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Red rank killers: How often do you actually go against four good loopers?

I raise this question as I see a lot of posts saying how much time it wastes of the killers time going after a good looper. Every time I read one of these posts, I just think why are they chasing that survivor? Is there not a weaker survivor they could be chasing instead?

The only time you should commit to chasing a good survivor at the start of the game is if all four survivors are strong, with no obvious weak link. Going against four good survivors is a pain and a frustrating experience for the killer, but how often do you actually go against four good survivors?

Even at red ranks the majority of my games of my games I have one or two good loopers, with the rest of the survivors being potatoes. With the new rank reset there are now more potatoes at red ranks. I'll ignore the good survivors and focus my attention on the potatoes. I'll only go after the good survivors near the end of the game, when the potatoes are dead, the majority of the pallets have been wasted.

Again, I ask how often do you actually go against four good survivors at red ranks?

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  • Member Posts: 583

    Theres always a weak link. I do go against quite a few strong loopers though

  • Member Posts: 583

    At most I've had 2 that really stood out to me. Typically I notice these people do incredibly good during the loops so I go chase someone else and stack the odds

  • Member Posts: 167

    Even if survs can loop for 30 seconds it's enough to lose a Gen or 2

  • Member Posts: 621
    edited January 2020

    I'm a Hillbilly main, I play a lot of Leatherface too. What I like to do is when a survivor gets to a pallet, I'll rev my chainsaw if they drop the pallet I'll happily continue the chase, if they keep running I might start considering switching targets.


    Yeah it happens. I once had two gens pop and all I did was down a baby dweet and carried him to the basement. I didn't even chase him, I saw him and I downed him. I still won the game though. (Was on Springwood, a long walk out of the basement).

  • Member Posts: 142

    1/30 games I guess. It's pretty rare to see 4 good loopers in single match these days.

    Min. 1 good looper - 1/5 games I would say.

  • Member Posts: 1,611
    edited January 2020

    Honestly? Since the new matchmaking logic rolled in, never. There's always at most 2 good survivors, the rest being either Blendettes or just downright bad at the game.

    Before the new matchmaking, maybe once every 100 games.

    Just today I played as Doctor vs one very good Yui and 3 complete potatoes. I just ignored the Yui and killed everyone else before 2 gens were fully done. I felt bad for her and have her hatch afterwards. She and one more survivor were red ranks and the two other were purple btw. Rank has little to no correlation to skill in this game.

  • Member Posts: 240

    Good loopers can only do so much late game when there aren't many pallets left so it's hard to gauge their skill.

  • Member Posts: 169

    Well, haven't played in two months so I'm not Red anymore, but I remember it being rare that there was no weak link in a match. Typically 2 out of 4 would be good loopers. Bear in mind, this was on console which, as far as I know of, has a much higher percentage of 4-man SWF's as well. So thanks to frame rate issues and communication, even a bad looper would make enough time for a gen to pop.

  • Member Posts: 85

    Usually one maybe two per match but I'd say it really depends on the map. If I'm on a farm map then everyone is a decent looper because its quite easy to run to a god loop into a safe pallet into cow tree into killer shack etc etc. Its way less noticeable on other maps but on some maps I almost feel like I'm more so trying to beat the map rather than the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Maybe 25% or less of red ranks I face actually know how to loop well.

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