Ask the Community
The place to go for simple questions.
Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.
Ask the Community
The place to go for simple questions.
Discussion List
- After seeing some posts about the terms we commonly use in game, I thought I'd create a thread with a list of the most common ones - any that need to be added, please comment below and I will add them…
- Welcome to the Ask the Community subforum! This is the place to go if you've got a question you'd like answered. Maybe you're new and wondering how something works, or maybe you're a long time player …
- Ok I just Started Death Slinger and I found some Odd survivors that the Server was lagging only when I'm around a survivor. When I speared a survivor and when I hit hurt it didn't show she was hit at …
- I am partially new to the game I've played since january of this year not counting when I played years ago and stopped and never had much questions on the game until now I am iridescent 2 with 3 pips …
- I was playing Vecna and I saw one of the survivors managed to get the hand of Vecna, I wanted to let them escape so they can get the achievement but I killed the others while ignoring the one with the…
- For months now the OCE player pool has been the target of a hacker group that are holding streamers hostage and all around targeting groups of people and making playing the game nearly impossible. Is …
- To be completely honest, I just love the Marine Guard Nea skin, and I'm mad at myself for not knowing about it earlier. I'm also mad at myself for not having completed Tome 6… Pls help <3
- I don’t have enough knowledge about PCs and I want to know whether or not I will be able to play smoothly before I buy dbd on laptop.
- im on an AMD RX7600 and every round my game crashes and my drivers get corrupted. ive tried everything to updating my drivers, downgrading nothing works. does anyone know how i can fix this?
- I have initialize error on ps5 i can't play what is the problem?my game version isn't 8.6 and can't get new version it says you game is last version
- I cannot access PTB via Steam as always. Is there a password or something? Or it is inaccessible in some regions? Poland specifically.
- I was upgrading my pyramid head and I checked the skins and I realized I have the corrupted skin and I don't know why, it's not part of the DLC and I didn't buy it
- I'm OCE and every time I queue for a new match it always puts me in an EU lobby where I have 350+ ping making the game almost unplayable. Since the last few days of 2v8 I would occasionally be put on …
- This is a clip of a game I just got out of. Was getting some craziness, then it would go right back to normal. You can see me checking my ping immediately after and it showing 50. Did someone spill a …
- I always would play DBD on my ps5, but I now have a PC. I just got PC Game Pass, I downloaded the game through there. I also went to create a Behaviour Account and link it to my PS5 account, but I'm s…
- Just tried knight again for the first time in ages and was reminded why I stopped playing him after being nerfed into the ground. So my question is what playstyle is supposed to work with him
- Hello, this week I've faced many hackers, I've only seened them on survivors side while I play either killer or solo queue and I'm not sure if they have the ability to DC someone. As killer, many time…
- Is it just me or do some killer have exactly the same ping number the whole match? Before I take the time to cut a video for a bug report that shows the killer ping the whole match I wan't to ask you …
- So for like 2 days now, everytime theres more than one survivor on my screen, what is usually 120 fps for me, goes down to 50fps. I updated all of my grapical drivers and I use reshade, but haven't do…
- I've been curious about this for a bit
- Title. I'm curious to see what your opinions are about this. I'll go first: • Certain survivor stealth perks like Bite the Bullet, Lucky Break , Lightweight or Lucky Star. It's hilarious to see the ki…
- A friend can't join a group after 1 game, although he seems to connect, but when choosing a game, he doesn't throw into the 1st lobby, you can't even see neither mine nor his invitations in the lobby
- I am confused. If a survivor misses overcharge you get tokens. If they miss Oppression you don't. If they miss Merciless they don't. It works with some perks but not others? Is the perk bugged? I have…
- If I try to stop gens I end up giving up lots of chases to prevent progress. If I concentrate on chases I get about 8 hooks before the gates are open. occasionally I'll catch someone before they get t…
- Title. I'm a Killer main, giving myself a mini-resolution to play more Survivor in the future. I was reading up some videos that highly recommended having Exhaustion in your builds (saying it's a mist…
- Honestly, I totally understand both sides as a survivor player. Bully SWFs can feel very oppressing to killers, but at the same time really good killers can make survivors feel helpless. I’m sure it’s…
- I've been trying to use the Konami Code on the Start Menu Screen, but when i press left it opens the Daily Rituals Menu, so that "interrupts" the Code. So does that mean you can't input the Konami Cod…
- Hi! Let me start off by saying I love DBD and its lore, to the extreme. That is one of many reasons for me to unlock and complete every single challenge of every single Tome they have ever released. N…
- I'm trying to play survivor more and want to know what I should spend my "hard earned cash" on because I don't know that many good perks to use
- Hey Troubleshooting Crew, So, I've noticed lately that the special DBD server has been giving me the boot and has increased with a five-minute timeout like it's nobody's business since its started doi…
- I have my Steam account linked directly on the BHVR website. However in the actual game it says 'link account'. Does this mean I have to link my BHVR account to the game directly here as well? Or is t…
- I need to change my dbd username on switch because it auto gave me my Nintendo profile name, which has my personal info in it. What do I do??
- When I hit the block button on a profile or player I expect to never be lobbied up with that player again. Does no one else feel the same?
- I would love to be wrong, but I have no idea why I can't figure out how the total BP of a match is calculated. For example, I just played a survivor game, brought BPS (only 1 in the match), and I got …
- Anyone getting this annoying error code when joining a lobby after a match is found??
- i asked this cuz i want all of them ALL OF THEM!!!
- This has been a point of frustration and anger when it comes to the game. I will sometimes go a day or two without the game booting me out but it has been a persistent issue, my internet is not consid…
- Twice today, after escaping and spectating in 2v8, Killers trapped one last Survivor in a corner where they cannot leave. The Killers just stand and bodyblock while rapidly nodding their head up and d…
- Hi my husband wasn't able to buy TCOFS when it came out and were just wondering if we buy it now will he still get the dbd cosmetics?
- I didn't play for a long time, bought a lot of perks in the early shrine of secrets. I know I bought Bond but never touched Dwight. Yet his page says it's not unlocked. Is there a reliable way to see …
- Or does someone know when the roadmap for those things drops?
- I just played a game where the legion had no red stain the entire game, from the start to the end. She had a terror radius some of the time, but even when so, she didn't have a red stain. I watched he…
- So I play on Xbox, and I main Legion. I have been playing him recently after a long break and I noticed that sometimes killer instinct doesn't show. Recently I had a match when a survivor was right ab…
- Every few months when 2v8 kicks up. Its a reunion for me. I get to play DBD with a friend were we always link up and find each other. I would love to be able to write them but they are on PC and I am …
- Today, the store has a screenshot from rift for a Moment from the collection "Autumn Chill" where she is a student. I remember that it had a dark version from the "Deep Gap" collection where it had da…
- Feel free to use this as a guidebook on why you BM! My question is: what do I have to do to not deserve it? I'm seemingly belittled by my opponents when I win, when I lose, when I run a weak build, a …
- Hey everyone, Just wanted to know what happened to Adams black suit? I can't see it in store. Was it removed?
- I tried the Ultra quality for the graphics then the game crashed. Now the game get stucks on startup and then crashes again after a few minutes. Then I'll see the pop up: Game Security Violation Detec…
- When this happens I can't even pull up task manager to force close DBD, I have to sign out of my computer. It has only ever happened while playing DBD and it has only gotten more frequent. Sometimes i…
- just learned about the Vic Viper charm today and I tried having Pyramid Head in the lobby and tried to do the Konami code on my Xbox Series X version of DBD but each time I do it, one of the following…
- For a good while now I'll be In a match then it disconnects and says connection to the server has been lost but it gives me a penalty like I quit its beyond frustrating when the penalties stack up to …
- If I used these perks together would generators within the Surge limit of 32 meters lose 18%? 10% from Eruption and 8% from Surge?