Hex: Unseen Terror - suggestion

Let all totems (including dull ones) emit a 32 meter terror radius after 30 seconds have elapsed in the game.

Its nice because it confuses survivors and gives them a choice to destroy them or ignore them. If they destroy them, then this suggested perk can be combo-ed with haunted ground. If they ignore them, then the killer gains cover in a sense.

I think this perk wouldn't be too OP because the fact that they emit a terror radius means that they are easier to find. Thereby having negative synergy with Devour Hope, Ruin, and some of the other totems. Additionally, players can ignore the totems and deal with the heart beat, but I suspect the majority of players would get rid of them.

The only big downside would be that if players choose to ignore the totems, then the terror radius can be annoying, especially if it became quite popular.

A consideration!


  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I'd take this as a survivor perk tbh

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    That's a weird outlook. It seems the perk would put you at a disadvantage no?

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2020

    Stake out, diversion, and borrowed time, trigger in terror radius

    so all my skillchecks are fantastic and I can constantly throw rocks to annoy the killer and do a true save no matter how far the killer is or if a hag teleports back it's still borrowed time.

    And I can now always find totems without needing small game to quickly pop out lit hexes or kill noed.

    Yeah I'd use this perk as survivor pretty often

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    Wow, I didn't realize the synergy it had with other survivor perks. This puts the concept in a bad light, because it doesn't make sense to give survivors a perk that puts a terror radius on totems. And no killer would run it because of the fact that survivors could take advantage of it.

    I mean, we do have dark devotion though, which is a similar concept.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2020

    So hard question to answer

    How much does the terror radius matter?

    Does it actually scare survivors or alert them to move ?

    On killers that hide the terror radius like wraith mike or pig would this matter ?

    On loud chainsaw killers or hag or trapper would any of this fit the killer power or change any behavior?

    Can the new doctor shock the entire map since his blast is his terror radius? Or render the add ons/ perks that simulate terror pointless

    How annoying would it be to listen to the entire map thump instead of all the new chase music ? Would the constant thump break emerson of all the spooky background noise ?

    32m across all totem spawns that's X6 including yourself

    So 192 meters is thumping at all times


  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    Yeah, I think 32 away from a hex totem is way to big of a number. I think it should be, like 2 meters away, or basically right in front of the thing. It would have the same intensity as being 32 meters from the killer.

    Diversion wouldn't be too great, because you could achive the same effect by just cleasing the totem. And Borrowed Time wouldn't work unless there's a totem right next to the hook, which I believe does not occur in DBD naturally. Stake out, on the other hand, would be a good counter for this perk, since you can trade off between cleaning totems and doing gens.

    It wouldn't scare survivors to move, it would just keep them on edge, making it harder to tell if the killer is closing in on the survivor.

    Doc can use it to shock anyone who's in the middle of doing a cleanse with his static blast. It wouldn't affect hillbilly's or leatherface's ability at all.

    This would be a bad perk to bring for wraith, as people don't depend on terror radius too much, but rather look for a distorted figure to tell if they're in danger. Pig and Myers wouldn't be affected too much I don't think.

    All in All, this sounds like a cool idea. I would probably put an additional of clause of 'increase the amount of time it takes to cleanse a totem'.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I mean... 2m is just small game but put in the killer spot.

    If its changed not to synergize with anything... ruff.

    The main concept OP wants is a hex that gives killer cover kinda with... like 12 downsides... I cant see that being useful to anyone but survivors.

    It doesnt help in a chase or finding or killing... so to me it doesn't help killers at all.

    I ask... how useful is hiding a killer ?

    Doesnt insidious do the job better then a hex ? Or dark D does this in a chase

    And so does doctor and hag add ons

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    With gen times as killer you have roughly 6 minutes to get 12 hooks to end the match.

    Does this perk give me time ? No.

    Does this perk help me kill ? No.

    Sorry ur not suppose to 4k. I forgot this update... you got 1minute to get each of 6 hooks while ignoring two players completely and just tunneling two does this perk help that?

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    No, it doesn't. It's another low - mid tier perk suggestion really. And you would see a totem before it's terror radius effect would kick in, by my version of it at least. You don't want killer perks synergizing with survivor perks.

    I have another idea, forget the terror radius. What about doubling the time it takes to cleanse a totem, and afflicting survivors with oblivious status effect as long as they're cleansing it? Seems a little bit stronger and would be great on stealth killers.