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I may be a masochist.

perpill Member Posts: 58

This game isn't in a great state. But instead of me letting this get the best of me, I'm trying to use this to learn to keep pushing through as a self development sort of thing.

That being said, I main a killer and I'm Rank 13 (matchmaking is horrible, going against SWF much higher ranked, typically 5-7's) and I don't have the best perks that I seem to need as a killer. However, besides perks, do you know of any YouTuber that teaches you advanced skills? [In depth] How to do the moonwalk and stuff, what pallets are "safe" and "unsafe"? What to do why is it unsafe etc? Maybe even how to end a the loops around wall and stuff too.

Without having the best perks, what Killers would you recommend? I've paid for 3 (Ghost, Leatherface, Pig) and got one with shards (Clown).

Best Answer


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    You'll get a bunch of different recommendations for YouTubers to watch, but I personally like Scott Jund and Otzadarva. Both are killer mains who have not only good knowledge of DBD but are also generally smart, reasonable and model good sportsmanship. Otzdarva (YT: "not Otzdarva") has video strategy and build guides for a variety of killers, and Scott has tutorials like this one covering killer basics like looping. Watching either of them play will also help you to become better when it comes to things like moonwalking. PainReliever is also a good YouTuber whose content focuses largely on tutorials for both sides.

    Regarding safe and unsafe pallets, I can give you a quick rundown. Generally, the safety of a pallet is measured by how easy it is for the killer to bait the survivor into taking a hit once the pallet has been thrown down. Generally, the shorter the loop, the more unsafe the pallet. Some pallets, like the shack pallet, are referred to as "god pallets" because they are so safe it's pretty much impossible to bait the survivor into taking a hit around them, and you're better off just breaking them as soon as they get dropped.

    When you say "without having the best perks", do you mean which killers would we recommend buying if you don't care about who has the best perks, or do you mean which killers would we recommend playing if you don't have any good perks for them, or do you mean which killers should you buy to obtain the best perks?

    If you want killers with good perks, I would recommend Leatherface, Plague, Spirit or Myers. As for which killers are the most enjoyable to play, that really depends on what you personally find fun. Do you enjoy stealth? Tracking? Mobility? Brute force? Controlling survivors? If you let us know what kind of things you value or find fun in killer gameplay, it's easier to recommend someone you'll enjoy.

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    Killers that are still great without buying more? Maybe Hillbilly?

    I like Ghostface because I can legit scare someone, no red light or terror radius.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Watch TrU3Ta1ent. Not only is he one of the greatest DBD players on twitch, but he is incredibly educational with his streaming, and youtube videos. He is also very good at both Survivor and Killer. Everyone tries to hate on him, but I look at it this way - he speaks the truth, he speaks from observations you can clearly see in his videos and streams, and at the same time he isn't sitting there and openly mocking large portions of the community (looking at you Tofu).

    I also suggest Cahla as well, though she doesn't really do "tutorials" for killers per say, but she is fairly good at both Killer and Survivor, again is also an incredibly positive community for the community, and if you're having some bad games - her personality is a great pick me up to get back into the game again. I had a match against her once when I was playing "Friendly Freddy", it was THE funnest match I ever had since I started to play this game.

    Umbra is good at killer, she is also trying to convince everyone to use Shadowborn until DBD decides to add a FOV slider for killers.

    Before anyone comes at me about Tru3Ta1ent, just gonna put it out there - every single one of his "observations" of what was gonna happen to both the game, and community is exactly what did happen. So keep your hate at the door.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Of the killers you have available, Ghostface, Hillbilly, Huntress and Nurse are probably the strongest at base. They all have very different playstyles, obviously, so it depends on what sort of thing you're looking for.

    Nurse is the strongest on potential alone, but she also takes a long time and a lot of patience and resilience to learn, because you probably won't get results with her right away. Huntress is fairly strong and takes a fair amount of work to master, though not as much as Nurse. If you are interested in learning Huntress, Scott Jund is (or was, until recently) a Huntress main and has some really great video tutorials about her.

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    I play on the PS4 so Nurse and Huntress aren't that viable. I'm used to keyboard and mouse so joysticks aren't really my forte and need to blink or throw axes won't work well for me.

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    HillBilly and Ghostface is probably my best bet then.

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    I bought her for surveillance and played as her twice. I really enjoy being able to crouch and scare people and the reverse bear traps are also cool.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    They're tbh, one is a Top-Tier Killer (Billy) and the other is a Mid-Tier Killer with a lot of potential (GhostFace).

    So I don't see you having any issues with learning either or them, plus GhostFace can still be good even without meta perks that slow gen speed down... as for Billy, he doesn't need gen reduction speed perks, all he needs is tracking perks and he's good.

    Something like BBQ & Chili on Billy or even Whispers is good for him when it comes to tracking, anything else like Pop Goes the Weasel or Enduring is good for him, plus Enduring is his perk so you don't need to look far for it.