Getting annoyed of seeing all the "DBD Unplayable" threads because of Ruin nerf

Many people have been talking about games going too quickly, lower tier killers being unusable, and ruin being the only thing that held the game together...
Have I been playing the same DBD? Because last time I checked things that everyone is talking about making the game horrible isn't happening to me even though i've been playing daily at rank 1. Sure there is the occasional broken match of OoO gen rusher swf that loops like the top .5% of players and games like that usually end in either camping and tunneling for the 3 or 4k or just a 2k off of that's what the game is balanced for... but even then that's the far MINORITY of games... at least for me.
I'm finding it hard to understand how this ruin change has RUINED Dbd when all it has done is expose a bunch of scrubby red rank killer that got carried there because daddy ruin bought them their precious time that they couldn't pressure themselves. Maybe people need to realize instead of the game being the issue... it's perhaps... THEM that's the issue... no way right! It couldn't possibly be... THEIR fault could it?
DBD has balancing issues that's for sure, but can these clowns stop pretending it's 2016 all over again and you can't even hook 1 survivor before over half the gens pop. How about don't chase someone for 2 or 3 gens and go apply pressure somewhere else. I saw a post that mentioned demogorgon being unplayable... as an avid demo screecher I can confirm this to be very false along with many other killers scrubs have deemed unplayable as well just because they aren't your generic top tier killer that is ez to get 4k's with aka. spirit.
There are other slowdown perks that can be used in tangent and they work amazing if you.. guess what... apply pressure.
TLDR: Git Gud and Apply pressure, Ruin Carried alot of these fake red rank killers.
You seem to be unable to comprehend why people actually despise the ruin nerf. Maybe go read it again, btw really cringe b8.
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XD finally the day I kept telling ppl to stop using Ruin and actually try to improve has happened. Still at a bad time tho tbh.
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Yeah I understand why the smart ones despise it, the nerf isn't the greatest at all...
But there are still plenty of carried killers that disliked the change for the reasons above, and got carried by it
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Agreed. Ruin wasn't the only slowdown available and did hardly anything versus experienced survivors. CI and PGTW for example were much better.
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Getting annoyed of seeing the devs make poor decisions.
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Well lets see, as most of the killers have no map presence and BHVR keeps making larger maps that favor survivors, without slowdown perks those killers are severely weakend. The fact is that its the tip of the iceberg as BHVR wants to nerf even more slowdown perks, taking more power away from already weak killers. Wheras survivors still have BT, which just got buffed, and DS, which is still super strong after the nerf, and honestly in some ways even stronger then it was before. SUre medkits got nerfed, but really only one got actually nerfed, the other one is still an extra health state for 15 seconds that has no counterplay. Keys are still a problem while moris have been nerfed. I, and I am sure other killer mains like me, are just tired of it.
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You know I could go on but don't you find it odd to tell killers to git gud, when the reason for the change is survivors being too bad to hit great skillchecks (they couldn't git good at all lul).
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The medkits actually got buffed, the only nerf was those 2 addons. The medkits heal other survivors much faster now. Agree on your point though.
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Ill never understand why people get annoyed by threads about Ruin or any other subject. You have the option to simply skip over the tread and not read it.
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That's such a generalization of the actual reason. A perk that effects people differently based on their skill level isn't healthy for the game in any way, shape or form.
It also required no interaction on the Killer's part, which was another motivation for the change.
The ruin change will lead to map changes/objective changes/ something now that the devs can see the actual stats without ruin.
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If survivors don't hit greats ruin is too strong, if they do ruin is too weak. It deserved a change.
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Actually, requiring skill to do thing is a good thing, as it requires players to...practice and improve? But apparently thats only killers who need to 'git gud'. Survivors get a free pass.
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Troll thread, not just "because of ruin nerf" actually most people have moved on from that, and admitted that the dev's and balancing team was right when they said "There are better ways to apply map pressure". Which there is. Surprisingly I changed my builds from using Ruin to Surveillance and have still been getting a Silver and higher in Gatekeeper, and overall my experience playing killer has become better.
The threads are mostly about map balance, swf, and not getting rewarded for playing well in other areas. Then there are threads about Gen Speeds, but the dev's and a portion of the community already understand that gen speed isn't the issue, the map sizes are.
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They are nerfing synergy between gen slowdown perks to see how fast gens go but that's ultimately the problem people are complaining about
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Why isn't it healthy? Do you want DH changed cause noobs are too stupid to use it? #########. Affects also killers diffrently, based on their skill and powers (rip nurse).
Too strong? You all act like it wasn't a hex that was cleansed during the game anyway. I mean sure no hex:ruin would be insane but since it was a hex it was fine even for people too bad to hit a skillcheck.
Do you consider this a good balance decision? It is the most dumbest i could think of. Imagine what comes after this, new survivors too dumb to loop... we forbid killers to chase them in the next update. The survivor gets invulnerability via pressing alt+f4 instead of rage quitting.
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Agreed. I can be a mediocre survivor and be rank 3-4 and be a mediocre killer stuck at rank 8 to 9. Difference is I have to bust my ass to get the black pip on killer and can breeze by on survivor. That's a problem but the dev's don't address it because they get the ok from majority of their playerbase that's it's fine.
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You ignore the too weak part. Ruin was too weak at high ranks where killer mains demand the most balance changes.
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I doubt it was too weak, to me it was balanced. The devs ignored the too weak part as well, i mean it is still a hex with little to no effect at all. Seems like a good trade. /S
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People are really sleeping on the new Ruin. It's actually still a very good perk, especially combined with Surveillance. If you play a killer that can scramble survivors or push them off gens from a distance it is very strong. Basically any time you catch a survivor on that gen you save time kicking the gen AND chances are it will fully regress before that survivor or another come around to repair it.
I've already had games where it's like "we need to find this Ruin or we won't get out". The only MAJOR difference between it and old Ruin is that you need to actively push survivors off the gens for it to be useful. If you NEVER pressure gens then yea it will seem useless. A lot of killers never learned this skill because old Ruin did the pressuring for them. Then they come hear and complain instead of trying to pressure gens. If you pressure gens with new Ruin you can slow down the game IMMENSELY.
And for alternative options, Thana, Pop, Sloppy, Dying Light... all these perks do a good job too. But all of them require some skill on the killers end to get benefit from, hence why a lot of killers don't like them or new Ruin. They don't want to put in the effort to defend gens, they just want to find survivor - chase survivor - down survivor - hook survivor, like a bot.
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And so they made it even weaker at high ranks? At least old ruin denied the great skill check 2% progression, new ruin literally does nothing at high ranks because good survs know when they can stick to gens.
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Its true.
When killers commit to chasing one survivor for 5 minutes now the gens actually get done. No more Ruin to carry them.
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"Literally does nothing"
Auto kick gens at all times with 2x effectiveness...seems like nothing to me.
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Must be nice, you don't even have to bother to try to hit great skill checks anymore. :)
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"literally does nothing at high ranks because good survs know when they can stick to gens."
And cool, double regression rate... oh wait that's still half the rate a survivor repairs a generator at. You patrol a gen, keep the survivor off of it for 10s, he gets the regressed amount back in 5s, such a good perk.
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A free 5 sec just for patrolling? That's pretty good tbh.
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Well, about as "free" as the time you spend patrolling is, and you maybe get to patrol a gen twice before it finishes. I dunno why I'm even bothering with you, you've shown you're nothing but a troll.
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I'm getting annoyed at seeing cringey posts that are annoyed by people expressing valid opinions. So that makes two of us.
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How am I trolling? 5 sec per patrol is pretty nice especially coupled with the huge amount of regression you get from hooking a survivor next to a gen.
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Only a very small minority or people are in the forums compared to the playerbase. Alot of people play swf with atleast 1 ither person so yes a lot of the games can be really easy now.
That's not to say killers cant stomp. Ranking is pathetically easy for survivor now so there are a lot of potatoes are in red ranks.
What most people dont like is that lack of competitive gameplay at the real high ranks. Especially since red ranks keep getting green rank killers it just seems kinda boring.
I've been kinda goofing off and doing challenges... not really caring if I die. Tho it does get boring fast so i only play an hour or so at a time now.
Hopefully the devs will shrink map size and make more pallets unsafe so we can all play more of the real game. The interaction between the killer and survivor. Not holding m1 simulator. Lol.
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I don't know about unplayable, but the game has gotten a lot worse since then for sure.
The community has grown more divided and toxic, killer players have started struggling a lot in games, survivors have started getting camped/tunneled/mori'd more frequently as killers are getting desperate to accomplish even one kill in their match, survivors have grown extra toxic in chats and forums because of all that.....
Just as a whole it's obviously been unpleasant and the nerf has not been transitioned well.
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They nerfed the speed addons as well.
As for the OP. While I agree that at least some killers were carried by Ruin. And are now mad because in reality they weren't as good as they thought. Gens do go too fast in general. And we need something added to the game to take some of that pressure off of killers.
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I'd love to see OP play Myers, Trapper, or any killer that has a slow startup time against a competent genrush team on comms. It would actually be satisfying to watch his lie be exposed.
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Unplayable? Nah. Hilariously unfun, sweaty and tedious? Yes, very much so if going against a team of equivalent skill.
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New Ruin is arguably more annoying than old Ruin, especially for solos.
Old Ruin - work on a gen. miss a skillcheck or two. Killer manages to stop me before its finished thanks to the delay but that progress is there.
New Ruin - do half a gen. Killer hooks a survivor then comes over to me, chases me away, by the time I’ve evaded the killer and maybe healed ALL progress on the gen is gone.
Of course killer mains dont see this because they’ve never gone against it. They just see 2 gens popping on the edge of the map assume Ruin is worthless and that the game is a loss.
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This is 100 accurate on why ruin got changed to begin with. Well said.
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It's not healthy because either ruin is completely useless against good survivors or it decimates bad survivors. DH usage is situational and you get to choose when to do it. Old ruin is just there.
Survivors have to practice various things to improve, such as how to properly run loops, when to make saves, flashlight saves, etc etc. Ruin literally just destroyed bad players and did nothing to good players. Such bad design for the health of the game. Glad it was changed to affect everyone equally regardless of skill.
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You realize killers have to learn loops to know how to properly run and mindgame them too, right? They have to practice their own techniques, same as a survivor, if they want to be good killers as well.
DH is "just there" as a button you push to fix a mistake you made at a loop and instead of getting punished, you get out free. DS is "just there" BT is "just there" Unbreakable is "Just there" Adrenaline is "just there", all of which have massive impacts on the killer and the way they apply pressure or manage the time in the game.
I'll never understand how people can justify nerfing something because "Bad players were bad" All this time we tell the killers to just "git gud" and pretend it's fine for these survivors to just always be bad. Wow. Being punished for being bad? Find a totem, hit a skillcheck, or power through the bit of regression? It's all too much! Imagine expecting bad players to get better, or new players to improve. Instead we sit here and pretend every killer to use Ruin was a bad killer using a crutch perk. Total ignorance.
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It's time to let go. Old Ruin isn't coming back :)
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When you know you've no response but still wanna get the last word in. :)
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I can respond, but I'm bored of the argument. His opinion will not change, neither will mine. What's the point in continuing the discussion?
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Totally agree with you, and what people don't realize is you can't just start playing a new killer you've never played before and expect to 4k every match (at least if you're in the red ranks) like, every single killer in this game takes time to learn. I started playing Demogorgon today for the first time since he was released and I dropped from rank 2 to rank 4, so then I said fck it I'll go back to playing Freddy because I'm a Freddy main and I got back to rank 2 again. To all of you killer mains complaining about not being able to play every killer because of ruin I'm talking to you, you need to learn how to play that killer before you start getting 3k or 4k
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I didn't say the survivors were any more skilled. I'm say Ruin helped carry alot of killers. Which gave them a false impression as to where their skill level was at.
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Ah, another "git gud" post. Yeah I'm one of the elite 20% real red rank killers who can easily 4k every game no perks no addons. 80% of fake pleb killers should learn to play and pressur geens.
DS, BT on the other hand are not carrying anyone and are pretty weak perks. Hell, they are basically useless to survivors.
Also, new Ruin is trash tier. If you pair it up with surveillance it's kinda usable on mobile killers as long as Ruin stays alive. It's as strong as gen kick. If you leave a kicked gen forever it will also degen (shockingly).
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Good thing you need a specific scenario to prove your point.
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Stop being toxic.