nice they listed alot of future weak perk buffs

Excited to see what they do to vigil and technician
was monstrous shrine one of them? i cant watch the stream because im in class.
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Sadly not the poor boy will get buffed one day):
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Nice, where can I find it
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this was posted on the reddit
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OK, thankyou
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Wait why only 1 killer Perk
Post edited by WhTe_Tygre_DBD on4 -
finally they buff weak perks instead of nerfing the good ones.
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I agree with all of them but "This is not happening". It's already great. The 30% taller great skillchecks is awesome.
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Yea, mostly survivor perks....
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would have been nice to see a monstrous shrine buff):
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It sucks, but honestly in the end it works out better for killers. Less meta perks from survivors. Because honestly, outside the meta most survivor perks are terrible.
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will slippery meat become a meta perk kekw
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Slippery meat needs a nerf more than anything. Literally the most busted perk in the game
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Yeah would've
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Looks like monstrous shrine is fine in devs' eye lol
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Basement Bubba too op plz nerf!
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These are all the listed perks for future changes?
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2? All i see is Cruel Limits.
Technician, Vigil, TINH, Small game, Slippery meat and Any Means Necessary are all survivor.
1 Demogorgon perk buff 6 survivor
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Killer perks (even the weaker ones) are much more stronger than survivor perks (excluding few exceptions).
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I think they keep it for the memes where it is.
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What buff could Any Means Necessary receive? I feel as a survivor and killer player, the 2 minute maximum cooldown is appropriate as to not abuse pallet resetting so quickly.
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which is good right? id rather see survivors run something other then the OP meta then see some killer perks getting buffed personally.
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So few pallets get left to lift that I don't see the cooldown having anything to do with the fix.
I'm worried this rework is gonna translate into rebuilding broken pallets...that's terrifying.
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It doesn't help killers by adding more meta perks to survivors because if they're not as good as the other ones survivors still won't run them and if they are then that's more perks the killer has to worry about
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He said only 1 killer perk is there another killer perk that they're doing that he forgot to mention.
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Yeah but those "few" exceptions are more than you think and those exceptions are more powerful than the strong killer perks
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I think it was only 1 killer perk though(cruel limits If I remember correctly). Because we all know monstrous shrine is an S+ purple perk
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Yes it does. It adds more perk variety and somewhat pushes away some of the meta perks. The reason the meta is this longstanding is because of a lack of other good survivor perks outside of like 8 which are almost used every game.
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2? I only see 1
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So it adds more powerful perks for survivor so they have more perks to choose from that are just as good as adrenaline, bt, ds and etc. This does not help killers because if they're as good then the killer has to guess on which perk the survivor has and has to play around more perk potentials that's not better because at least now we know what the survivors are running and can at least try to play around it. It makes absolutely no sense that giving the already stronger side even more great perks will make the weaker side stronger. If they're as strong then they become a problem and if they aren't then the already strong perks will just continue to be used
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most likely they’ll reduce the amount of time it takes to pick up the pallet, that’s my main guess.
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Highly unlikely.
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The current meta are the strongest perks in the game, and are all second chance perks. These buffs will very likely not make them as strong as the current meta. And yes, it does make sense that giving survivors stronger perks helps the killer. They will not be as strong as BT, DS, DH or Adrenaline. I can almost guarantee that, because the chances of them becoming second chance perks is next to none. Like I said, more perk options means diversity of loadouts, and because the perks won't be as strong as the current meta, this change doesn't hurt killers.
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Yeah same but still sucks that only 1 killer perk will get a update.
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I can only speak for myself but buffing weaker perks has changed my loadout. I dropped DS for kindred and adrenaline for Detective's Hunch after the buff. I think it will encourage non-meta builds except with your few diehards. The ner f to BL has already decreased its use. Dedicated servers have done more to decrease DH use. BT will probably always be in heavy rotation though.
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This was the one that concerned me too. The last thing killers need is instantly resetting pallets. The perk itself was a terrible idea and the only silver lining is that is never used.
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TBF BL was used because it was abusable and far stronger than the other exhaustion perks, in that it had a major passive effect even when exhausted.
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I know why it was nerfed. The few ruin everything for the many, same as with Forever Freddy, I'm just pointing out that things are changing. Meta perks on both sides are changing by buff or nerf.
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To be fair killer have a lot of powerful perks that aren’t meta.
survivors only have meta perks or trash/gimmick perks.