I have a question. What survivor is good to start with?

So i mainly play killer when i have the time, and i was wanting to start survivor since some of my friends have got the game during the sale/free weekend. And i was wondering which is a good one to level up.Thanks
Meg. She has the best exhaustion perk for beginners and two other fun perks to use. She also has the widest variety of cosmetics to choose from.
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I was thinking claudette, cause yes meg looks fun and all and has decent looking cosmetics, everyone plays her ive noticed.
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I started as claudette and tbh although self care is very nice for newer survivors not getting used to using exhaustion perks early can be detrimental. If you want to be altruistic/able to heal yourself she is a good choice. Her cosmetics are a bit quirky but you'll probably find something you like. P3 claudette is good for stealth on a lot of maps too.
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Can i play with you sometime maybe too, i been trying to find more survivor friends/players, And thanks for the answers so far. Helps me get an idea.
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I started with Claudette. It really gets you in the mood. Otherwise I suggest Dwight since his teachables are good too. I prefer the healing perks tho 😉
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Okay, thanks for the reply as well, ill keep that in mind. 😃
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Sorry, I only have dbd on xbox. I don't really know how to find people to play with on other platforms, but I'm sure there plenty of people on the forums who would be happy to help.
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oh okay, thanks. I wasnt sure if you play it on steam.
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Easy: Claudette, Meg, Feng Min, Kate, Nea
Medium: Tapp, Jeff, Quentin, Dwight, Bill, Yui, Nancy, Adam, Jane
Hard: Jake, David, Laurie, Ace, Ash, Steve
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Yeah no worries, good luck to you.
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Thank you, you too!
Okay thank you for your answer!
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I would put nea as easy and bill as medium. Great list.
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Consoles: Feng Min(good for everything), and then the ones below
PC: Meg(boldness), Claudette(altruism), Dwight(objectives) Feng Min is not free on PC
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Okay thank you for your answer, ill keep that list in mind too!
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I think @Archimedes5000 put it best. It depends what kind of playstyle you want to go for, because each of the original survivors is good for different things. Meg is good for a bold, aggressive playstyle, Claudette is good for altruism, Dwight is good for completing objectives and Nea and Jake are both good for stealth. Every one of them has at least one teachable perk that's worth getting.
Incidentally, if you're looking for more people to play with, you can try posting in the Looking For Players subforum: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/looking-for-players
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i wanna go for sneakyish, boldness, and able to help people, so im starting to learn more towards claudette
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Haha that sounds like Adam's perks. Adam is my favorite original creation survivor.
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hahaha, thats cool. I dont know if i wanna buy him tho, and he doesnt have alot of cosmetics.
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Yea I wouldn't go for him...he has few cosmetics and his perks are very situational. You might want feng tho, she's got a good cosmetic selection and has good perks to help beginners to survivor.
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hmm thats a thought, idk tho something is leading me to claudette, and she is kinda innocent looking too! 🤗
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hmm thats a thought, idk tho something is leading me to claudette, and she is kinda innocent looking too! 🤗
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hmm thats a thought, idk tho something is leading me to claudette, and she is kinda innocent looking too! 🤗
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If you want to try Claudette, go for Claudette! Perks honestly aren't extremely important - you can still do well without them, they're just nice to have and make things a bit easier. In my opinion, when it comes to survivors, it's more important that you play someone you enjoy playing as a character.
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Go for it, it's all preference. There is no best survivor to start with, there is only the best survivor for YOU to start with.
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Okay thanks i will start to lvl claudette. THanks for helping me, and i will look at the forum link for people to play with, Thanks!
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Play Dwight and use bond to sandbag your teammates. You won't need any exhaustion perks when they are the ones being hooked am I right?
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I started a new account for fun on Xbox, and I started that one with David King. Dead Hard is the most universally applicable Exhaustion perk, and if you can get saves, We're Gonna Live Forever will get you easy bloodpoints.
Other than that? Dwight and Claudette. A lot of people will criticise others for running Self Care in higher ranks, but it's a good insurance policy. A "just in case" type of perk. Bond is also fantastic, and Prove Thyself is also good BP farming.
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It depends on what your play style is. I say
Objective based is Feng. The reasons are her perks. Lithe is to gain distance from the killer after vaulting windows. Alert is to show you where the killer is at when they are breaking pallets and gens. Finally, Technician. The perk helps you learn the soon to be easy skill checks and has a chance to silence explosions from missed ones
Healer is Claudette. She can heal faster with Botany Knowledge and heal herself with Self-Care. She can see the injured with Empathy
Team Player is Dwight. His perks can see teammates near you, Bond. Do gens slightly faster with some extra bloodpoints, Prove Thyself. Also Leader, which does everything else faster but your team does it faster not you.
These are my Top 3 survivors that would start with, personally. Good luck and try to have fun!
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In terms of which one to level up, it depends on what kinds of perks you want to use. Everyone else has probably already covered that above me.
In terms of playing, I would say, whatever you do, don't choose Claudette. She has natural camouflage that lets her disappear in some areas just by crouching, and it will teach you bad habits in terms of stealthing (or you may just become reliant on her camouflage; the devs have tried to nerf it before by brightening her up a bit, and they may do it again, so you don't want to get reliant on it). If you do play as her because you like her character, at least wear something that's bright (not her default outfit, because even that is pretty blendy).
That's just my suggestion. Claudette in dark clothes is often considered "easy mode," so playing as her may not help you build the skills you need to get better at survivor. Survivors who are good at stealth can have bright pink hair and still never be seen by the killer.
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Laurie - her perk object of obsession lets you see the killer whenever you choose, very useful for new survivors to not get caught by surprise.
David - no mither helps you pick yourself up unlimited times and avoid being slugged at all.
Run them together for a formidable build
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Ahhh you can't be serious mate!
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Feng Min's Perks:
- TECHNICAN: generators you are working on are more silent, there is 30/40/50% chance to NOT alert the killer when you fail a skillcheck.
Killers can tell if someone is working on a generator based on noise it makes, this perk makes it harder, but more importantly it lets you hear Killers Heartbeat way earlier than killer can hear you. This allows you to WALK away from the generator and not leave any scratch marks.
Killer gets notified every time survivior misses a skillcheck revealing the durviviors location, and beginners miss a lot, so this perk can save you a few times.
- LITHE: after vaulting, you can sprint at 150% speed for 3 seconds, but it leaves you exhausted for 60/50/40 seconds.
Most beginner friendly exhaustion perk, unlike Sprint Burst it does not require exhaustion menagement and is triggered only when you want it to be.
- ALERT: after the Killer kicks a generator/pallet, you can see his aura for 3/4/5 seconds
It allows you to see the killer searching for you after kicking the generator or during a chase, thanks to that you can make a decision where to escape based on killers movements and make less mistakes.
Post edited by Archimedes5000 on0 -
I'm on PS4 if you need more ppl to be in your squad. I'm also, normally, a killer main but I know the ins and outs