Can we tone it down?

New lerys looks cool and all... But it's still lerys at the end of the day. Getting it 2 or 3 matches in a row and then a match on another map only to go right back to lerys is getting old. Can they change up the rng on it just a lil bit?
Odd that I'm getting it about 70 percent of the time now since the update.
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That I can believe. That's my only kind of luck lol.
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Whenever they release a new map, they do apparently increase the chances of getting that map in the rotation. This is for a couple of reasons, mainly because it allows everyone to properly experience and get used to playing on the new map, and also because it allows the developers to more easily collect statistics about how the new map is performing in terms of things like kill/escape rate. It's possible that they might have done the same thing with Lery's.
I believe the way it works is that the percentage chance of getting the map drops off slowly over time, so you are most likely to get it on the day of release and then less and less likely with every subsequent day. Give it a couple of weeks, and Lery's will be back down to having the same chance of appearing as every other map.
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I made a thread about this the other day too.
Its definitely feels like its had its pickrate increased. Not sure why some people are saying its not happening to them though?
For me, like yourself it will be lerys, macmillan, lerys, The game, lerys, lerys, haddonfield, lerys
@Peanits Could you confirm if the chances of lerys has been increased at the moment?
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This is exactly my experience as well. I guess if you play a couple games a day it helps to get use to the new map. But someone like me who plays a lot it's driving me insane lol.
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Everyone is getting tired of playing on Lery's.
To put things into perspective, I'm a Hillbilly main. Most my games have been on Lery's. 😡
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Mines too! I hope it finally changes tonight and I finally win the Powerball!
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"Bad luck" seems to happen every time a new map drops or is reworked.
Theyve stated before that they CAN adjust how often certain maps spawn. So it's not unrealistic to assume they do it on new maps.
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Yeah no thats not true for the event week, they gave lerys a huge re work so for it's new release they upped the spawn rate much higher, I seriously can't play without getting LÉRYS 4/5 matches. It's super annoying because I never liked the map in the first place and I still don't, I only manage to escape 1-2 times of the 5 lerys matches I play
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Nah, ill take lerry's every time outside of oni and billy over playing some cornfield for the 10,000th time.
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AFAIK, the chances of getting the new map - in this case Léry's - drop with every day and go to normal after 10 days.
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You could have my luck. Play 6 survivor matches. 4 of them on lerys. Back to back games as hag on rotten fields. 😭
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Same here! Mostly Lery matches for me since the update.