. I think I've just realised one more counterplay, if you would call it like that, since I made this post. I think I just wanted to make this post, simply because I do fear that more people might start arguing that he has too little counterplay in chases, so I wanted to explain how I believe survivors could receive just a bit more counterplay, without hurting the Doctor in any significant way.

    I'd be pretty disappointed if they nerfed Doc by increasing the charge time of his shock therapy for example, since that would be a nerf to his chase potential, without actually increasing the counterplay of survivor in any way. I do believe the devs would realise this though if they did decide to nerf Doc.

    But I'd be very glad if he never ever got touched again. He has now become without a doubt one of my absolute favorite killers in this game. And I really love going against him as well.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yes perhaps. From all my experience I got by playing him, and observing his power at loops, I just feared that people would start arguing that he doesn't have enough counterplay in chases, but it's very likely I am wrong about that as well. There's very likely good routing around loops that allow counterplay in order to prolong chases in an impactful way that I probably missed.

    It would make me happy if he was never touched again, since he has now become one of my favorite killers in this game.

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    Everyone understands everything you are saying because you keep repeating it. Everyone else is telling you though it's not needed. And it is comparable to legion because it prevents an attack after using the ability. That's common sense.

  • Supr3_Angel
    Supr3_Angel Member Posts: 22

    Bruh, don’t come here with your statement of nerfing another good killer, because we don’t need more f#ck#ng nerfed killers man, we are actually in a very bad situation problem with matchmaking problems and more killer’s perks getting nerfed and u come with the idea of nerfing the doctor? Again?! Yeah it seems that you are a survivor main, why would u ask for more nerfs for the killers? You crazy definitely a bad idea to post that in this specific moments u st#pid.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    This post is honestly just sad. I don't feel like I should need to explain that forums are there for people to express their opinion. If you don't agree that's fine, but calling me stupid? I can only laugh about that. And no I am not a survivor main. I main killer.

  • Supr3_Angel
    Supr3_Angel Member Posts: 22

    you are a killer main and you are asking if they can nerf the doctor after they buffed him? You weird man, don’t you see they will nerf other perks such as Pop, NOED, etc. You are asking for something that may lead DBD to the end of the road, no killers = no dbd, no killers = no servers, got it? I’m trying to not get mad at this points but you guys with those st#pid questions and opinions that are against killers in this moments, It’s just d#mb

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    And i forgot another one. His shock is only horizontal. It does not work vertically like the blast. For example, in the farm, you can't shock people on harvester to prevent vault when you're on the ground. Another example is the small hill.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yeah I do repeat myself, but that's because I still often feel that people don't quite understand why exactly I am suggesting this change, regarding the way Doctor works and plays, and what exactly I would want to affect with this nerf. That and because I am replying to many different people. Some people that tell me it's not needed didn't really seem to understand what this change would affect, and what not. That's why my main post was fairly long, I tried to cover all aspects that are associated with the nerf, in order to explain my reasoning of this nerf as good as possible.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I both respect their opinion and am actually happy to see most people agreeing that Doctor does not need any kind of nerf. Still, I wanted to point this potential nerf out, and I want to try and explain why I think this nerf might be good.

    Also, Legion slows down to a snail's pace when he enters his cooldown, whereas Doctor can still just follow survivors with his normal movement speed, so I would argue that these two cooldowns aren't really compareable.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I guess that's not really counterplay but more just depending on where you are on a map, but nevertheless something that can be considered when talking about the effectiveness of his shock therapy in chases, that's very true.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    NO! Just NO! Stop posting BS like this. In fact he needs a buff since the delay between his Shock and M1 is too damn long.. They should remove the delay, and that's the only time you could say The Doctor has a chance on the red ranks.. Stop posting BS like these and claiming you play him a lot, you survivor main..

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Again, so offensive. That's really not healthy if people with different opinions on a game get you so triggered. I just made this post because I got the feeling that more people might start complaining about Doctor not having enough counterplay, so I wanted to suggest what I would nerf if the devs decided to have to nerf Doctor. Since this change would only make a certain counterplayof survivors slightly more viable, and nothing more.

    This also has nothing to do with any other balance changes. In fact, I wouldn't want to see any more nerfs to any killer before they buff some of the weaker killers, and maybe rework a few more maps.

    I'm also not sure why you are saying NOED or Pop will be nerfed. All they said is that they want to maybe nerf the synergy between slowdown perks, the perks themselves will not be nerfed. And NOED isn't even a slowdown perk .

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    Oh please stop with your reasoning, you Survivor main.. These kind of post are the reason Killers Power, Add-ons and Perks are getting nerf is because of survivor mains like you who claims to be Killers.. Stop with this BS post.. Because you're nothing more than a survivor main claiming to be a killer just to nerf another Killer when in fact the Killer needs a buff not a nerf.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yet another angry nerd that immediately needs to get offensive. It's not really healthy that opinions of other people regarding a video game get you this triggered.

    Also, these are the forums, people are allowed to post their opinions on certain matters. I've clearly explained why I would suggest this small nerf to Doctor in my main post, showing that I do have experience with playing Doctor. I didn't just make these observations up. Did you at least read the actual thread?

  • Supr3_Angel
    Supr3_Angel Member Posts: 22

    Ok buddy in resume, don’t give options that will make most of the people mad, in this case, 65% of the people will disagree with your idea including me so please quiet and think first before saying something like that again

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I'm not a survivor main. No matter how much you want to believe that, lol. And these kind of posts aren't immediately the reason killer powers get nerfed. Only if the devs see that many people agree on certain issues. The devs do have brains themselves. They don't just go and look for the next suggested killer nerf on the forums and then implement it.

    I do tend to think about both sides though, which is why I made this post, simply because I feared survivors might not have a fair amount of counterplay against Doctor. That and I wouldn't want the Doctor to be nerfed in any wrong way so it ends up making him too weak again. But I guess if people do that they must be a survivor main. But actually, no that's not the case.

    I do get this is an early post on this matter, which is why I stated in my main post that I'm only talking about a scenario in the future in which the devs decide that they need to nerf Doctor in some way, because people feel like the counterplay against Doctor is too little. And that this would be a good way to simply add a bit more counterplay to Doctor, without hurting him in any significant way.

    I'm actually happy to see that pretty much everyone agrees that Doctor does not need any nerf. So please stop with these immediate and ridiculous accusions towards people that have a different opinion than you.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2020

    I did actually, and it was pretty damn stupid.. If there is something needed to the Doctor, that is to be buff on the delay between his Shock and M1 Attack.. Everyone who plays Doctor on the Red Ranks knows this is a problem especially on Jungle Gyms, Because after shocking the survivors they have 1.5 Seconds before they can loop but it takes you 3 Seconds before you can even hit them with your M1 Attack.. So stop posting BS like this.. It's people like you who destroys the Killers in the first place..

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    The devs have to look somewhere for killer nerf ideas, and I don't think it's coincidence that the nurse, legion, and Oni all got nerfed around the same time forum posts were being made about them.

  • DragonOfPain
    DragonOfPain Member Posts: 139

    Every Killer can be countered.. That's the reason why you need to play both sides to understand the mechanics of it. You need to play Doctor, So you would know how to counter him when you play as a Survivor, Vice Versa.. As i mentioned above, The Doctor doesn't need a nerf.. He needs a buff, And if you have problems against him as a Survivor, I have two words for you which you Survivors always leave on the chat "GET GUD"... Stop posting BS like these. Its not helping.. Just look how many disagree with your BS post.. It only shows your bias towards one side..

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Actually, I'd argue it's more than 95% that disagree with me here, and that's totally fine. That's what forums are for as well. To see what opinions people don't agree with at all. However, some people here were able to reply to me in a normal and civil way, some of them giving arguments as to why they disagree with me. Which is always welcome in threads. And again, it makes me happy to see almost everybody disagreeing with Doctor needing a nerf.

    And then there are the people who just get immediately offensive and upset about someone else having an opinion that's different to theirs, sometimes even insulting those people. And I don't care one bit about those people. Of course they can reply to me, I just don't see how anyone would take these kind of people serious. I certainly don't. Especially since we are talking about a video game. A freaking video game. How does one get so personal about that?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I guess in a normal conversation I would ask you why you think my suggested nerf is stupid, but I guess that won't amount to anything in this case here. All you can do is get all personal and offensive towards me for having an opinion you don't agree with. You really think that's what gets people to take you serious? You're most likely the perfect example for why some normal people don't take gamers all too seriously in general.

    if you disagree with my suggested nerf, fine. But no reason to call it stupid and get offensive just because you don't agree with the nerf I suggested and my argumentation as to why I suggested this small nerf.

    To be fair, I don't understand your argumentation of why you want his shock delay decreased. I think it's totally fine personally. In the worst case you just have to try and aim it at where survivors are running at. I'm not sure what you mean when you say survivors have 1.5 second before they can loop again. They can loop normally whenever they get shocked, but they can't drop a pallet or vault a window for 2.5 seconds after they get shocked.

    Also, the cooldown of the Doctors shock therapy is 1.5 seconds, not 3 seconds, if that is what you are referring to. The Doctor releases his shock therapy, one second later survivors get shocked if hit by the shock therapy, because of the 1 second delay. A half a second later your cooldown wears off, so you can now hit a survivor or charge another shock therapy attack. And 2 seconds after that the shock of the survivors that were hit by the shock therapy ends and they can interact with pallets and vaults again.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Well sure that's true, but in that case many people complained about those certain things. If they see that many people are unhappy with something in this game, the devs will at least take a look at it. I just meant they won't just see my post and think that that's a great nerf, then go ahead and implement it. Pretty much everyone here disagrees with me.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I think I covered everything in my other reply, but holy hell this is getting ridiculous. I get it, you think I'm just talking BS and that I'm a horrible, stupid person, simply because of my opinion on this matter. This is simply my opinion, nothing more. I am not biased, I just gained a different opinion on this topic based on my experience of playing as Doctor. Never said this is fact or anything. People like you are the real problems on these forums, treating others like crap and attacking them just because they have a different opinion.

    I am also fully aware that most people disagree with me, and I'm totally fine with that. It makes me happy in fact. I can deal with other people's opinions, and respect them. And I even admit that some people made some good points as to why this nerf would be unnecessary, which makes me definitely consider that my nerf might not be needed at all. I'm always open to other people's argumentation.

    Unlike your posts though, that are just created to insult me. In a laughable way I might add.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Well sure they are situation, but it can still be negated.

    I forgot to list three other reasons on why he's a B tier, but here goes:

    1. His anti-loop ability isn't always consistent:

    The Reworked Doctor still suffers what the old doctor had which is a survivor can still vault a window or pallet, or throw down a pallet when using shock thearpy. The Doc mains have complained about this before the rework, yet it still isn't fixed.

    2. Snap-Out of It reducing from Tier 3 to tier 1:

    Idk what the devs were thinking when doing this, but the fact you can go from tier 3 to tier 1 is just why? Before the rework, as a doctor you needed to keep survivors at tier 3 for as long as possible, and keep getting them to tier 3. It's still the same case, as a Doc, to keep survivors off of gens, you need to keep survivors at tier 3, and going from tier 3 to tier 1 is just needing to shock every survivor individually.

    3. Tier 3 madness doesn't do much to a survivor:

    Sure, tier 3 madness prevents a survivor from healing, repairing gens, and interacting with objects, but that's it. In tier 3, they can still save survivors, run loops, and run the killer. To actually get a use out of Tier 3 madness, you need to run the purple add on that stop exhaustion perks at tier 3. Tier 3 madness should automatically stop exhaustion perks, and require a survivor to think more when in this madness state.

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562
    edited January 2020

    I wish it was true. But if that were the case then the ruin nerf wouldn't have been put in so quickly.

    Edit: I wish it was equal for both sides.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Gtfo. Absolutely pathetic if see any more nerfs to n killers I swear to god I will n quit n this game and so will a massive u bunch of others. Your survivor mains have succeeded in destroying the game for the killer and you are still wanting more nerfs.


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Oh look, another little nerd just going crazy over a nerf I suggest.

    I guess you'll have to deal with it though, don't you? These are forums and I am allowed to post on matters I want to post about, and I am allowed to have my own opinion. I even said this is more about if the devs decide that Doctor needs a nerf in the future, and this does not exclude any buffs killers should receive next before nerfing any more killers.

    Also, no I'm not a survivor main.

    Oh and you really think all killers need massive buffs? Even the top tier killers? I could say that sounds pretty killer biased. The weaker ones sure. And many maps need to be made more balanced. But I don't think killers like Hillbilly need any individual buffs.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Well I agree with you there. I do want devs to balance more maps and buff weaker killers before they nerf any other killer. If anything, I just thought that if more people would complain about Doctor not having enough counterplay, this is the change I would like to see.

    No idea why some people here are going absolutely nuts though. I even said in my main post that this more about if the devs decide to nerf Doctor.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean killers have received some nice buffs over the past as well. And with Ruin, honestly I haven't seen many posts about Ruin. I think that change happened because the devs realised that it was much more powerful at low ranks than at high ranks. And I agree that perks shouldn't be so differently powerful depending on the ranks of survivors. I just think the nerf happened to early personally.

    If more maps were reworked, and more weak killers were buffed, this would have been much less of a problem, I'm sure of that.

    The devs do seem to know that maps are still a problem though. So it's not like they are ignoring our feedback now. Maps are one of the biggest balance problems in this game. I can just hope they buff some other weak killers as well in the future.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Could it be because killers are getting killed left right and centre. Killer is starting to b get ti the point nof unplayable sometimes if you played killer even a few times you would notice this. Surely common sense tells you a post like this is gonna cause an uproar especially due to the recent nerf to one of the killers perks which didn't need nerfs. The game is breaking and it's breaking for killers on a more regular basis than survivors.

    Devs: We are gonna fix totem spawn locations

    Dbd killer community : oh that would be good

    Dbd survivor community : oh god ruin is too op even though we can simply destroy it.

    Devs: well let's look at ruin, hang on what it needs is killed

    Devs kill ruin

    Dbd killer community: we need to resort to extremities I.e. Camping, tunneling, early moris, moved etc

    Dbd survivor community: why are killers doing the camping etc

    Devs: pretty good job so far

    3 years down the line

    Killer numbers drop to less than 10% of community

    Rip DBD

    Devs/ I feel we need to look at why our player base is slowly dying

    Previous game file searching

    Devs: oh maybe this is why, why did we listen to baby survivors

    This is basically how it's gone and how it's going.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262


    I really dont want any more killer nerfs

    Sorry you dont like his power to stop loops

    But if you wanna give it a longer delay then make it injure survivors. Because shock is already pointless as is and I might as well just toss a hatchet instead to avoid 3 minute loops.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Pretty much all killers has easy "just run" counterplay, the game is so crazily survivor biased you can only die from your own direct mistakes, so get better at chases and stop trying to nerf things unnecessarily because of your inexperience

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Again this nerf is suggested by me from my experience as playing him, not against him. You can deny it all you want, won't change the factual fact though.

    I do think this game still needs a lot of it's maps better balanced, and there are quite a few killers that still need buffs, especially Leatherface and Clown. But I don't think this game is nearly as survivor sided as you say. There is a fair amount of killers in this game that are still fairly viable, even against really good survivor teams.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Try and shock survivors whenever they are about to reach a pallet, and loop them around pallet loop. Trust me, at most normal loops you'll have to do this two times approximately, and then you'll catch them and get a hit against them. Unlike with old Doc, you can now catch up to survivors whenever they go for another loop if you deny them the pallet with your shock therapy whenever they approach the pallet.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    OP was asking for more of a delay.

    I agree with you that it can be used to help a loop, but so many other killers close gaps better with lunges/dashes/projectiles.

    A nerf like op suggested wouldnt help

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Well I am the OP lol.

    See my only concern is that more and more people will feel like there is too little counterplay against Doc because he can just shock you whenever you approach a pallet, so all you as a survivor can do is keep running around the loop until the Doctor catches up to you and then gets a hit. Which is why I suggested the increased cooldown. This way, survivors could try and dodge your shock, and afterwards still have a short time to reach a pallet or window to use against a Doc.

    This does work occasionally even now, but in most cases, you outposition yourself when trying to dodge Doctor's shock therapy. So by doing that he gets a hit against you anyways. If Doctor had a slightly longer cooldown, survivors that manage to dodge his shock therapy would have a short time where the Doc can't attack them, being able to get to a pallet or vault before he can hit you again.

    Pretty much just making that one counterplay of survivors a bit more viable. But as I said, this is a very early post on this matter and it was more just meant as a just in case post. Just in case the devs do feel like Doctor will need a nerf, I think this would be by far the best way to nerf Doctor. Because he would still be very strong in chases despite this nerf.

    The more I play as him, and especially against him, the more I agree that he doesn't need a nerf though. Some survivors have shown me some good counterplay while playing as him in the meanwhile, and it seems like most people agree that he doesn't need a nerf.

    I think he will only end up needing a nerf if most maps become much fairer for killer. Simply because his map pressure with Static Blast becomes better the smaller a map is, so at some point it might be needed to town down his chase potential just slightly. But we'll see about that.